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Upon Arrival & During your Stay

Now that you have arrived in Regensburg, you are probably excited about your new responsibilities at the UR. However, before you can fully dedicate yourself to your research or teaching, please note the following topics:

First contact with University and landlady/-lord

1. Landlady/landlord

Please make sure that your landlady/-lord knows your arrival date and time! It is also wise to have their phone number, in order to be able to notify them of any delays.

2. Host/supervisor

Your supervisor or host professor will, of course, be your first contact when beginning your research and to clarify work formalities. Contact your supervisor/department to make an appointment with them.

3. Contact the Welcome Center

We look forward to meeting you and can provide you with:

  • Welcome package, city maps
  • Keys for the guest house, if you have a reservation there
  • Consultation about formalities and German courses
  • Official forms for City Registration (Anmeldung), the Residence Permit application
  • Information about the Job Ticket and other bus tariffs
  • Form for the police conduct report (F¨¹hrungzeugnis)
  • Enrollment as a student at the Registrar¡¯s Office


The Welcome Center is located on campus near the ¡°Forum¡± (outdoor square in front of the cafeteria). We are the glass cube between the cafeteria (Mensa) and the grocery store ¡°Lebensmittel Hechtbauer¡±.


Please contact us to schedule an appointment. Alternatively, we are happy to provide consultation via email or Zoom.

Register Address

  • Registering your address with the city is mandatory for all residents in all of Germany.
  • It should be done within 7-14 days of moving into your apartment or room.
  • You will receive a written confirmation that you are a resident of Regensburg (Anmeldebest?tigung). It is needed to open a bank account and register your children for school.
  • Please note: You will receive important mail such as your Tax-ID Number (Steuer-ID Nummer) and a letter from the ARD/ZDF broadcasting service after registering your address. Be sure your name is on your mailbox and check it regularly for important mail.
  • In case you live outside of the city limits, please contact the Welcome Center to find out at which office you should register your address and apply for a residence permit.
  • If you need help with filling in these forms, please contact us.

Non-EU Citizens


Register your address at the local Immigration Office (Amt f¨¹r Ausl?nderangelegenheiten) located at Maximilianstra?e 26, in the city center.


Mo-Wed and Fr: 8:30-12:00;

Th: 8:30-13:00 and 15:00-17:30


City Registration (Stadtanmeldung)

Documents needed:

EU Citizens


Register your address at the Residents¡¯ Office (B¨¹rgerb¨¹ro) located at D.-Martin-Luther-Str. 3 near Dachauplatz


Mo-Fr: 8:00-16:00;

Th: 8:00-18:00


City Registration (Stadtanmeldung)

Documents needed:

Broadcasting fee

After registering your address with the Immigration/Resident¡¯s Office, you will automatically receive mail regarding the Broadcasting License Fee (Beitragsservice von ARD, ZDF und Deutschlandradio). Every household in Germany has to pay the monthly broadcasting fee.

? Video Tutorials about registration and deregistration of the "Rundfunkbeitrag"

Open a Bank Account

You will likely need a German bank account for things such as paying rent, direct deposit for your salary, proof of financing for your residence permit, etc. There are numerous banks in Regensburg and online to choose from, each with its own particular terms and conditions. The Welcome Center can provide you a list of local banks and their conditions upon request.

Generally speaking, checking accounts (Girokonto) are free for PhD students who are enrolled at the University. Otherwise, one can expect to pay a small monthly fee for their account.

Please make an appointment with the bank of your choice.

Documents generally needed to open a bank account are:

  • Address Confirmation (Anmeldebest?tigung)
  • Passport/ European national ID
  • Work contract or proof of scholarship
  • Tax ID number
  • If you are enrolled as a PhD student at the Registrar's Office (Studentenkanzlei): Proof of enrollment (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung)

Immigration Office

Visas and residence permits are different documents ¨C a visa is only for entering the country, a residence permit is for living here. If you are living in Germany longer than the time period covered by your visa, you must apply for a residence permit.

The Welcome Center can provide you with consultation, application forms and expertise regarding immigration and the residence permit application process.

For a detailed list of all documents needed (since these vary somewhat based on your status), please contact the Welcome Center.

Extension of residence permit

Please note when your residence permit will expire and contact us at the Welcome Center approx. 3 months before that date. The most important documents needed are proof of extended research dates, proof of extended health insurance, and secure financing.

Contact for questions about issuing and extension of your residence permit:

? info.welcome-center@ur.de

Health Insurance and Family

Health Insurance

Health insurance is mandatory in Germany and is required for various things, such as getting your residence permit. If you did not tend to this before your arrival, please obtain health insurance immediately.

? On the page "Financing and Insurances" you can find further information


Childcare and School

We work in close coordination with the University of Regensburg's Family Services to support your in organizing chilcare and schooling for your children.

? Information about childcare can be found here in the section "Coming with family"

On Campus

Cafeteria Card (Mensacard)

All international guests and PhD candidates can receive a cafeteria card, which can be used at all cafeterias on campus. The card you get depends on your status. For PhD candidates enrolled at the Registrar's Office (Studentenkanzlei) please be aware that your student ID acts as your cafeteria card, and this card can be obtained from the Registrar¡¯s Office once you¡¯ve successfully enrolled.

To obtain this card, you will need:

  • A 10€ cash deposit (refunded when your card is returned)
  • Confirmation of your status at Uni Regensburg (e.g. work contract; if you do not have a work contract, please contact the Welcome Center).
  • A picture ID


Computer Center (Rechenzentrum)

As an international guest researcher, you can receive your UR computer account details from your hosting department. Please ask your work group manager, host, or secretary for an account.


The Sports Center at UR

The University of Regensburg has its own gym, called the Sports Center, which University members are able to use. To gain access to the Sports Center, one must purchase a semester pass. Depending on your status, you will either use your student ID card or a separate document for entry into the Sports Center. General fitness courses are available as a part of the semester flat-rate price. Additional access to things such as the sauna and climbing wall can be purchased at an extra cost.



As a researcher at the University of Regensburg, you have access to the University¡¯s libraries and online databases. Depending on your status, you can receive a separate library card or use your student ID as your library card. Feel free to contact us for further information.

? More information on the Mensacard, the Sports Center and the UR Library

Public Transportation

The Regensburg bus company, the Regensburger Verkehrsverbund (RVV), offers you different possibilities to use the bus system. If you have any questions, e.g. about the job ticket, please contact the Welcome Center.

? Information on public transportation and campus maps

  1. UR International Office

Teaching and Research at the UR


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Grafik: Welcome Center