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You are staying in Regensburg for just a few days/weeks?

For all those who are in need of a short-term accommodation, Regensburg has many hotels, youth hostels and holiday apartments. We have compiled a list with direct links to the respective websites, where you can book your short-term accommodation.

? Short-term accommodation

You are staying in Regensburg for more than four weeks?

In that case, we can gladly support you in finding a room or apartment. Please note:

  • It takes time to find an accommodation – thus, you should contact us 3-6 months before your planned arrival.
  • You have to fill out our online registration form (available upon request, please send us an email). It only takes you 5-10 minutes and provides us with the information we need to begin looking for your accommodation.
  • Our service is free of charge.

Accommodation provided by the Welcome Center

We support international researchers in finding accommodation in and around Regensburg. Even if you have been in Regensburg for a while and are looking for a new apartment, we will assist you as far as our capacities allow.

? Contact: accommodation.welcome-center@ur.de

Guest House

This apartment house in the heart of Regensburg's historic downtown is a medieval patrician house from the year 1250. Renovations in 1978 created 14 apartments for the UR’s international guests. The guest house fills up quickly, so you should ask for a reservation far in advance.

Private Landlords

The Welcome Center cooperates with a large pool of private landlords who offer furnished accommodation:

  • Rooms with shared bathroom and kitchen ("WG")
  • Single apartments
  • Apartments of various sizes and furnishings

We will do our best to find something suitable for your stay. Your rental contract will then be between you and your landlord directly.

Accommodation for families

Everyone’s coming along – It’s great that your family is coming with you to Regensburg. Thus, an appropriate apartment is important. This is not a simple task, but we will do our best in order to find something suitable for your family.

  • Very important: Contact us as early as possible! That is the only way we can find an appropriate apartment for you.
  • Accommodation for families is unfortunately expensive and rare – we are pleased to offer you one of the few apartments in the University's Guest House or to find a long-term vacation rental or a private landlord for you.

Finding accommodation on your own

Have you been to Germany before or do you speak a little bit of German? Those are two helpful factors when looking for your own apartment. We have compiled answers to the most frequently asked questions that may help you to find the right apartment.

When should I start looking for an apartment on my own?

About 2-3 months prior to your arrival.

Where do I look for accommodation?

Online real estate websites, the online version of the local newspaper (for example, the "Mittelbayerische Zeitung"), personal contacts through your department, etc.

This list provides you with the most important online portals and adresses that can help you find an apartment.

? List online portals and adresses

Furnished or unfurnished - what's best for me?

Furnished apartments:

PRO: ready to move in, less stressful at the beginning of your stay, rental price is often all-inclusive (heating, electricity, internet, etc.)

CON: usually higher price per square meter

Unfurnished apartments:

PRO: usually lower rent

CON: An immense amount of effort has to be made at the beginning of your stay. Many apartments in Germany are rented out completely empty, without kitchen appliances or furnishings, without lamps, etc. That means you must purchase kitchen furnishings, lamps, furniture? and install everything yourself. You will most likely need to find your own internet provider as well.

A crucial aspect for this decision - furnished or unfurnished? - can be the duration of your stay in Regensburg. The longer your research stay, the more worthwhile an unfurnished apartment can be. Unfurnished apartments are not appropriate for short stays though.

Even for a longer stay, it can be a good idea to start with a furnished apartment in the city. This way, you'll have time to search for an apartment on site.

What kind of information do landlords need?

  • Proof of income (UR work contract or poof of scholarship)
  • "Mieterselbstauskunft" - a document of self-disclosure regarding finances (please contact us if you have questions about this document)

What other costs should I expect (in addition to rent)?

Security deposit (max. 3 months' rent). The deposit can often be paid in installments, so you don't have to pay the full price all at once.

What do I have to consider when moving in and moving out?

Moving in:

  • rental agreement
  • handover protocol (to be signed by landlord and tenant)
  • payment plan for deposit
  • ask landlord if liability insurance is neccessary

Moving out:

  • stick to the contract termination policy (max. 3 full months, see rental agreement)
  • return the apartment clean and orderly
  • handover protocol (to be signed by landlord and tenant)
  • appointment with your landlord for the handover of the apartment and returning the keys
  • discuss the return procedure of your security deposit

What if my landlord doesn't speak English?

We are happy to support you in communicating with your landlord or with other questions.

What do I have to consider regarding online ads (scams)?

Do not transfer any money before you have signed a rental contract. You are not sure whether a particular ad is serious or not? Just send us the advertisement and we will take care of it.

Online apartment ads often contain many abbreviations that are difficult to understand. We have compiled a helpful list with the most common abbreviations and their menaings.

? Abbreviation list

We're looking for landladies and landlords

The Welcome Center is always looking for apartments for its international researchers who come to the UR from all over the world. We are in need of furnished accommodation – short-term and long-term – ideally with internet connection.

If you have an apartment for our guests, please fill out the form below and email it to us. We will then get in touch with you.

? Available Apartment Form (in German)

? Contact: accommodation.welcome-center@ur.de

  1. UR International Office

Teaching and Research at the UR


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