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Working Seminar

Working Seminar: Mathematische Physik

Aktuelles Programm ab Sommersemester 2020

Programm der vergangenen Semester:

WS 2023/2024

Working Seminar: Mathematische Physik

WS 2023/2024?

Mittwochs, 10:15 Uhr, M 101 - Freitags, 14:30 Uhr, M 103

in der Fakult?t für Mathematik

Die Seminare finden im Hybridformat statt, bei Interesse Anmeldung über: mail@causal-fermion-system.com

Datum Vortragende/r Thema

Mittwoch, 18.10.23


Prof. Felix Finster “Causal fermion systems in low dimensions and the appearance of a time direction”

Mittwoch, 25.10.23

M 102

Stefan Suhr, Universit?t Bochum “The theorem of Lusternik & Schnirelmann for reversible Finsler metrics,” in Oberseminar Global Analysis, organized by Bernd Ammann
Freitag,? 27.10.23 Prof. Felix Finster “Causal fermion systems as an effective collapse theory”
Mittwoch, 08.11.23 Dr. Claudio Paganini, Universit?t Regensburg “Gravitation as a statistical theory on the light cone”
Freitag,? 10.11.23 Prof. Felix Finster “The causal action principle for discrete spacetimes”
Mittwoch, 15.11.23 Marco van den Beld Serrano, Universit?t Regensburg “Probing baryogenesis in specific spacetimes I”
Mittwoch, 22.11.23 Williams Dhelonga, Université de Namur “Weak measurement in the context of the Einstein-Dirac equation”
Mittwoch, 29.11.23

Simone Murro, Università di Genova

“Hadamard states for Maxwell theory by pseudodifferential calculus”
Mittwoch, 06.12.23

Marco van den Beld Serrano, Universit?t Regensburg

"Probing baryogenesis in specific spacetimes II"
Freitag,? 08.12.23 Sami Abdallah, Universit?t Regensburg “Hyperbolicity conditions for a nonlocal Dirac equation”
Mittwoch, 13.12.23 Niky Kamran, McGill University, Montréal

"Local H?lder Stability in the inverse Steklov and Calderón problems for radial Schr?dinger operators and quantified resonances"

Mittwoch, 20.12.23 Markus Fr?b, Universit?t Leipzig "Relative entropy in de Sitter spacetime"
Mittwoch, 10.01.24 Magdalena Lottner, Universit?t Regensburg “The fermionic entanglement entropy of spatial regions in Schwarzschild and Minkowski spacetime”
Freitag,? 12.01.24 Ana Alonso Serrano, Albert Einstein Institut Golm “Thermodynamics of spacetime: From Unimodular Gravity to quantum gravity phenomenology”
Mittwoch, 17.01.24

Alberto Enciso, ICMAT Madrid, Espa?a



“The fearful symmetry of quantum billiards”

(takes place online)

Freitag,? 19.01.24

Wolfgang Spitzer, Fernuniversit?t Hagen

10:00, M104

“Logarithmically enhanced area-laws for fermions in vanishing magnetic fields in dimension two”
Mittwoch, 24.01.24 Ko Sanders, FAU Erlangen tba, in Oberseminar Global Analysis, organized by Bernd Ammann
Freitag,? 26.01.24 Maik Reddiger, Hochschule Anhalt, K?then “Towards a Probabilistic Foundation of Relativistic Quantum Theory: The One-Body Born Rule in Curved Spacetime”
Mittwoch, 31.01.24 tba
Freitag,? 02.02.24 tba
Mittwoch, 07.02.24 tba
Freitag,? 09.02.24 tba

WS 2019/2020

Working Seminar: Mathematische Physik

WS 2019/2020? Donnerstags 8-10, M 102, in der Fakult?t für Mathematik

Datum Vortragende/r Thema

Dienstag, 01.10.19, 10:15 M 104

Johannes Kleiner, ITP Hannover Stochastic and Non-Linear Correction Terms for the Linearized Field Equations of Causal Fermion Systems
17.10.19, 08:30 Felix Finster A nonlinear surface layer integral and applications
24.10.19 Christoph Langer Homogeneous Causal Fermion Systems: Existence of Minimizers
31.10.19 Maximilian Jokel Homogeneous Regularizations of the Fermionic Projector
07.11.19 Bernd D?llinger Lorentzian spectral geometry in 4 dimensions
14.11.19 Marco Oppio Local von Neumann algebras in CFS I
21.11.19 Marco Oppio Local von Neumann algebras in CFS II
28.11.19 Johannes Wurm Mass and Area of (Non-Static) Causal Fermion Systems I
05.12.19 Johannes Wurm ?Mass and Area of (Non-Static) Causal Fermion Systems II
12.12.19 Magdalena Lottner An integral operator in a static CFS I
19.12.19 Christian Beck,? LMU München Consistency Requirements for Quantum Measurement in Minkowski Space-Time
09.01.20 Magdalena Lottner An integral operator in a static CFS II
16.01.20 Prof. Valter Moretti, Universit?t Trento An operational construction of the sum of two non-commuting observables in quantum theory and related constructions
23.01.20 Felix Finster Retrieving the causal structure from the algebra of local events
30.01.20 Maximilian Jokel Integral operators describing perturbations of the regularized Dirac sea of higher angular momentum
06.02.20 Christoph Langer Minimizers of causal variational principles in the $sigma$-locally compact setting

20.02.20, im M 103

Prof. Niky Kamran, McGill University Montreal, Canada Stability results on the inverse Steklov problem for Riemannian warped products

SS 2019

Working Seminar: Mathematische Physik

SS 2019? Donnerstags 8-10, M 102, in der Fakult?t für Mathematik

Datum Vortragende/r Thema
02.05.19 Felix Finster Homogeneous perturbations of Dirac systems
09.05.19 Maximilian Jokel Families of parametrized null geodesics in Schwarzschild space-time
16.05.19 Marco Oppio Regularized Minkowski vacuum: smoothness and completeness I
23.05.19 Marco Oppio Regularized Minkowski vacuum: smoothness and completeness II
13.06.19 Andreas Platzer The Concept of a Mass for Asymptotically Flat CFS
27.06.19 Andreas Platzer The Concept of a Mass for Asymptotically Flat CFS II
04.07.19 Nicola Pinamonti, University of Genova pAQFT on Quantum Spacetime
11.07.19 Christoph Langer Topological Properties of Causal Fermion Systems
18.07.19 Andrea Sch?tzl Perturbation theory for critical minimizers of causal variational principles
25.07.19 José M. Isidro

Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

Padmanabhan’s approach to quantum gravity

WS 2018/2019

Working Seminar: Mathematische Physik

WS 2018/2019 Mittwochs 8-10, M 103, in der Fakult?t für Mathematik

Datum Vortragende/r Thema
Donnerstag, 18.10.18, 10-12 Uhr, M 101 Felix Finster The causal structure of linearized fields for causal variational principles


Felix Finster The causal structure of linearized fields for causal variational principles II
07.11.18 Felix Finster Jets and linearized fields in Minkowsi space
Donnerstag, 08.11.18, 10-12 Uhr, M 101 Marco Oppio Jets describing particle creation
14.11.18 Felix Finster The dynamics of the regularization in causal fermion systems
Donnerstag, 15.11.18, 10-12 Uhr, M 101 Claudio Paganini, PhD, Monash University, Melbourne How the particle-anti particle asymmetry mechanism from CFS could answer some of the open questions in cosmology
Donnerstag, 22.11.18, 10-12 Uhr,? M 101 Christoph Langer Existence theory for causal variational principles in the non-compact setting
Donnerstag, 29.11.18, 10-12 Uhr, M 101 Andreas Platzer The mass of an asymptotically flat static causal fermion system I
05.12.18 Andreas Platzer The mass of an asymptotically flat static causal fermion system II
Donnerstag, 06.12.18, 10-12 Uhr, M 101 Erik Curiel, LMU München Two Paths to the Einstein Field Equation from Horizon Thermodynamics
12.12.18 Philipp Zimmermann tba
Donnerstag, 13.12.18, 10-12 Uhr, M 101 Niky Kamran, McGill University, Montreal The anisotropic Calderon problem for warped product metrics of singular type: the borderline between uniqueness and invisibility
Donnerstag, 20.12.18, 10-12 Uhr, M 101 Albert Much, PhD, UNAM Morelia, Mexico Self-adjointness and Complex Structures in Klein-Gordon
10.01.19 Saeed Zafari Riemannian fermion systems of spin dimension one
16.01.19 Felix Finster A positive mass theorem for static causal fermion systems I

Donnerstag, 17.01.19, 10-12 Uhr, M 101

Felix Finster A positive mass theorem for static causal fermion systems II
Freitag, 18.02.19, 14-19 Uhr, TU München Michal Wrochna (Grenoble), Daniela Cadamuro (Leipzig), Lukas Nickel (München) Oberseminar "Mathematical Physics", Regensburg-München
23.01.19 Mustafa Akman Numerical analysis of a causal fermion system on a lattice
Donnerstag, 24.01.19, 10-12 Uhr, M 101 Felix Finster Fragmentation of the universal measure and microscopic mixing I
30.01.19 Felix Finster Fragmentation of the universal measure and microscopic mixing II
Donnerstag, 31.01.19, 10-12 Uhr, M 101 Felix Finster Fragmentation of the universal measure and microscopic mixing III
06.02.19 Magdalena Lottner Berry phase and Chern numbers
13.02.19, 8:30 Uhr Felix Finster Minimizing the causal action for homogeneous causal fermion systems

SS 2018

Working Seminar: Mathematische Physik

SS 2018 Dienstags 10-12 Uhr, M 101, in der Fakult?t für Mathematik

Datum Vortragende/r Thema

Donnerstag, 12.04.18

Felix Finster Critical points of the causal action in cosmological situations

Donnerstag, 26.04.18

Christoph Langer Topological properties of causal fermion systems in finite dimension I
Donnerstag, 03.05.18 Christoph Langer Topological properties of causal fermion systems in finite dimension II
08.05.18 Saeed Zafari Geometric structures of causal fermion systems of spin dimension one I
Donnerstag, 24.05.18 Robert Jonsson, Universit?t Kopenhagen Relativistic quantum information with Unruh-DeWitt detectors
29.05.18 Saeed Zafari Geometric structures of causal fermion systems of spin dimension one II

Donnerstag, 07.06.18

Mustafa Akman The Hydrogenatom and the SO(3)-Group
12.06.18 Maximilian Jokel The Geometric Structure of Minimizers of Causal Variational Principles: Preliminaries and the Construction of Physical Causal Fermion Systems
19.06.18 Maximilian Jokel The Geometric Structure of Minimizers of Causal Variational Principles: Construction of a Causal Fermion System for the Schwarzschild Geometry
Donnerstag, 21.06.18 Claudio Dappiaggi University of Padua Fundamental solutions for the wave operator on static Lorentzian manifolds with timelike boundary
Donnerstag, 28.06.18 Felix Finster Energy estimates for causal variational principles I
03.07.18 Felix Finster Energy estimates for causal variational principles II
10.07.18 Prof. Jose Isidro, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia On the contact geometry in classical thermodynamics

WS 2017/2018

Working Seminar: Mathematische Physik

WS 2017/2018 Donnerstags 10-12 Uhr, M 201, in der Fakult?t für Mathematik

Datum Vortragender/r Thema
19.10.17 Christian R?ken Neue Koordinaten für die Kerr-Geometrie
26.10.17 Felix Finster Fragmentation of the universal measure and positive functionals in space-time

Simone Murro, Universit?t Freiburg

On the initial-boundary value problem for symmetric positive system

14.11.17,??????????? ? M 101

Felix Finster

A complex structure on the jets and unitary time evolution

23.11.17 Felix Finster Fermionic and bosonic jets
30.11.17 Mustafa Akman Fermionsysteme in diskreter Raumzeit II
21.12.17 Maximilian Jokel A Time Direction Functional for Causal Fermion Systems
11.01.18 Felix Finster The holomorphic perturbation expansion for critical points of causal variational principles
18.01.18 Felix Finster Basic concepts behind causal fermion systems I

Freitag, 19.01.18,

M 102

Meinulf G?ckeler, Andreas Platzer Kolloquium Mathematische Physik Regensburg-München
25.01.18 Felix Finster Basic concepts behind causal fermion systems II

Dienstag, 13.03.18, M 103

Igor Khavkine, Czech Academy of Sciences

Renormalization of Wick polynomials of locally covariant bosonic vector valued fields

SS 2017

Working Seminar: Mathematische Physik

SS 2017 Donnerstags 10-12 Uhr, M 201, in der Fakult?t für Mathematik

Datum Vortragender/r Thema
27.04.17 Felix Finster

Varying the Einstein-Hilbert action with dynamical gravitational coupling

04.05.17 Andreas Platzer Scaling of Causal Fermion Systems: Reducing free parameters
11.05.17 Guillaume Idelon-Riton ? ???????? The complex WKB method for the Dirac operator in Schwarzschild-Anti-de Sitter spacetime with application to resonances I
18.05.17 Guillaume Idelon-Riton The complex WKB method for the Dirac operator in Schwarzschild-Anti-de Sitter spacetime with application to resonances II
01.06.17 kein Vortrag

Dienstag, 13.06.17,??????? M 225

Felix Finster The index of the fermionic signature operator
29.06.17 Mustafa Akman Numerische Untersuchung der kausalen Wirkung auf $R imes S^3$
13.07.17 Johannes Kleiner Correction Terms for Field Equations from Causal Fermion Systems
20.07.17 Felix Finster Surface layer integrals of codimension two

Dienstag,18.07.17,??????? 14 Uhr c.t., M 101

Prof. Jose Isidro, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia

Boltzmann entropy of a Newtonian universe
27.07.17 Claudio Dappiaggi, Università di Pavia Quantizing massive scalar fields in anti-de Sitter spacetime

WS 2016/2017

Working Seminar: Mathematische Physik

WS 2016/2017 Donnerstags 10-12 Uhr, M 201, in der Fakult?t für Mathematik

Datum Vortragende/r Thema
20.10.16 Felix Finster ?A class of conserved surface layer integrals
27.10.16 Guillaume Idelon-Riton Asymptotic completeness of the Dirac equation in the Schwarzschild-AdS black hole
03.11.16 Andreas Platzer The ADM mass and the isoperimetric mass
10.11.16 Guillaume Idelon-Riton ?? ??????????????? Lower bounds on local energy decay for Dirac fields in the Schwarzschild-AdS black hole and resonances
17.11.16 Felix Finster Computation of a class of surface layer integrals in the continuum limit
24.11.16 Christian R?ken The Proca equation in Kerr geometry

29.11.16, 12.15 Uhr, ? M104

Nicola Pinamonti Stability of thermal states in perturbative algebraic quantum field theory
08.12.16 Bernadette Lessel Quantum dynamics and shapes on Wasserstein space


Mustafa Akman Representation Theory and Dirac-Sphere for deriving a causal fermion system
22.12.16 Johannes Kleiner Naked Singularities and the Penrose Inequality I
12.01.17 Johannes Kleiner

Naked Singularities and the Penrose inequality II

19.01.17 Felix Finster

An effective Lagrangian describing the sectorial projection

SS 2016

Working Seminar: Mathematische Physik

SS 2016 Donnerstags 10-12 Uhr, M 201, in der Fakult?t für Mathematik

Datum Vortragende/r Thema
21.04.16 Felix Finster The DGC tensor
28.04.16 Andreas Platzer Equality of the isoperimetric mass and the ADM mass
12.05.16 Christian R?ken Integral representation of the massive Dirac propagator in Kerr geometry in horizon-penetrating coordinates
19.05.16 Olaf Müller Particular foliations of spacetimes
02.06.16 Mustafa Akman, Universit?t Augsburg Gromov's Non-Squeezing-Theorem und die Verbindung zur Quantenmechanik: Eine numerische Analyse
09.06.16 Simone Murro A functional analytic construction for quasi-free states on CCR algebras
16.06.16 Felix Finster The symplectic form of a causal fermion system


9.00 Uhr

Felix Finster Linear stability of rotating black holes
30.06.16 Johannes Kleiner Towards a Connection between Loop Quantum Gravity and Causal Fermion Systems



Christian Hainzl, Felix H?nle, Simone Murro Oberseminar Mathematische Physik, München-Regensburg
07.07.16 ?kein Vortrag
14.07.16 Christoph Langer Homogeneous causal fermion systems

WS 2015/2016

Working Seminar: Mathematische Physik

WS 2015/2016 Donnerstags 10-12 Uhr, M 201, in der Fakult?t für Mathematik

Datum Vortragende/r Thema
?22.10.15 Olaf Müller Universal spinors, universal Dirac operator and Einstein-Dirac theory as a variational theory
29.10.15 Felix Finster The dynamcis of the regularization and dark matter I
05.11.15 Felix Finster ?The dynamcis of the regularization and dark matter II
12.11.15 Yunlong Zang Harmonic coordinates for Kerr metric and its application to astrophysics
19.11.15 Simone Murro A new class of Fermionic Projectors: M?ller operator and the weak mass oscillation property
26.11.15 Olaf Müller tba
03.12.15 Felix Finster

Microscopic mixing and the emergence of quantum field theory

10.12.15 Christian R?ken Self-adjointness of the Dirac Hamiltonian for a class of non-uniformly elliptic boundary value problems I


15:30 Uhr????? im M 104

Niky Kamran, McGill University Non-uniqueness results for the anisotropic Calderon problem with data measured on disjoint sets
07.01.16 Felix Finster A Liouville-type theorem for the dynamical gravitational coupling function
14.01.16 Christian R?ken Self-adjointness of the Dirac Hamiltonian for a class of non-uniformly elliptic boundary value problems II
21.01.16 Simone Murro Introduction to KMS states
04.02.16 Johannes Kleiner The Dynamics of Causal Fermion Systems: A Toy-Model


im M102

Felix Finster Dynamical gravitational coupling in the spherically symmetric collapse of a st

  1. Fakult?t für Mathematik

Fakult?t für Mathematik

Lehrstuhl I

PROF.DR. Felix Finster


Geb?ude Mathematik, Zi. 225

Telefon 0941 943-2774

Telefax 0941 943-3263
