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DV-Ansprechpartner für Arbeitsgruppen

IT Admins within the physics working groups (also 'Workgroupmanager')

If you have any IT problems, please contact first these people of your working group. Only these persons are able e.g. to insert someone into the IT user database of the university called eDirectory or NDS (Novell Directory Service). The structure of this database is hierarchical according to OU = organisation units.

NDS OU Group Admin
back Chair Wunderlich / Gierz Joao Godinho
kern Prof. Braun, Bali, Ahmed, Sch?fer, Wettig, von Manteuffel Stefan Solbrig, Lisa Walter (Sch?fer), Sebastian Spiegel
exanphy2 Chair Giessibl / Repp Fabian Stilp, Florian Griesbeck, Andreas Rank (Repp)
grifoni Chair Grifoni / Schliemann / Evers Maria Steiner, Adrian Seith, Julian Siegl, ?těpán Marek, Subhadip Chakraborty
exanphy8 Chair Huber / Bougeard Andreas Schmidbauer, Lukas Rupp, Jakob Walsh (AG Bougeard), Lukas Kastner, Maximilian Stefinger, Vincent Eggers (AG Huber)
exanphy9 Group Prof. Ganichev Erwin M?nch
richter Chair Richter / Fabian Georg Maier, Thomas Naimer, Fabian Haneder, Alexander Riedel, Wolfgang Hogger
exanphy7 Chair Lupton / Schüller Christof Ermer, Felix Braun
exanphy5 Chair Kuemmeth / Strunk

Simon Reinhardt, Stefan Hartl, Wolfgang Himmler, Simon Feyrer, Daniel Pahl

exanphy4 Chair Sascha Sch?fer Erich Hans
didaktik Didactics Johann Senft , Christian Maurer
elektronik Corporate facility for Electronics Alexander Meier
mechanik Mechanics Monika Meier, Jürgen Schmalzbauer
allgemein all others Peter Georg, Rudi Holzer, Fritz Wünsch

The administrator of the working group Lang (biology - biophysics) is Simon-Peter Grunert (Phone 4181, Room PHY 7.2.24)

Contact persons for the central physics IT are

  • Peter Georg, Phone 2069, PHY 2.1.12, peter.georg(at)ur.de
  • Rudolf Holzer, Phone 2068, PHY 2.1.11, rudolf.holzer(at)physik.uni-....
  • Fritz Wünsch, Phone 2069, PHY 2.1.12, fritz.wuensch(at)physik.uni-....

You also may contact the employees of the Computer Center. Here is the current list. Of course these persons are experts on their area of responsability, therefore very occupied. Please contact first the admins mentioned above.

Fakult?t Physik - Service

Universit?tsstrasse 31
93053 Regensburg

Tel. +49 941 943 2023