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What is a transcript of records?

All courses that you take and for which you perform work during your stay at the University of Regensburg are listed on the transcript of records.

The number of ECTS points is also recorded on the transcript of records along with the title, number of hours, and grade. From this, your home university can figure out the amount of work you did for the respective course and the number of credits with which your academic performance is recognized.

How do I receive a transcript of records?

There are three important steps you need to observe in order to receive a transcript of records. All procedures will be explained in detail during the orientation course.

Step 1:

At the start of your stay - Fill in transcript application form

A few weeks after the beginning of classes, you will fill in your transcript application form ("Belegbogen"). There you list all the courses you are taking during the semester. You then submit this transcript form ("Belegbogen") to the transcript office of the International Office via e-mail.
The deadline for completing the course record sheet will be given to you during the orientation course before the beginning of the semester.

The transcript form as well as a handout with information on how to fill in this form are available on our download section.

Step 2:

At the end of your stay - Submit course certificates

For every course that you have successfully passed, you will receive a separate course certificate ("Schein") from your instructors. The "Schein" contains such information as your grade and the number of ECTS credits awarded. With only a few exceptions, grades are not reported automatically to the transcript office. Therefore, students need to bring a copy of each "Schein" to the transcript office, or have the instructors send this form to us.

Please do not take any certificates home without having handed in a copy to the transcript office!

In case the "Schein" has not yet been issued at the time of your departure, please make sure that your instructors know to send it to the transcript office/international office. They can also send us your grade and ECTS via email beforehand and hand in the “Schein” later.

Step 3:

At the end of your stay - Update your transcript application form

Since there is no system that automatically updates the transcript office on your courses, it is vital to review your transcript application form before you leave Regensburg. Please report any changes to the transcript office, especially if you have dropped a course or did not sit an exam. You can either do this in person, when you hand in the copied Scheins, or via email. Failing to do so will cause your transcript to remain on hold, since the transcript is only issued once the results for all courses on the application form have been reported to the transcript office.

Step 4:

After you have left - Originals via regular mail

The International Office will then send you the transcript and the original certificate as soon as the Transcript of Records is complete.

For any questions concerning the transcript of records, please contact our transcript office team:

? Contact exchange students team

  1. UR International Office

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