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Call for authors

We are still looking for authors for the WSK 13 Linguistic Typology dictionary.

All dictionaries in this series will be created by using a web-based editorial system, which is provided by Mouton de Gruyter. This editorial system is an easy to use database that allows us to write and revise our articles online and to manage the references and links. The whole editing and managing process will be done on this internet platform. If you choose to contribute a set of articles for the WSK 13 "Linguistic Typology" online dictionary, you will receive the required instructions, a link to the system, and the required passwords.

All authors will get free access to the online version of the dictionary.

You want to participate?

If you want to participate as an author in our project please contact us via Wsk.Linguistictypology@sprachlit.uni-regensburg.de and tell us about your fields of interest/research, your affiliation, and which articles you would like to write.

We would like to ask you to volunteer for about 30-50 articles. However, we consider also individual wishes that deviate from this proposal.

There are two ways how future authors get their terms assigned:

  1. The first one is that you give us some keywords specifying the linguistic domain that contain the terms for which you would like to write your articles.
  2. The second way is that you look at the list with lemmata (see below) and make your choices among the terms which are still in need for an author.

We try to accommodate your wishes. But keep in mind, we assign articles to authors on a first come first serve basis.

Here you can find the list of lemmata, where you can see which ones are still available.

  1. Fakult?t für Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften
  2. Institut für Information und Medien, Sprache und Kultur (I:IMSK)

Allg. und Vergl. Sprachwissenschaft

W?rterbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft

Volume 13: Linguistic Typology
