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Dr. Zo? Ghyselinck


Beruflicher Werdegang

01.04.2022 – 31.03.2023 present Humboldt-Stipendiatin für Erfahrene WissenschaftlerInnen (Senior Humboldt Fellow).

Institut für Germanistik. Neuere Deutsche Literaturwissenschaft. University of Regensburg, Germany

Topic: ?Mediation in literarischen Nekrodialogen im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert“

01.09.2021 – present? Visiting Professor Literary Theory (ALW I). Catholic University of Leuven / Campus Kortrijk, Belgium (5%)

01.10.2020 – 30.09.2024 Senior Postdoctoral Fellow of the Special Research Fund (BOF), Department of Literary Studies, German Literature, Ghent University, Belgium

80% research, 20% teaching- and other services

Topic: “Wired Hermes. Mediation in Twentieth- and Twenty-First-Century Necrodialogues”

01.10.2016 – 30.09.2020 Junior Postdoctoral Fellow of the Flanders Research Foundation (FWO). Department of Literary Studies, German Literature, Ghent University, Belgium

80% research, 20% teaching- and other services

Topic: “A Poetics of Reform: Creative Mass Experiences in Early Twentieth-Century German and French Theatre”

+ October 2019 Assistant Prof. Department of Literary Studies, Ghent University (10%)

01.09.2015 – 30.09.2016 Postdoctoral Assistant. Department of Literary Studies, German Literature, Ghent

University (fulltime)

01.05.2015 – 30.06.2015 Udo-Keller Fellow for Religion and Modernity. Research Stay German Literature Archives Marbach, Germany

Topic: “Vom Dichter zu Reformator – Zu einer Neubestimmung der Form im deutschsprachigen expressionistischen Drama“

01.09.2014 – 31.08.2015 OIKOS-Anchoring Innovation Postdoctoral Fellow. Department of Classics and Department of Cultural Studies, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands (fulltime)

Topic: “From Poet to Reformer. Towards a Redefinition of Form in German(-language) Expressionist Drama”

01.08.2014 – 31.08.2014 Udo-Keller Fellow for Religion and Modernity. Research Stay German Literature Archives Marbach, Germany

Topic: “Vom Dichter zu Reformator – Zu einer Neubestimmung der Form im deutschsprachigen expressionistischen Drama“

01.04.2014 – 31.08.2014 Teaching Assistant German Literature, Ghent University, Belgium (40%)

01.10.2013 – 30.06.2014 Secondary School Teacher (Latin, Greek, German, full- and from 01.04.14 part time)

01.10.2009 – 30.09.2013 Doctoral Research Fellow of the Flanders Research Foundation (FWO),

Department of Literary Studies, German Literature, Ghent University, Belgium.

80% research, 20% teaching- and other services

Topic: “A socio-literary rebirth of classical tragedy after Nietzsche. A comparative reception study of the social integration of a classical tragic condition in German and French (meta-)literary texts at the beginning of the twentieth century.”

01.09.2009 – 30.09.2009 Editorial Assistant Volume “Poetry and Its Contexts in Eleventh-Century Byzantium”;

(Eds. F. Bernard & K. Demoen), Ghent University, Belgium (fulltime)


Febr. 2013 – June 2015? General Teachers Training, CVO-Kisp Ghent

2009–2013 PhD in Literature. Ghent University / PhD in der Literaturwissenschaft, Universit?t Gent

Title: “Trag?die, Religion und Sittlichkeit. Eine Untersuchung der Wiederbelebung ?des Tragischen‘ und ?der Trag?die‘ in den Schriften Paul Ernsts (1866-1933)“.
Public defense: 27.09.2013 (Ghent University does no longer use laude-mentions for PhD degrees)

Supervisor: Prof. Benjamin Biebuyck and Prof. Em. Freddy Decreus.

2008–2009 Master in Literary Studies. Ghent University, Catholic University Leuven,

University of Antwerp, Vrije Universiteit Brussel / MA in Literaturwissenschaften, Universit?t Gent, Katholische Universit?t Leuven, Universit?t Antwerpen und Vrije Universit?t Brussel

Magna cum laude

Title: “Paul Ernsts Weltanschauung und seine Trag?die. A theoretical and poetical analysis of Paul Ernst’s conception of tragedy in Der Weg zur Form (1906)”

Supervisor: Prof. Benjamin Biebuyck

2007–2008 Master in Languages & Literature: Latin & Greek (Minor: Modern Greek). Ghent University. / Ma in Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften: Altphilologie / Universit?t Gent

Summa cum laude

Title: “Mussolini’s mythe, Hitlers ‘clean’ ideaal of Sartres verzetsdekmantel? Een onderzoek naar het culturele en ideologische gebruik van de klassieke traditie tussen 1920-1945 in fascistisch Itali?, Nazi-Duitsland en in la France Occupée”

Supervisors: Prof. Em. Freddy Decreus and Dr. Jan Nelis

2004–2007 Bachelor in Languages & Literature: Latin & Greek. Ghent University / Ba in Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften: Altphilologie / Universit?t Gent
Magna cum laude.

Title: “De klassieke mythe in Jean-Paul Sartres Les Mouches (1943)”
Supervisor: Prof. Em. Freddy Decreus

Zus?tzliche Ausbildung

Spring 2021 Postdoctoral Training Leadership skills I-II Ghent University (True Colours)

October 2015 Teacher training: presentation skills – theater I (Ghent University)

March 2013 Basic teacher training (Ghent University)

2011-2012 Applying for a Post-Doctoral Job, Project Management, Academic English: Writing

Skills, Academic Posters, Academic Presentation (Doctoral Schools, Ghent University)

December 2010 Project Management (Ghent University & Vlerick Business School)

Fall 2010 Academic English: Writing Skills (Doctoral Schools, Ghent University)

March 2010 Academic Posters; Academic Presentation (Doctoral Schools, Ghent University)



Ghyselinck, Zo?: Communicating with the Dead in Contemporary Western Literature: Spiritual Mediums and Technical Media (in preparation; under contract with Routledge, 2023)

Ghyselinck, Zo?: Form und Formaufl?sung der Trag?die. Die Poetik des Tragischen und der Trag?die in den Schriften Paul Ernsts (1866–1933). Studien zur deutschen Literatur, Berlin: De Gruyter 2015

Edited books

Ghyselinck, Zo? & Fabietti, Elena (Eds.): Necrodialogues and Media. Communicating with the Dead? in the Twentieth- and Twenty-First Centuries (in preparation in series ?Media and Cultural Memory“; under contract with De Gruyter, 2023)

Articles in peer-reviewed journals

A.2. Ghyselinck, Zo?: “Unnatürliches Erz?hlen. Denaturalisierung von Autorit?t. Eine narratologische und medienanthropologische Analyse von zerbrechlichen und toten Stimmen in der deutschen und niederl?ndischen Gegenwartsliteratur” Recherches Germaniques Sonderheft Naturalisierung der Künste, ed. by Marcus Hahn, Céline Trautmann-Waller et al. (invited. In preparation. 2024)

A.1. Ghyselinck, Zo?: “Remember me. Mediation in Communication with the Dead in the Literary-Artistic and the Palliative Care Setting”, accepted in Omega. Journal of Death and Dying.

A.1. Ghyselinck, Zo?: “De postume stem herzien. Necrodialogen en mediatie in Malva en Een lege plek“ (in press in Spiegel der Letteren 64.2, 2022)

A.1. Ghyselinck, Zo?: “La voix des morts. Le métathé?tre réformiste et les adaptations de la tragédie antique (Anouilh et Giraudoux),” (in press in Revue d’Histoire du Thé?tre)

A.1.Ghyselinck, Zo?: "Das Unterweltverh?r: Metamediale ?berlegungen in modernen Nekrodialogen von Bertolt Brecht und Walter Jens“, German Studies Review 44.3 (2021), 509–526

A.1.Ghyselinck, Zo?: “Looking back: Reception as Creative Sparagmos. Oskar Kokoschka’s Orpheus und Eurydike Revised.”, Classical Receptions Journal 9/4 (2017), 527–545

A.1.Ghyselinck, Zo?: “Form und Formaufl?sung nach Paul Ernst: Die Suche nach einem sittlichen Formideal”, Arcadia 49 (1) (2014), 120–138

A.1.Ghyselinck, Zo?: “The Meta-Tragic Experience of Kassandra.” The Symbolic Revelation of a New Religious Experience as Criticism on Moral Degeneration in Modern Culture”, Euphrosyne. Revista de Filologia Clássica 41 (2013), 291–306

A.2.Ghyselinck, Zo?: ““De ‘neuklassische’ tragedie als moreel exempel voor een nieuwe maatschappij”. Paul Ernsts Demetrios, een tijdloze tragedie”, Handelingen, tijdschrift van de Koninklijke Zuid-Nederlandse Maatschappij 64 (2012), 57–72

A.1.Ghyselinck, Zo?: “Jean-Paul Sartre’s Les Mouches (1943). A classical tragedy revised as a pièce de résistance?”, Euphrosyne. Revista de Filologia Clássica 39 (2011), 359–370

A.2.Ghyselinck, Zo?: “De goden zijn gevlucht. Rituele aspecten in Seneca's ‘Thyestes’ en Shakespeares ‘Titus Andronicus’”, Documenta. Tijdschrift voor Theater XXVII/4 (2009), 258–272

Articles in journals without peer-review

A3. Ghyselinck, Zo?: “Un poco loco! Het fenomeen van dodencommunicatie”, Rekto:Verso. Magazine voor Cultuur en Kritiek 96 (2022), 4–11.

A.3. Ghyselinck, Zo?: “Anticipatorische rouw en verbeelding”, ONTroerd 3 (2022), 70–77.

A.3.Ghyselinck, Zo?: “Das Tragische in Paul Ernsts ‘Erl?sungsdrama’ Ariadne auf Naxos: das Schweigen der Trag?die”, Der Wille zur Form 3. Folge, Heft 7, (2014), 6–26

Articles in books

B.2. Ghyselinck, Zo?: “The Materiality of Mourning”, in Routledge Handbook of Spirituality, Religion, and Medical Humanities, ed. by Adam Powell, Kristy Slominsky and Chris Cook (in preparation, New York: Routledge 2024)

B.2. Ghyselinck, Zo?: “Introduction”, in Necrodialogues and Media, ed. by Zo? Ghyselinck & Elena Fabietti (Cf. Edited books; in preparation)

B.2. Ghyselinck, Zo?: “The Messenger and The Psychopompos. Ancient Techniques of Deception in Jean Cocteaus Film ‘Orphée’ (1950)”, in Necrodialogues and Media, ed. by Zo? Ghyselinck & Elena Fabietti (Cf. Edited books, in preparation)

B.2. Ghyselinck, Zo?: “Morbid Pleasure in ‘Necro-Monologues’ of Jean Cocteau and Maartje Wortel”, in Unavailable. The Joy of Not Responding, eds. by Marie-Luise Goldmann and Anna Hordych, Kadmos Kulturverlag (in press, 2022)

B.2. Ghyselinck, Zo?: ?Friedrich Schiller: Die R?uber. Een vervelende complexiteit“, in: Great plays: houden van beroemde toneelstukken, uitgegeven door Julie Van Pelt et al., Gent: Academia Press 2018, 168–203

B.2.Ghyselinck, Zo?: “Das Kassandra-Drama von Paul Ernst: die symbolische Offenbarung einer neumystischen Erfahrung“, in: Receptions of Antiquity, ed. by Jan Nelis, Ghent: Academia Press 2011, 339–348



Literarische Moderne
Literatur und Medizin

  1. Fakult?t für Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften
  2. Institut für Germanistik

Lehrstuhl für Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft 2


Zo? Ghyselinck

Geb?ude PT 3.2.41
Telefon +49(0)941943-3459