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Welcome to the Chair of Real Estate Economics

Mcs Uni -13

Research Topics

  • Housing demand and investment under uncertainty
  • Dynamic equilibria of housing search and unemployment
  • Asymmetric information and economic cycles
  • Business cycles and their dynamics in the real estate sector
  • Optimal investment in the real estate sector with heterogeneous companies (and investment restrictions)


The main objective of the program is to provide a wide range of courses for those who are in any way interested in the decision-making processes in real estate markets and who are keen to deal intensively with this topic. For further information please refer to the homepage of the IRE | BS Institute for Real Estate Management.

WS24 Ski-Literature Seminar Announcement

Here is our WS24 Ski-Literature Seminar announcement.

for more info, please go to


But, here is the registration information.


??? Please send your interest to Sekretariat.Lee@ur.de with the following information by JULY 21, 2024.?

? ?? VWL, IMMO, or BWL student with your Matr.Nr.

? ?? Skiing, Snowboarding or either.

? ?? Max number of students: 9.

? ?? Further info to follow but to get an idea, please go to our Bachelor Seminar/Thesis site on GRIPS.

??? elearning.uni-regensburg.de/course/view.php ) (PW: Seminar1)

? ?? You can also register on FlexNow starting June 19, 2024, BUT you WON'T be officially enrolled UNTIL we officially accept you AFTER JULY 21, 2024.

TEAM 2023

(from left to right: Robert Hrdina, Professor Lee, Jonas Kremer, Vanessa Kunzmann)


Faculty of Business, Economics, Management Information Systems

Mcs Uni -14