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Samed Düzlü

I am a PhD Student advised by Juliane Kr?mer.

Research interests

My research focuses on mathematical analysis of modern cryptographic schemes. Specifically, I'm working on the theory of algebraic lattices, isogenies and codes.

A further area of interest of mine is the construction of codes using various mathematical objects.


  • BUFFing FALCON without Increasing the Signature Size
    Samed Düzlü, Rune Fiedler, Marc Fischlin
    2024 SAC / IACR ePrint archive 2024/710
  • Hash your Keys before Signing:
    BUFF Security of the Additional NIST PQC Signatures

    Thomas Aulbach, Samed Düzlü, Michael Meyer, Patrick Struck, Maximiliane Weish?upl
    2024 PQCrypto / IACR ePrint archive 2024/591
  • A Lightweight Identification Protocol Based on Lattices
    Samed Düzlü, Juliane Kr?mer, Thomas P?ppelmann, and Patrick Struck
    2023 PKC / IACR ePrint archive 2023/222
  • Application of Automorphic Forms to Lattice Problems
    Samed Düzlü and Juliane Kr?mer
    2022 JMC / IACR ePrint archive 2022/742
  • BUFFing signature schemes beyond unforgeability and the case of post-quantum signatures
    Cas Cremers, Samed Düzlü, Rune Fiedler, Marc Fischlin, and Christian Janson
    2021 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP) / IACR ePrint archive 2020/1525


  • Hash your Keys before Signing:
    BUFF Security of the Additional NIST PQC Signatures

    PQCrypto'24, Oxford, GB, 06/2024
  • Linear Codes and the MBS Conjecture
    YRCS, Lübeck, 09/2023
  • A Lightweight Identification Protocol Based on Lattices
    YRCS, Regensburg, 03/2023
  • A Lightweight Identification Protocol Based on Lattices
    PQ-Workshop, Garching, 02/2023
  • Applications of Automorphic Forms to Cryptographic Lattice Problems
    Arithmetik an der A7 (AaA7), online, 03/2021
  • BUFFing up Signatures - The analysis of FALCON
    32. Krypto-Tag
    15. Januar?2021
    1st Digital Summit, Germany
  • Reduction of Module Lattices
    YRCS, online, 10/2020



  • Seminar on Foundations of Cryptography (co-organizer)
  • Ring lecture on Computer Science and Society (co-organizer) - winter term 2023/24
  • Seminar on Code-based Cryptography - summer term 2023
  • Seminar on Lattice-based Cryptography - winter term 2022/23
  • Post-Quantum Kryptographie - summer term 2020

Bachelor Thesis

  • Georg Wurst
    Number Theoretic Codes and their application in cryptography (in German)
    joint with Prof. Dr. Bruinier

Master Thesis

  • Michael Schaller,
    Codes from Fibered Surfaces,
    joint with Prof. Dr. Bruinier

Academic services

External Reviewer

  • AAC 24
  • AfricaCRYPT 2023
  • COSADE 2023
  • ESORICS 2023
  • TECS 2022
  • AfricaCRYPT 2022
  • VLSID 2022
  • ESORICS 2021

  1. Faculty of Informatics and Data Science

Samed Düzlü

Room 614
Bajuwarenstra?e 4

Tel. 0941 / 9 43 68605
Email samed.duzlu@ur.de