Nachstehend finden Sie eine Liste der offenen Themen in unserer Gruppe. Wenn Sie an einem dieser Themen interessiert sind, wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an die angegebene Kontaktperson. Wir haben aktuell keine anderen offenen Themen. Wenn Sie jedoch eine interessante Idee für eine Master- oder Bachelorarbeit im Bereich QPC haben, k?nnen Sie dieses Thema gerne einem oder allen von uns vorschlagen.
Title: Security Analysis of MAYO (Master thesis)
Description: MAYO is a recently published signature scheme based on multivariate quadratic equations. Its performance and key sizes are compatible to lattice-based signature schemes, including NIST's finalists Dilithium and Falcon. An appealing task for such a young scheme is to investigate it regarding possible improvements in cryptanalysis. Like Rainbow and LUOV, MAYO is a modification of UOV. The past has shown that such modifications can lead to additional attack vectors, that might be exploited. Thus, a detailed security analysis is an important step in the development process of MAYO.
Contact: Thomas Aulbach
Title: Analyzing attacks against code-based signatures (Master thesis)
Description: Three signature schemes based on codes were submitted to the NIST PQC standardization process. During the first round, all of these submissions have been broken. The goal of this thesis is identify design mistakes made in the development of these signature schemes by analyzing the attacks and looking for similarities and differences.
Contact: Juliane Kr?mer (jointly supervised with Patrick Struck)
Tim Schumacher
Post-Quantum Authentication for Quantum Key Distribution,
Joint with Maximilian Tippman, Universit?t Darmstadt
Leon Weingarten,
Isogeny-Based Cryptography: From SIDH’s Fall to New Horizons,
joint with Prof. Dr. Müller
Andreas Hellenbrand,
Performance Evaluation of CSIDH on the Surface,
joint with Prof. Dr. Reith
Michael Schaller,
Codes from Fibered Surfaces,
joint with Prof. Dr. Bruinier
Erik Kubaczka,
Analysis of Attacks on Multivariate PKE and KEM in the NIST Process
Yulia Kuzovkova,
Side-Channel Analysis of Post-Quantum Secure Lattice-Based Cryptographic Schemes
Yonca Bakanay,
Security proofs in the quantum random oracle model
Georg Wurst,
Number Theoretic Codes and their application in cryptography (in German),
joint with Prof. Dr. Bruinier
Azar Parishan,
On the Security Notions for Encryption Schemes
Sebastian Schuberth,
Fault Attacks on Multivariate Signature Schemes