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Staff and Contact Information

Central Administration of the Faculty of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

We are here to help!

As the central business and information office of the faculty, the administration acts as an interface in many respects. We are a point of contact for teachers and students alike and coordinate academics, research, and administration of the faculty.

Under the direction of the Dean, we implement the decisions of the Faculty Council and manage the budget. The administration of the Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies is a service institution for all status groups at the university.

You can reach us easily during official office hours or contact us via e-mail.

Central Office Staff and Contact:

Head of Administration (Faculty of Languages, Litertures, and Cultures)

Carmen Kleeberger

Philosophy/Theology, Room: PT 3.0.72
Phone: +49-(0) 941-943-3592
Email: leitung-fakultaet.slk@ur.de

Office Hours:

by appointment

Administrative Employee

Kerstin Ludwig

Philosophy/Theology, Room: PT 3.0.74a

Phone: +49 (0)941-943-5530
Fax +49 (0)941-943-813591
Email: fakultaet.slk@ur.de or pruefungen.slk@ur.de

?????????????????????????? ? ? Contact Hours:?

?????????????????????????????? Monday – Friday??????????????????????????? full-time

Administrative Employee

Diana Stolz

Philosophy/Theology, Room PT 3.0.73
Phone: +49 (0) 941 943-3591
Fax: +49 (0) 941 943-813591
Email: fakultaet.slk@ur.de

Contact Hours:??

??????????????????????? ??? ??? Monday – Wednesday ? ?? ???????????????????????? 8.30 - 11.30 am

Foto Burgemeister
Advisor to the Deanery (Fakult?tsreferentin)

Dr. Melanie Burgemeister

Philosophy/Theology, Room: PT 3.0.11
Phone: +49 (0)941-943-5757
Email: referentin.slk@ur.de

??????????????????????????????? Office Hours:
?????????????????????????? ?? ? Monday to Wednesday, 08.30? - 11.30 am

Advisor to the Deanery (Fakult?tsreferentin)

Natascha Lehner

Philosophy/Theology, Room PT 3.0.11
Phone: +49 (0)941-943-7457
Email: referentin.slk@ur.de

Office Hours:

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:30 am - 1 pm

Student Assistant

Sarah Rosinski

Philosophie/Theologie, Room: PT 3.0.73
Phone: +49 (0) 941 943-3591
Fax: +49 (0) 941 943-813591
Email: hilfskraft.slk-pps@ur.de

Student Assistant

Isabella Bretschneider

Philosophy/Theology, Room PT 3.0.73
Phone: +49 (0) 941 943-3591
Fax: +49 (0) 941 943-813591
Email: hilfskraft.slk-pps@ur.de

Administrative Employee

Judith Seitz

Currently out of office

Faculty of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Building PT, Zi. 3.0.73
Telephone 0941 943-3591

office hours

Mo - thu     8.30 - 11.30 a.m.
Fr               closed