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Departure Information

????? We hope you had a great time in Regensburg.

??? ? ? ? ? Have a safe trip back home and see you soon!??

Shortly before your final departure from Regensburg, you need to take care of several formalities for your deregistration:

? Getting your ?Transcript of Records with your course results from Regensburg

? Deregistration from the City of Regensburg

? Deregistration from the Broadcasting Fee (Rundfunkbeitrag)

? Getting your study confirmation with the exact dates of your arrival and departure.

? Cancellation of your German bank account in case you have opened one.

? Deregistration from the German Health Insurance in case you had to get coverage in Germany

? Moving out of the student residence: organizing an appointment with the janitor for the final room check.

What is a ?Schein“ and what is FlexNow?

FlexNow is the university’s examination data bank. This data bank saves all course results of regular degree seeking students.

However: Exchange students cannot be administrated through this data bank.

For this reason, your course results have to be sent to us directly from the instructors. They usually send an email or a written certificate with the details of your results: name, course title, ECTS credits and grade.

In case you receive your course results directly from the instructors, you need to send us a copy. Otherwise, we don’t know whether you have passed the course or not. If you have not yet received the course results before your departure, please inform the instructors to send your course results directly to the International Office.

Once we have received all results, we will issue your transcript and send it to you with all documents.

Please don’t forget, that you are not registered in FlexNow in case instructors ask. Many of them don’t know about this.

Study Confirmation

The majority of exchange students (especially ERASMUS students) need study confirmations for their home university:

  • arrival confirmation
  • departure or study confirmation

In most cases, the students are provided by their home institutions with these forms which you need to bring to our office in order to get them signed.

Please note, that we are not allowed to sign any departure or study confirmations more than 3-4 weekdays before the actual departure from Regensburg.

If you don’t have received a form from your home university, we can issue a confirmation for you.

Deregistration with the City of Regensburg

Before leaving Regensburg you have to notify the foreigners’ registration office of your departure date. You will receive the notice of departure form from the International Office several weeks prior to your departure. Make sure to fill in this document and send it to the following email address (not sooner than 7 days before departure):

? EU citizens: buergerbuero@regensburg.de

? Non-EU citizens: auslaenderangelegenheiten@regensburg.de

Deregistration from Broadcasting Licence Fee

It is really important that you deregister with the broadcasting licence fee approximately 3-4 days before leaving Regensburg. Please do so after having deregistered with the city of Regensburg.

Make sure to pay all outstanding fees for the broadcasting licence fee before leaving Regensburg.

Video tutorial regarding the deregistration Rundfunkbeitrag:


Closing your German Bank Account

In case you opened a German bank account with a local bank in Regensburg, you have to book a personal appointment in one of the bank branches in town to close your account before departure. Make sure you do not have any outstanding payments or debts when closing your account.

Termination of German Health Insurance

Students who have taken out health insurance in Germany need to terminate their insurance membership. Please directly contact your health insurance provider and inform yourself about the period of notice.

Moving out of the Dormitory

Please make an appointment with the janitor of your dormitory for a final room check during which you have to hand over your room keys (at least 14 days prior to departure). Moving out during the weekend or on holidays is not possible.

You have to clean your dorm room before moving out. Also, the bedding has to be cleaned and ironed. If this should not be the case, the cleaning costs will be deducted from your room deposit.

Deposit repayments: Please don’t be concerned if it takes up to 12 weeks until the room deposit is refunded to your bank account.

  1. UR International Office

Coming to Regensburg

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