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Prof. Dr. Juliane Kr?mer

I am professor for Data Security and Cryptography at the Faculty of Informatics and Data Science at the University of Regensburg. Previously, I was a junior research group leader (Athene Young Investigator, 2018 - 2021) and post doc in the group of Prof. Johannes Buchmann (2015 - 2018) at TU Darmstadt. Before joining TU Darmstadt, I received my Ph.D. from TU Berlin under the supervision of Prof. Jean-Pierre Seifert (2010 - 2015). You can find my PhD thesis here. Before that, I studied business mathematics at TU Berlin.

My research addresses cryptography, especially post-quantum cryptography, with a focus on side-channel analysis and fault attacks. I am also interested in usable security and security awareness.?

An overview of my publications can be found at dblp and on my profile at Google Scholar.

For several years, I have been involved in the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI): as GI Botschafter at the University of Regensburg, as a member of the Steering Committee of the Applied Cryptography Group (FG KRYPTO), and by organizing the Kryptotag and workshops at INFORMATIK. In 2016, I was appointed Junior Fellow by the GI.

I offer a regular online consultation hour (Fridays 2pm-3pm, or by appointment) for girls and young women who are interested in computer science as a school subject, an apprenticeship related to computer science, or studying computer science (both in Regensburg and elsewhere). If you are interested, please send me an informal email beforehand: juliane.kraemer@ur.de.

  1. Faculty of Informatics and Data Science

Prof. Dr. Juliane Kr?mer

Room 615
Bajuwarenstra?e 4

Tel. 0941 / 9 43 68601
Email juliane.kraemer@ur.de