- Born in 1967 in Beuthen / Upper Silesia
- 1983-1997: Study of History, History of Law and Western Slavic Linguistics
- July 1997: Magister artium at the University of Regensburg
- 1998-2001: PhD-student at the University of Regensburg
- February 2001: PhD-Doctorate at the University of Regensburg
- 2001-2003: Scientific employee at the department for archive and monument preservation
- 2004-2006: Scientific staff at the department for archive and monument preservation
- 2008-2010: Scientific staff at the Eastern-European Institute at Regensburg and the City Archive Regensburg
- 2011-2012: Research Assistant at the Eastern-European-Institute Regensburg / Institute for Eastern and South-Eastern European Research
- 2012-2015: Visiting lecturer at the Chair for Economic and Social History at the University of Regensburg (Professor Dr. Mark Spoerer)
- 2014-2017: Research Fellow at the IOS Regensburg
- 2015-2018: Research Assistant at the Chair for Economic and Social History at the University of Regensburg
- 2018-2020: Research Assistant at Professor Dr. Hans-Peter Ullmann at the University of Cologne
- Since 2018: Visiting lecturer at the Chair for Economic and Social History at the University of Regensburg
- 2019-2024: Research Fellow at the IOS Regensburg
- 2020-2021: Research director and deputy managing director at the Point Alpha Fundation in Geisa
- Since 2021: Research Assistant at the Historical Museum of the city of Regensburg
Research focus
- History of Eastern Central Europe
- Political and social history of the so-called, really existing Socialism in the Federal Republic of Germany
- History of the Eastern-European emigration, especially in postwar Bavaria
- Provenance research
Research projects
- The Regensburg Cathedral Choir and their director Theobald Schrems between the Roman Catholic Church and Nazi-Germany (completed 2016)
- Eastern European immigrants in the Federal Republic of Germany between political theory and social reality. The question of integration (completed 2016)
- The end of World War II in Regensburg (completed 2018)
- German Federal Audit Office (1922-1945)
- History of the Inner German border and the border of the Cold War
- Der real existierende Sozialismus am Beispiel des polnischen Bergbaus 1945-1956 / Roman Paul Smolorz - Marburg: Tectum Verl., 2002. - 226 S.: Ill.; graph. Darst. (Edition Wissenschaft Reihe Geschichte; 70). ISBN: 3-8288-1200-7
- Zwangsarbeit im "Dritten Reich" am Beispiel Regensburgs / Roman P. Smolorz. - Regensburg: Stadtarchiv Regensburg, 2003, 239 S.: Ill. (Regensburger Studien; 8). ISBN: 3-935052-30-8?
- Verwaltung mit Rechtsbefugnissen im stalinistischen Polen: die Spezialkommission zur Bek?mpfung von Wirtschaftssch?digung und Wirtschaftsmissbrauch / Roman P. Smolorz. - Regensburg: Sophia-Verl., 2004. - 40 S.: Ill.; Beil. (Regensburger Hefte zur Geschichte und Kultur im ?stlichen Europa ; 1). ISBN: 3-9803179-1-9?
- Displaced Persons (DPs): Autorit?ten und Anführer im angehenden Kalten Krieg im ?stlichen Bayern / Roman P. Smolorz. - Regensburg: Stadtarchiv Regensburg, 2006. - 146 S.: zahlr. Ill. (Regensburger Studien; 11). ISBN: 978-3-935052-53-5??
- Displaced Persons (DPs): Autorit?ten und Anführer im angehenden Kalten Krieg im ?stlichen Bayern / Roman P. Smolorz. - 2. verb. u. erw. Aufl. - Regensburg: Stadtarchiv Regensburg, 2009. - 146 S.: zahlr. Ill. (Regensburger Studien; 11). ISBN: 978-3-935052-53-5?
- Juden auf der Durchreise. Die Regensburger Jewish Community 1945-1950. Eine Migrationsgemeinde / Roman P. Smolorz, Regensburg: Stadtarchiv Regensburg, 2010. 133 S.: zahlr. Ill. (Regensburger Studien; 16). ISBN: 978-3-935052-53-5? -87-0
- Die Regensburger Domspatzen im Nationalsozialismus. Singen zwischen Katholischer Kirche und NS-Staat. / Roman Smolorz, Regensburg: Friedrich Pustet, 2017. 216 S.: zahlr. Ill. ISBN: 978-3-7917-2930-5
Articles and editorship
- Rahmenbedingungen institutionalisierter Arch?ologie am Stadtmuseum in Regensburg. In: Eugen Trapp (ed.): 50 Jahre Bayerisches Denkmalschutzgesetz. Eine Bilanz aus Regensburger Sicht. Regensburg (2024), pp. 29-45
- Erinnerungsort ?Innerdeutsche Grenze“. Entstehung der Grenze 1952 und ihr Ausbau 1961/62 aus Regensburger Perspektive. In: Verhandlungen des Historischen Vereins für Oberpfalz und Regensburg 162 (2022), pp. 373-390 (pdf)
- Die Situation in Oberschlesien nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg. Neue imperiale Diplomatie des Heiligen Stuhls in Oberschlesien 1919-1921. In: Rainer Bendel, Marco Bogade and Elisabeth Fendl (ed.): Jahrbuch für Kirchen- und Kulturgeschichte der Deutschen in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa 81 (2023), pp. 127-143
More see: OPAC
- at the University of Regensburg:
2009-today: Tutorials in auxiliary science of history and historical methodology
?? - at the University of Passau:
2011-2012: Lectures on Polish history and the history of migration
?? - at the Silesian University of Kattowitz:
2009-today: Seminars and lectures on topics of Silesian history, German history and German-Polish relations
2017: research grant of the German Historical Institute Warsow
2016: research fellowship of the German Historical Institute Moscow
2011: research fellowship of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation
2000-2001: doctoral scholarship of the University of Regensburg
1999-2000: doctoral scholarship of the German Historical Institute Warsow
1999: doctoral scholarship of German Acamemic Exchange Service