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Below you will find the most important forms. Please also note the forms of the central administration.

Documents for recruitment

Approval/notification of secondary employment

Request for time off for research

Please note that this request must be approved by the Faculty Council at least one year prior to the leave of absence.

Teaching and teaching requirements

The guidelines for reduction of teaching requirements and the application form can be found on the administartion's website: click here.

Teaching assignments

All forms below are provided in German only.

Vollst?ndigkeit der Lehre (Completeness of the teaching) Word form
Details of the preliminary examination for the award of a teaching contract.
(the PDF form can be found on the homepage of the central administration: "Richtlinie zur Vergabe..." → "Merkblatt Anlage Fragebogen")
? Central administration
Application for new teaching staff
(the Word-form can be found on the homepage of the central administration: "Antrag an den Fachbereichsrat | Beschluss eines neuen Lehrauftrags")
? Central Administration

Applications must be submitted to the faculty office with all necessary documentation.

Contracts for work and services ("Werkvertr?ge") and awarding of contracts ("Vergabe von Auftr?gen")

Please read the guidelines carefully and check in advance whether a contract for work and services is applicable in your case. In exceptional cases contracts for work and services with current employees of the University of Regensburg, the regulations of the law on secondary employment must be observed!

Field trips

The forms below are provided only in German.

Support program for the mobility of young scientists

Tuition substitution funds ("Studienzuschüsse")

The forms below are provided only in German.


  • Insurance coverage for student internships

    Liability and accident insurance for student internships at the University of Regensburg. Form of the Bavarian Insurance Association (BEV)

    Website of BEV

Doctoral Studies

For further information on doctoral studies at the Faculty of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, please click here.

Postdoctoral Studies/Habilitation

All forms below are provided in German language only.

Since habilitation procedures must always be decided by the Faculty Council, the necessary documents must be submitted to the Faculty Administration no later than two weeks before the meeting of the Faculty Council.

Initiation of habilitation procedure PDF document
Request for evaluation PDF document

All applications are valid only with an original signature; digital signatures are not accepted.

Faculty of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Building PT, Zi. 3.0.73
Telephone 0941 943-3591

office hours

Mo - thu     8.30 - 11.30 a.m.
Fr               closed