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  • The Hymnography of the Middle Byzantine Ecclesiastic Rite & Its Festal Theology: History–Edition & Translation–Commentary, Studies in Eastern Christian Liturgies 5 (Münster: Aschendorff, forthcoming).
  • “Festal Kata Stichon Hymns & the Troparia of the Great Church,” in Byzantine Stichich Hymnography, ed. Stig Symeon Fr?yshov (forthcoming).
  • “Lex Orandi: Opportunities and Challenges for Orthodoxy and Interreligious Dialogue from a Liturgical Perspective,” in “Wisdom! Let us Attend!” Eastern Orthodoxy and World Religions: The Theology and Practice of Inter-Religious Encounter in the Contemporary Christian East, eds. Brandon Gallaher, Thomas Cattoi, and Paul Ladouceur, Currents of Encounter: Studies in Interreligious and Intercultural Relations (Brill, forthcoming)
  • Orthodox Christianity, Sexual Diversity & Public Policy, Report of the Exeter-Fordham Bridging Voices Project, with Brandon Gallaher (2020). Available at: www.britishcouncil.us/programmes/society/bridging-voices/orthodox-sexual-diversity-policy.
  • ?“The Hymnography of Byzantine Rite Orthodoxy and the Quest for the Unity of the Orthodox Church in the 20th Century,” Review of Ecumenical Studies 11.3 (December 2019): 473–88.
  • ?“Metropolit?t und Geschichtlichkeit: Inszenierung von Liturgie in Konstantinopel und Kilikien,” with Arabella Cortese, Blick in die Wissenschaft 40 (2019): 8–12.
  • “‘O Day of Resurrection!’ The Paschal Mystery in Hymns,” Studia Patristica XCII, vol. 18 Liturgica and Tractatus Symboli; Orientalia; Critica et Philologica; Historica, ed. Markus Vinzent (Peeters, 2017): 41–47.
  • “The Council of Constantinople III (681): the Moral Dynamism of Christ and the Significance of Freedom,” in Seven Icons of Christ: the Christology of the Ecumenical Councils, ed. Sergey Trostyanskiy (Gorgias Press, 2016): 297–342.
  • “Converting the Use of Death: the Ascetic Theology of St Maximus the Confessor in Ad Thalassium 61,” in?Orthodox Monasticism Past and Present, ed. John A. McGuckin, Sophia Studies in Orthodox Theology 8 (Theotokos Press, 2014):?332–45.



  • Daniel Galadza, Liturgy and Byzantinization in Jerusalem, Oxford Early Christian Studies (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018), in Journal of Orthodox Christian Studies 1.2 (Fall 2018): 215–16.



  • “Eastern Orthodoxy & Sexual Diversity,” Webinar hosted by the British Council, June 2020. 80 participants including government policy advisors, members of think tanks and policy advisory groups, Orthodox clergy, and interested wider public.
  • “Towards a Theological Vision in a Metropolitan Context: Examples from the Winter Theophany Cycle,” Research Seminar of the DFG-Graduiertenkolleg “Metropolit?t in der Vormoderne,” University of Regensburg, December 2019.
  • “Festal Kata Stichon Hymns & the Troparia of the Great Church,” International Workshop: “Byzantine Stichich Hymnography,” Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo, November 2019. By invitation.
  • “Orthodox Christianity, Sexual Diversity, and the Public Sphere,” Public panel of the Fordham-Exeter British Council “Bridging Voices” project, “Contemporary Eastern Orthodox Identity and the Challenges of Pluralism and Sexual Diversity in a Secular Age,” Fordham University, New York, November 2019. By invitation.
  • “The Holy Friday Idiomelon Σ?μερον κρεμ?ται ?π? ξ?λου: History and Theology between Jerusalem and Constantinople,” XVIII International Conference on Patristic Studies, University of Oxford, August 2019.
  • “The Canons of the Great Feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Entrance,” bi-annual meeting of the workshop “Jewish and Christian Liturgy: Back to the Sources” on “Poetic Expansions of Liturgical Texts,” Hebrew Union College, Jerusalem, March 2019. By invitation.
  • “Lex Orandi: Opportunities and Challenges for Orthodoxy and Interreligious Dialogue from a Liturgical Perspective,” First International Conference of the International Orthodox Theological Association, Ia?i, Romania, January 2019. By invitation.
  • “Hymns of the Great Church: Towards Critical Texts & Analytic Methodology for Ancient Troparia,” Seminar: The Hymnography of Constantinople & Its Context (400–900AD), Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo, December 2018. By invitation.
  • “Remembering the Mother City: Urban Identity & the Cathedral Liturgy of Middle Byzantine Constantinople,” Research Seminar of the DFG-Graduiertenkolleg “Metropolit?t in der Vormoderne,” University of Regensburg, November 2018.
  • “Orthodox Ecclesiology and Communion,” Workshop at Working Retreat of the “Orthodoxy” Group of the European Forum for LGBT Christian Groups, Helsinki, Finland, July 2018. By invitation.
  • “Auralization of Byzantine Ecclesiastical Architecture: Soundscapes & Multisensory Experience,” DFG-Graduiertenkolleg “Metropolit?t in der Vormoderne,” University of Regensburg, June 2018.
  • “Towards the Prehistory of the Conciliar Feasts,” at the conference “Towards the Prehistory of the Byzantine Liturgical Year: Festal Homilies and Festal Liturgies in Late Antique Constantinople,” University of Regensburg, July 2018.
  • “Olivier Clément & Vernacular Liturgy, Again and Again,” Eighth International Conference of Orthodox Theology, University of Thessaloniki, Greece, May 2018.
  • “Liturgy in Constantinople & the Theological ‘World’ of Middle Byzantine Hymns,” Research Seminar of the DFG-Graduiertenkolleg “Metropolit?t in der Vormoderne,” University of Regensburg, December 2017.
  • “The Great Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete: Lenten Hymnography in the Orthodox Church,” Seminar on Lenten Liturgies, University of Regensburg, November 2017.
  • “‘Since We Believe in Him, Let us Sing to Him’: The Hymnography of the Middle Byzantine Cathedral Liturgy and Its Liturgical Theology,” Senior Seminar of the Chair for Liturgy Theology, University of Regensburg, November 2017.
  • “‘A Harmonious Song of Theology’? Notes on the Byzantine Liturgical Commemoration of the Council of Chalcedon,” 41st Annual Byzantine Studies Conference, Byzantine Studies Association of North America, New York, October 2015.
  • “Examples of Intertextuality in Byzantine Hymnography, or How the Liturgy Creates a World,” Sixth International Conference on Orthodox Church Music, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland, June 2015.
  • “‘Forgive all things by the Resurrection’: the Paschal Foundation of Forgiveness & Reconciliation in the Eastern Orthodox Tradition,” Sixth Annual Conference of the Sophia Institute, Union Theological Seminary, New York, December 2014.



  • “Doing Holy Week at Home during COVID-19,” Public Orthodoxy, April 12, 2020, publicorthodoxy.org/2020/04/12/holy-week-at-home-covid-19/. The same essay was published in Greek as “Μεγα?λη Εβδομα?δα κατοι?κον την περι?οδο του κορωνοι?ου?,” in Καιρο?? του ποιη?σαι: Η Ορθοδοξι?α ενω?πιον τη? πανδημι?α? του κορωνοι?ου?, ed. Nikolaos Asproulis & Nathaniel Wood (Volos: Demetrias, 2020), 97–100.
  • “Jesus Christ and Same-Sex Marriage,” co-authored with Marjorie Corbman & Stephen Payne, in The Wheel, Issue #13/14: Spring/Summer 2018.

  1. Fakult?t für Katholische Theologie
  2. Praktische Theologie

Lehrstuhl für Liturgiewissenschaft

Prof. Dr. Harald Buchinger
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Gabriele Kaiser

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