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Course Registration in SPUR

Course registration in the online course catalog serves the dual purpose of registering interested students and, in the case of courses with a limited number of participants, allocating places.

>>> Access to the course catalog in SPUR?<<<

Please note: Registration in SPUR does NOT automatically include registration in FlexNow. If you want to get credit points, you must still register separately in FlexNow (see here).

1. Registration periods

At the Department of English and American Studies, there are usually two registration periods: one (ending earlier) for courses for students in higher semesters, one (ending later) for courses relevant to first-semester students. Course registration may or may not be open for lectures. Please check for individual course registration periods for lectures in the course catalog on SPUR.

Registration period for winter semester 2024/25 (most seminars):

--> July 8, 2024 - September 22, 2024

Registration period for winter semester 2024/25 (courses relevant for first-semester students such as General Language Course A + Introduction to English and American Literary Studies, and lectures in American Studies):

--> July 8, 2024 - October 10, 2024


Pronunciation Exam:?

Review American Literature: registration deadline is Sunday, January 26, 2025

Introduction to English Linguistics: English in Use, Grammar, Language Analysis: registration deadline is Sunday,?October 20, 2024

Please note:

  • Registration periods for individual courses may differ from the ones listed above. It is therefore essential that you always check the information in the course catalog for the respective course and inform yourself in good time about the registration deadlines for the courses you would like to take.
  • The registration periods for courses offered by other departments and institutions at the university do not necessarily coincide with those of the Department of English and American Studies.

2. Further information on course registration in SPUR

  • Course registration in SPUR works with the student account (e.g. abc12345) you received upon enrolment. You can only apply for a course place if you are logged in to SPUR.
  • Course registration in SPUR can be carried out from within the course description or via the individual study planner. When registering for courses in your own degree program, select the module position for which you want to take the course. All possible uses for the respective course in your degree program will be displayed; if there is only one possibility, it will be selected automatically. It is possible to select several parallel courses for the registration to one course type, but you can only get admitted to one of the parallel groups.
  • It is best to register for the desired courses and set your priorities for each parallel group during the first few days or weeks of the registration period. After a few days, it is advisable to check how the situation has developed and whether you might should modify your priorities to improve your chances of getting admitted. It is not necessary to register in the first second of the registration period. Admission is not on a first come - first served basis, the time of registration has no effect on the allocation of a course place. However, it is still not advisable to wait until the last day or the last minute to register.
  • The Department will regularly review the situation and adjust the course offer to the demand, if necessary and possible.
    In the event of a very high demand for a particular type of course, we will try to offer an additional course if possible. In this case, everyone who has already registered for a course of that type will be notified by e-mail.
    If demand is very low, courses may be cancelled or changed to other course types. This is another reason not to wait until the last minute to register.

How can I deregister?

You can also withdraw from courses during the registration period. Please deregister from courses you do not want to take after all. This will make organization easier for everyone involved and give your fellow students a fair chance at a place. If you would like to withdraw from a course after the end of the SPUR registration, please write an email to the course instructor.

3. Please note

  • If you missed the registration period in SPUR or were unable to register for some reason, you will have to wait until after the allocation of places has taken place. Provided that places are still available, you may then contact the course instructor via email to enquire about a place in their course.
  • If you did get a place allocated in SPUR but do not show up for the first session without an excuse, you will lose your place in the course
    (present students who are on the waiting list can then move up accordingly).
  • Quite often, a few course places become available during the first session because students do not show up. Students from the waiting list are therefore encouraged to come to the first session if possible.

  1. Fakult?t für Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften

Department of English and American Studies

Information for (prospective) students

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Department of English and American Studies

University of Regensburg

93040 Regensburg