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Curriculum Vitae


June 2017–Jan. 2021? ? Doctor of Philosophy in Greek Philology, Summa cum laude
??????????????????????????????????? University of Regensburg, Germany

??????????????????????????????????? Thesis: “The Hymnography of the Middle Byzantine Ecclesiastic
??????????????????????????????????? Rite & Its Festal Theology: Intsroduction – Edition –
??????????????????????????????????? Commentary”

Sep. 2014–May 2020??? Doctoral Coursework & Comprehensive Examinations in
??????????????????????????????????? Theology Fordham University, New York, USA

Sep. 2012–May 2013?? Master of Arts in Orthodox Theology, Summa cum laude
?????????????????????????????????? St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, New York, USA

?????????????????????????????????? Thesis: “Kenosis & Metanoia: The Acquisition and Actualization
?????????????????????????????????? of Knowledge in Origen’s Homilies on Jeremiah”

Oct. 2011–June 2012? Master of Studies in Theology (Patristics)
?????????????????????????????????? University of Oxford, UK

????????????????????????????????? Thesis: “The Use and Interpretation of the Lord’s Prayer to the
?????????????????????????????????? End of the Fourth Century”

Oct. 2008–June 2011? Bachelor of Arts in Theology, First Class
?????????????????????????????????? University of Oxford, UK


Oct. 2022–present????? Postdoctoral Researcher (DFG-Eigene Stelle)

?? Principle Investigator, DFG Project #507706015: “Hymning the?
?? Transfiguration of Christ in the Greek East: Heortology,
?? Thematic Development, and Theological Contributions”
?? Lehrstuhl für Liturgiewissenschaft, University of Regensburg,?
?? Germany

Oct. 2021–Sep. 2022?? Junior Research Fellow

? Centre for Advanced Studies (DFG-FOR 2770) “Beyond Canon_”:?
?? Heterotopias of Religious Authority in Ancient Christianity,
?? University of Regensburg, Germany

June 2017–Sep. 2020? Research Assistant

?? Research Training Group (DFG-GRK 2337) Metropolit?t in der
?? Vormoderne, University of Regensburg, Germany

Sep. 2014–May 2017? Graduate Teaching Fellow & Research Assistant
????????????????????????????????? Fordham University, New York, USA

June–Aug. 2016????????? Summer Graduate Assistant
?????????????????????????????????? Fordham University, New York, USA

Sep.–Dec. 2013 ????????? Teaching Assistant
?????????????????????????????????? St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, New York, USA


Dec. 2018????????????????? New Directions in Orthodox Christian Thought and Practice

? Invited Project Member, The Oslo Coalition on Freedom of
? Religion or Belief, Norwegian Centre for Human Rights

Feb. 2018–July 2020? Contemporary Eastern Orthodox Identity and the Challenges of
????????????????????????????????? Pluralism and Sexual Diversity in a Secular Age

? Project Co-Ordinator & Research Partner, British Council
? “Bridging Voices” scheme in partnership with the University of
? Exeter & Fordham University, New York


June 2022????????????????? Promotionspreis 2022
????????????????????????????????? Der F?rderverein der Fakult?t für Katholische Theologie der
????????????????????????????????? Universit?t Regensburg e.V.

July 2017??????????????????? Summer Seminar Travel Grant
????????????????????????????????? Tantur Ecumenical Institute, University of Notre Dame, USA

June–July 2016??????????? National Hellenic Research Foundation Palaeography Workshop
????????????????????????????????? Travel Grant

?????????????????????????????????? Department of Theology/Orthodox Christian Studies Center,
?????????????????????????????????? Fordham University, USA

June–Aug. 2015?????????? Summer Research Fellowship & Professional Development Grant
???????????????????????????????? ? Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, Fordham University,
???????????????????????????????? ? New York, USA

Aug. 2013–Jan. 2014?? Dean’s Fellow

?????????????????????????????????? St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, New York, USA

May 2013??????????????????? Special Commendation for MA Thesis
?????????????????????????????????? St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, New York, USA

May 2009–Jun. 2011?? Scholarship
?????????????????????????????????? Keble College, University of Oxford, UK

  1. Fakult?t für Katholische Theologie
  2. Praktische Theologie

Lehrstuhl für Liturgiewissenschaft

Prof. Dr. Harald Buchinger
Paris Bnf
Gabriele Kaiser

Raum: PT 4.2.33
Telefon: +49 941 943-3234
Di–Do 9-12 u.13-15 Uhr