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21 entries

Publikationen - Prof. Dr. Gabriel Lee

  • Beitr?ge in referierten Zeitschriften / Refereed papers in Journals
  • Buchbeitr?ge / Papers in books
  • Monographien
  • Arbeitspapiere, graue Literatur, Sonstiges / Working papers, gray literature, other publications

Beitr?ge in referierten Zeitschriften / Refereed papers in Journals

“Estimating the price of residential land in German Counties” (2021) with Stefanie Braun (Univ. of Regensburg) (forthcoming in Regional Science and Urban Economics)

“Uncertainty, Financial Development, and FDI Inflows: A Global Evidence” (2021) with Nguyen Phuc Canh (Univ of Economics, HCMC) (forthcoming in Economic Modelling)

“On the Measure of Private Rent Regulation Index and Its Effects on Housing Rents: Cross-Country Evidence”, (2020) with Jan Philip Weber, in? International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, Vol. 13 No. 4, pages. 635-659.

“Risk Shocks with Time-Varying Higher Moments”, (2020)? with Victor Dorofeenko (I.H.S.), Johannes Strobel (Univ of Frankfurt), and Kevin Salyer (Univ. of California, Davis). in Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, Vol 24, Issue 2, 20180028, eISSN 1558-3708,?DOI:?https://doi.org/10.1515/snde-2018-0028.

"A New Measure of Real Estate Uncertainty Shocks" (2020) with Binh Nguyen-Thanh (R.M.I.T.) and Johannes Strobel (Univ of Frankfurt), in Real Estate Economics? , Vol 48(3), Pages 744-771

“Effects of Macroeconomic Uncertainty and Labor Demand Shocks on the Housing Market”, (2020) with Johannes Strobel (Univ of Frankfurt) and Binh Nguyen-Thanh (R.M.I.T.) in Real Estate Economics. Vol 48(2),Pages 345-372

“Agency Costs and Investment Behavior in the Euro Area and in the U.S.”, (2018) with Johannes Strobel (Univ of Frankfurt), and Kevin Salyer (Univ of California, Davis). Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies, Vol. 25 Issue: 1, pp.122-143

Gabriel Lee, Victor Dorofeenko, Kevin Salyer:
Risk Shocks and Housing Supply: A Quantitative Analysis
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 45 (2014) 194-219.?

Gabriel Lee, Victor Dorofeenko, Kevin Salyer:
Rationale Erkl?rungen für Immobilienpreis Bubbles: Die Auswirkungen von Risikoschocks auf die Wohnimmobilienpreisvolatilit?t und die Volatilit?t von Investitionen in Wohnimmobilien
Perspektiven Der Wirtschaftspolitik (2011).

Victor Dorofeenko, Gabriel Lee, Kevin Salyer:
A New Algorithm for Solving Dynamic Stochastic Macroeconomic Models
Journal of economic dynamics & control 3/34 (2010) 388-403.

Victor Dorofeenko, Gabriel Lee, Kevin Salyer:
Time Varying Uncertainty and the Credit Channel
Bulletin of Economic Research 4/60 (2008) 375-403.

Dominique Y. Dupont, Gabriel Lee:
Effects of securities transaction taxes on depth and bid-ask spread
Economic Theory 2/31 (2007) 393-400.?

Buchbeitr?ge / Papers in books

Gabriel Lee:
Immobilien?konomie. Band 4: Volkswirtschaftliche Grundlagen, Oldenbourg, München 2007.

Gabriel Lee, Joachim M?ller:
Regional- und Stadt?konomie, kein Verlag, 2006.


Arbeitspapiere (Working Papers) / Monographien

J. Strobel, K.D. Salyer and G. Lee (2016)

Comment on Risk Shocks by Christiano, Motto, and Rostagno (2014)

V. Dorofeenko,? G. Lee, K.D. Salyer and , J. Strobel (2016)

Housing and Macroeconomy: The Role of Credit Channel, Risk -,
Demand - and Monetary Shocks

V. Dorofeenko,? G. Lee, K.D. Salyer and , J. Strobel (2016)

On Modeling Risk Shocks

J. Strobel, K.D. Salyer and G. Lee (2016)

Hump-shaped Uncertainty, Agency Costs and Aggregate Fluctuations

Hawranek, F.;Schanne, N.(2015):
Your very private job agency: Job referrals based on residential location networks
Working Paper (2015)

Dechant, T.;Schulte, K.(2012):
Coskewness in European Real Estate Equity Returns

Dechant, T.;Finkenzeller, K.(2012):
Direct Infrastructure Investment and its Role in Drawdown-Efficient Portfolios

Dorofeenko, V.;Lee, G.;Salyer, K.(2010):
Risk Shocks and Housing Markets

Gruber, J.;Lee, G.(2008):
Bank lending effect on German commercial property prices
Working Paper(2008)

Arbeitspapiere, graue Literatur, Sonstiges / Working papers, gray literature, other publications

Victor Dorofeenko, Gabriel Lee, Kevin Salyer:

Risk Shocks and Housing Markets
IHS Working Paper, Wien, 2010.

Johannes Gruber, Gabriel Lee:
Bank lending effect on German commercial property prices
Working Paper, Regensburg, 10.07.2008.

Christoph Schmid, Steffen P. Sebastian, Gabriel Lee, Marcel Fink, Iain Paterson:
Zusammenfassung der vergleichenden rechtlichen und ?konomischen Studie zum Dienstleistungsmarkt im Bereich des Grundstücksverkehrs (COMP/2006/D3/003)
Brüssel, 2007.

Christoph Schmid, Steffen P. Sebastian, Gabriel Lee, Marcel Fink, Iain Paterson:
Study COMP/2006/D3/003 Conveyancing Services Market
Brüssel, 2007.
[Studie im Auftrag der Europ?ische Kommission Wettbewerb]

  2. Fakult?t für Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Prof. Gabriel Lee, PhD


Raum VG 217

Telefon +49 941 943-5060
