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Presence of the chair's staff

Our employees are temporary in home office but can be reached by e-mail in any case and partly by phone.

For an appointment in the office please register in advance by e-mail.

April 2, 2024


On March 19th 2024, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) approved funding for the project "Die Rechnungsbücher des Klosters Aldersbach" (The account books of the Aldersbach Monastery), which is being carried out together with PD Dr Robert Klugseder (Vienna), Professor Dr Georg Vogeler (Graz) and Dr Roman Kern (Graz).

September 20, 2022

Bavarikon follow-up Project "Calculating with Eternity"

On September 20th 2022, the Bavarian State Library approved the Bavarikon follow-up project "Calculating with Eternity. In-depth indexing of the account books of the Regensburg St. Katharinenspital 1354 to 1934". The project manager is Sebastian P??niker.

May 25, 2021

Guest Feature in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

On May 25th 2021, an article by Lino Wehrheim was published in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on the educational background of German politicians:

Von Volkswirten und Volksvertretern. Wie steht es um die ?konomische – das hei?t: volkswirtschaftliche – Bildung deutscher Wirtschaftspolitiker?


April 28, 2021

Workshop "Digital Methods in History and Economic"

Together with Ulrich Fritsche (Hamburg) and J?rg D?pke (Merseburg), Lino Wehrheim is organizing a workshop on "Digital Methods in History and Economics" to be held virtually in October 2021. For the CfP, see www.wiso.uni-hamburg.de/fachbereich-sozoek/professuren/fritsche/04-forschung/10-digital-methods-in-history-and-economics.html

April 9, 2021

Friedrich-Lütge-Award for Lino Wehrheim

At its annual meeting in Vienna in April 2021, the Society for Social and Economic History (GSWG) awarded Dr. des. Lino Wehrheim for his dissertation "Im Olymp der ?konomen. Eine digitale Geschichte der Resonanz wirtschaftspolitischer Experten in Deutschland 1965-2015" with the Friedrich-Lütge-Prize for outstanding dissertations in the field of economic and social history. The prize was split this year. It is awarded only every two years.

April 8, 2021

Mark Spoerer re-elected as Chairman of the GSWG

Prof. Dr. Mark Spoerer has been elected for a further four years as chairman of the Society for Social and Economic History on April 8, 2021.

March 24, 2021

Guest article in the Süddeutsche Zeitung

On March 22, 2021 an article by Lino Wehrheim appeared in the Süddeutsche Zeitung:

Experts in the political storm. The Council of Experts is divided between the parties and is itself in dispute. However, it is in better shape than commonly claimed. A look at the history of the highest advisory body to the Federal Government.


February 1, 2021

PD Dr. Jopp on leave due to chair replacement

Between February 1, 2021, and January 31, 2022, PD Dr. Tobias Jopp is the Professor of Economic History at the University of Mannheim.

October 8, 2019

DFG Funding for Research Project by Lino Wehrheim M. Sc.

Within the framework of the second funding round of the priority program SPP 1859 "Experience and Expectation. Historical Foundations of Economic Action," the research project of Lino Wehrheim "More than a Feeling. Media Sentiment as a Mirror of Investors’ Expectations at the Berlin Stock Exchange, 1872-1930" for a period of 36 months. The project is carried out in cooperation with Jun.-Prof. Dr. Manuel Burghardt and Bernhard Liebl from the University of Leipzig. Further information can be found on the homepage of the SPP.

October 9, 2018

Lino Wehrheim wins PhD-Candidate-Award 2018

During the Historikertag 2018 (Day of Historians) the "Verband der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschlands" (Society of Historians Germany) awarded Lino Wehrheim with the second prize of the forum of PhD-candidates for his PhD-project "Economic expertise, politics, and the press in Germany from 1965 to 2015 - a digital-historical study".

August 27, 2018

Mark Spoerer new lead editor of the VSWG

Prof. Dr. Mark Spoerer took over the editorship of the Quarterly Journal for Social and Economic History (VSWG) at the end of August. The editorial staff of the VSWG will thus change from the University of Bonn to the University of Regensburg.

May 15, 2018

Award for the best paper in the Yearbook of Economic History 2017 to Dr. Tobias A. Jopp

Dr. Tobias A. Jopp was awarded the Economic History Award for the best essay in the Yearbook of Economic History 2017 for his essay “Ein glücks?konomisch modifizierter Human Development Index für Deutschland (1920 – 1960).”

April 20, 2017

Mark Spoerer new chairman of the GSWG

On 20 April 2017 Prof. Dr. Mark Spoerer has been elected chairman of the Social and Economic History Society (GSWG).

The next conference of the GSWG, once more jointly with the Ausschuss Wirtschaftsgeschichte des Vereins für Socialpolitik, will take place in Regensburg in March or April 2019.

July 29, 2016

Our English pages go online


November 16, 2015

DFG grant for PhD-thesis by Kathrin Pindl M.A.

The German Research Foundation (DFG) has included Kathrin Pindl’s PhD-thesis "Storage for subsistence. Regensburg’s hospital granary (17th-19th centuries)" into its priority project SPP 1859: "Erfahrung und Erwartung. Historische Grundlagen ?konomischen Handelns" (Expectations and experience: historic foundations of economic activity), thus funding it for 36 months.

June 8, 2015

NEH / DFG funding for "MEDEA"-project

In cooperation with the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), the German Research Foundation (DFG) has granted a partner project between the Chair for Economic and Social History at the University of Regensburg (Mark Spoerer) and Wheaton College in Massachusetts (Kathryn Tomasek) with a contribution by the Centre for Information Modelling /Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities at Franzens-University Graz (Georg Vogeler).

“MEDEA” (Modelling semantically Enriched Digital Edition of Accounts) connects experts on editing historical sources and on digital humanities and economic and social historians from the US and Europe at workshops. Its aims are to discuss a uniform standard for semantically enhancing digital editions of account books.

Participants design mock-editions of account books, which serve as models for further tests and the questioning of transcription, digital enhancement and evaluation of account books. The planned activities are meant to foster long-term cooperation.

Project-page: LINK

October 1, 2014

Michael Buchner wins PhD-Candidate-Award 2014

During the Historikertag 2014 (Day of Historians) the "Verband der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschlands" (Society of Historians Germany) awarded Michael Buchner with the third prize of the forum of PhD-candidates for his PhD-project "Institutional and cultural foundations of modern financial markets - A comparison between the London and Berlin Stock Exchanges, 1871-1914".

The award is handed out every other year.

July 18, 2013

Julia Schnaus wins Historiae-faveo-Award 2013

Historiae-faveo, Goethe University's (Frankfurt on the Maine) society of alumni and fosterer of historical scholarship accredited Julia Schnaus with the historiae-faveo-award 2013 for the best thesis in the field of history in the 2012/2013 semester for her thesis "Die Frank AG in den 1970er/1980er Jahren. Krisenrezeption und Krisenmanagement eines Familienunternehmens".

April 29, 2013

Tobias A. Jopp PhD wins Friedrich-Lütge-Award

The Society of Social and Economic History (GSWG) presented Tobias A. Jopp, PhD with the Friedrich-Lüdge-Award, due to his outstanding doctoral thesis "Insurance, fund size, and concentration: Prussian miners' Knappschaften in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and their quest for optimal scale" in the field of social and economic history during their annual meeting in Salzburg in April 2013.

The award is handed out every other year

July 1, 2011

Our German homepage goes online


  2. Department of History


Chair for Economic and Social History

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