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PD Dr. Tobias A. Jopp

Assistant Professor

office: PT 3.0.7
phone: +49-941-943-5753
fax: +49-941-943-5752




  • October 2001 – October 2006: Study of Economics (graduated with diploma) at the University of Münster; focus on economic and social history and energy and resource economics.
  • October 2006 – March 2008: Doctoral studies in economics at the University of Münster (external PhD-student; advisor: Adjunct Professor Carsten Burhop.)
  • April 2008 – April 2012: Research Assistant (until September 2011) and PhD-student at the Chair for Economic, Social and Agrarian History at the University of Hohenheim (advisor: Professor Jochen Streb)
  • August 2008 – July 2010: Research Assistant at the RWI Essen. Member of the research project: ?Vergangenheit und Zukunft sozialer Sicherungssysteme am Beispiel der Bundesknappschaft und ihrer Nachfolger.” (economic partial project in cooperation with the Universities of Hohenheim – Professor Jochen Streb – and Yale – Professor Timothy W. Guinnane.
  • October 2011 - December 2018: Research Assistant (until June 2012) and assistant professor at the Chair for Economic and Social History at the University of Regensburg (Professor Mark Spoerer).
  • October 2013 – March 2014: Substitute at the University of Hohenheim, at the Chair for Economic, Social and Agrarian History (Professor Sibylle Lehmann).
  • January 2019 - February 2020: Visiting lecturer at the Chair for Economic and Social History at the University of Regensburg.
  • Since March 2020: Assistant professor at the Chair for Economic and Social History at the University of Regensburg.



Research interests / research focus

  • Economic history of Germany (19th / 20th century)
  • Insurance history
  • Financial markets in historical perspective
  • Economic history of warfare
  • Age/ageing/retirement in historical perspective
  • Economic history of mining

Talks in symposia, workshops and research seminars

  • 3/2020: Conference "Birth and affirmation of the Airbus Group (1960s-1980s), Toulouse
    (Title of the presentation: How political were Airbus and Boeing sles in the 1970s and 1980s?)
  • 3/2019: III. Kongress für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, Regensburg
    (Title of the presentation: Full steam ahead: Insider Knowledge, stock trading, and the nationalisation of the Railways in Prussia, 1875-1884)
  • 5/2018: 43rd Economic and Business History Society Conference, Jyv?skyla
    (Title of the presentation: On the economics of forced Labor: Did Prisoners-of-War depress German coal mining productivity in World War I?)
  • 1/2018: Forschungsseminar Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, Regensburg
    (Title of the presentation: Zur Frage der Produktivit?t von Kriegsgefangenen im Ersten Weltkrieg am Beispiel des Ruhrkohlenbergbaus)
  • 4/2017: II. Kongress für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, Bonn
    (Title of the presentation: Wahrnehmung messen. Geschichte im Spiegel von Finanzmarktdaten)
  • 1/2017: EURHISFIRM European Long-Run Firm Data Workshop, Frankfurt
    (Title of the presentation: Historische Finanz- und Unternehmensdaten in Deutschland)
  • 9/2016: Colloque international Lyon: L’économie allemande de la Première Guerre mondiale dans le contexte européen
    (Title of the presentation: Wie nahm der Kapitalmarkt den Ersten Weltkrieg wahr?)
  • 11/2015: Forschungsseminar Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, Universit?t Regensburg
    (Title of the presentation: Zur totalen Faktorproduktivit?t im deutschen Bergbau (1914-1938))
  • 3/2015: Economic History Society Annual Conference, Wolverhampton
    (Title of the presentation: Did the Central and Allied Powers form credible alliances in World War I?)
  • 3/2015: German Economic History Conference, Münster
    (Title of the presentation: Did the Central and Allied Powers form credible alliances in World War I?)
  • 12/2014: Oberseminar Bayerische Landesgeschichte, Universit?t Regensburg
    (Title of the presentation: Wahrnehmung messen. Geschichte im Spiegel von Finanzmarktdaten)
  • 11/2014: Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur preu?ischen Geschichte e. V., Wesel
    (Title of the presentation:?Wahrnehmung messen: Was sagen Staatsanleihepreise über die Beziehungen zwischen Preu?en und dem Reich aus?)
  • 4/2014: 10th European Social Science History Conference, Wien, ?sterreich
    (Title of the presentation: Turning points in World War I: Evidence from
    the capital markets)
  • 4/2014: Forschungsseminar Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, Universit?t Regensburg
    (Title of the presentation: Sovereign debt traded during World War I: Investors‘ perceptions on the Allied and Central Powers‘ war efforts)
  • 9/2013: Forschungsseminar Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, Universit?t Mannheim
    (Title of the presentation: How did the capital market evaluate Germany’s prospects for winning World War I? Evidence from the Amsterdam market for government bonds)
  • 5/2012: Forschungsseminar Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, Universit?t Regensburg
    (Title of the presentation: Die Kosten und Nutzen von Gr??e in einem frühen Sozialversicherungssystem: Die deutschen Knappschaftsvereine 1854–1920)
  • 3/2012: Jahrestagung des Wirtschaftshistorischen Ausschusses des Vereins für Socialpolitik
    (Title of the presentation: Die Kosten und Nutzen von Gr??e in einem frühen Sozialversicherungssystem: Die deutschen Knappschaftsvereine 1854–1920)
  • 9/2011: 9th European Historical Economics Society (EHES) Conference, Dublin, Irland
    (Title of the presentation: Implicit rates of return in a mutual insurance system: Evidence from German miners' Knappschaft funds, 1861-1920)
  • 11/2010: 3rd jointly ESTER/GLOBALEURONET Research Design Course, Wien, ?sterreich
    (Title of the presentation: The costs and benefits of fund size: German miners’ Knappschaft insurance, concentration, and the hunt for minimum efficient scale, 1854-1923)
  • 8/2010: 14th Annual Conference of the European Business History Association (EBHA), Glasgow, Schottland
    (Title of the presentation: The hazard of merger by absorption: Why some Knappschaften merged and others did not, 1861-1920)
  • 6/2010: RWI Brown Bag Seminar, Essen, Deutschland
    (Title of the presentation: Historical evidence on intergenerational redistribution: German miners’ Knappschaft funds, 1867-1920)
  • 5/2010: 6th BETA Workshop in Historical Economics, Stra?burg, Frankreich
    (Title of the presentation: Does size matter? Empirical evidence on the relationship between size and exposure to actuarial risk for 19th and early 20th century Knappschaft insurers)
  • 4/2010: 8th European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC), Gent, Belgien
    (Title of the presentation: Social Security and Intergenerational Redistribution: The German Miners' Knappschaften Since 1867)
  • 3/2010: 56th Annual Meeting of the Business History Conference (BHC), Athens/Georgia, USA
    (Title of the presentation: The Welfare State Evolves: German Knappschaften, 1854-1923)
  • 2/2010: 3rd Ruhr Graduate School Doctoral Conference in Economics, Bochum, Deutschland
    (Title of the presentation: How to reduce risk? Internal and External Growth of German Knappschaften as Risk Policy Options, 1854-1923)
  • 10/2009: Abschlusstagung des Projekts "Vergangenheit und Zukunft sozialer Sicherungssysteme am Beispiel der Bundesknappschaft und ihrer Nachfolger", Bergbau-Museum Bochum, Deutschland
    (Title of the presentation: Ein risikoreiches Gesch?ft? Internes und externes Wachstum als risikopolitische Instrumente der Knappschaftsvereine, 1854-1922)
  • 9/2009: Brown Bag Seminar, Department of Economics, Yale University, New Haven, USA
    (Title of the presentation: How to reduce risk? Internal and External Growth of German Knappschaften as Risk Policy Options, 1854-1923)
  • 8/2009: 15th World Economic History Congress (WEHC), Utrecht, Niederlande
    (Title of the presentation: Financing invalidity insurance in German mining: The case of the Knappschaften from a generational accounting perspective, 1854-1922)
  • 7/2009: Zweites Doktorandenkolloquium des Forschungszentrums Innovation und Dienstleistung (FZID), Universit?t Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Deutschland
    (Title of the presentation: Ein innovatives soziales Sicherungssystem auf dem Prüfstand: Die preu?ischen Knappschaftsvereine 1854-1922)



>> Complete List of Publications


A) Monographs

War, Bond Prices, and Public Opinion: How Did the Amsterdam Bond Market Perceive the Belligerents’ War Effort During World War I? Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck (Economy and History 2), 2021, 295 pages (plus online appendix of 153 pages).

Historische Statistik lehren. Quellenkritische Vermittlung von Zielen und Methoden statistischen Arbeitens in der Geschichtswissenschaft (with Mark Spoerer). Schwalbach: Wochenschau Verlag, 2017, 56 pages.

Insurance, Fund Size, and Concentration: Prussian Miners‘ Knappschaften in the Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Centuries and Their Quest for Optimal Scale, Berlin: Akademie Verlag (Beihefte des Jahrbuchs für Wirtschaftsgeschichte 16), 2013, 273 pages.

B) Most recent articles in peer-reviewed journals

The German Clio Database (mit Mark Spoerer). Forthcoming in: Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte 111/2, 2024.

Determinants of mine closures in a declining industry: The example of West German hard-coal mining after World War Two. In: Economics Letters, 226, 2023, n.p. (DOI: 10.1016/j.econlet.2023.111096).

On the political determinants of wide-body aircraft sales, 1974–89 (with Mark Spoerer). In: Applied Economics Letters, 30(4), 2023, pp. 531-535 (DOI: 10.1080/13504851.2021.1998315).

Turn, turn, turn: A digital history of German historiography, 1950-2019 (with Mark Spoerer and Lino Wehrheim). In: Journal of Interdisciplinary History 53/3 (Winter), 2022, pp. 471-507 (DOI: 10.1162/jinh_a_01871).

Les marches financiers ont-ils anticipé le déclenchement de la Grande Guerre? In: Revue d’économie financière 144, 4th quarter, 2021, pp. 247-254 (DOI: 10.3917/ecofi.144.0247).


C) Most recent articles in non-refereed journals/Articles in collective volumes/Book chapters

Cliometrics and the study of German history (with Mark Spoerer). Forthcoming in: Claude Diebolt/Michael Haupert (eds.), Handbook of Cliometrics, 3. ed., Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg 2024 (online version: link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-3-642-40458-0_104-1).

Historisch-statistische Daten (with Mark Spoerer). In: Silvia Daniel/Wilfried Enderle/Rüdiger Hohls/Thomas Meyer/Jens Prell-witz/Claudia Pinz/Annette Schuhmann/Silke Schwandt (eds.), Clio Guide – Ein Handbuch zu digitalen Ressourcen für die Geschichtswissenschaften, 3. exp. and upd. ed., Berlin 2023, S. B.10-1-B.10-31.

Die Spanische Grippe im Ruhrbergbau: Ein Zahlenbild. In: Der Anschnitt. Zeitschrift für Montangeschichte, 75(3-4), 2023, S. 97-122.

Social insurance and its consequences for workers’ living conditions (with Jochen Streb). In: Ulrich Pfister/Nikolaus Wolf (eds.), An economic history of the first German unification: State formation and economic development in a European perspective, London: Routledge, 2023, pp. 217-235.

Bismarcks Sozialversicherung und ihr Einfluss auf Deutschlands demographischen Wandel (mit Timothy W. Guinnane und Jochen Streb). In: Wirtschaftsdienst 101(4), 2021, pp. 262-265.


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D) Most recent discussion papers

Cliometrics and the study of German History (with Mark Spoerer). In: RESH Discussion Papers No. 11, 2024.

Civil aircraft procurement and colonial ties: Evidence on the market for jetliners, 1952-1989 (with Mark Spoerer). In: RESH Discussion Papers No. 10, 2023.

Turn, turn, turn: A digital history of German historiography, 1950-2019 (with Mark Spoerer and Lino Wehrheim). In: Working Papers of the Priority Programme 1859. Experience and Expectation. Historical Foundations of Economic Behaviour No. 31, 2021.

Diskurs, Narrativ, Sonderweg, Hitler, Turn: Konjunkturen geschichtswissenschaftlicher Begriffe im ?Clio Viewer“ (with Mark Spoerer and Lino Wehrheim). In: Working Papers of the Priority Programme 1859. Experience and Expectation. Historical Foundations of Economic Behaviour No. 27, 2020.

On the business cycle of counting – or how to quantify quantification. An empirical analysis of the application of quantitative methods in German historiography (with Michael Buchner, Mark Spoerer and Lino Wehrheim). In: RESH Discussion Papers No. 7, 2020.

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Reviewer for scientific journals

Business History Review
Economic History Review
Economics Bulletin
Essays in Economic & Business History
European Review of Economic History
Financial History Review
International Review of Social History
Journal of Economic History
Public Choice
Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte




  • 2013: Friedrich-Lütge-Award for outstanding PhD-theses, bestowed by the Society of Social and Economic History
  • 2010: Travel grant by the Society for Business History to participate at the European Business History Association Conference in Glasgow
  • 2010: Alfred D. Chandler, jr. Travel Grant by the Business History Conference


  2. Department of History

Tobias Jopp

Chair for Economic and Social History


Postal address:
Universit?t Regensburg
D-93040 Regensburg
Universit?t Regensburg
Universit?tsstra?e 31
D-93053 Regensburg