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Thomas Aulbach

I am a PhD student at the Chair for Data Security and Cryptography advised by Juliane Kr?mer.

Research interests

My research interests include the physical security of PQC primitives, especially of those based on lattices, codes or multivariate quadratic equations.


  • Hash your Keys before Signing: BUFF Security of the Additional NIST PQC Signatures

Thomas Aulbach, Samed Düzlü, Michael Meyer, Patrick Struck, Maximiliane Weish?upl

PQCrypto 2024

IACR ePrint archive 2024/591

  • HaMAYO: A Fault-Tolerant Reconfigurable Hardware Implementation of the MAYO Signature Scheme

Oussama Sayari, Soundes Marzougui, Thomas Aulbach, Juliane Kr?mer, Jean-Pierre Seifert


IACR ePrint archive 2023/1135

  • Practical Key Recovery Attack on MQ-Sign

Thomas Aulbach, Simona Samardjiska, Monika Trimoska

PQCrypto 2024

IACR ePrint archive 2023/432

  • Separating Oil and Vinegar with a Single Trace

Thomas Aulbach, Fabio Campos, Juliane Kr?mer, Simona Samardjiska, Marc St?ttinger

CHES 2023

IACR ePrint archive 2023/335

  • On the Feasibility of Single-Trace Attacks on the Gaussian Sampler using a CDT

Soundes Marzougui, Ievgen Kabin, Juliane Kr?mer, Thomas Aulbach, Jean-Pierre Seifert


IACR ePrint archive 2023/142

  • Recovering Rainbows Secret Key with a First-Order Fault Attack

Thomas Aulbach, Tobias Kovats, Juliane Kr?mer, Soundes Marzougui

AfricaCrypt 2022

IACR ePrint archive 2022/632


  • BUFF Security of the Additional NIST PQC Signatures

PQC-Update 2024 at Fraunhofer AISEC, Garching, Germany, 05/2024

  • Separating Oil and Vinegar with a Single Trace

CHES 2023, Prague, Czech Republic, 09/2023

  • On the Side-Channel Resistance of UOV

NIST PQC Seminars, Online, 07/2023

  • Using the ChipWhisperer in Research Projects

Embedded IT-Security, Guest lecture at HSRM Wiesbaden, Germany, 06/2023

  • Introduction to Multivariate Cryptography

AaA7-Workshop for Number Theory, Regensburg, Germany, 03/2023

  • Separating Oil and Vinegar with a Single Trace

PQC-Update 2023 at Fraunhofer AISEC, Garching, Germany, 02/2023

  • Recovering Rainbows Secret Key with a First-Order Fault Attack

AfricaCrypt 2022, Fes, Morocco, 07/2022

  • Fault Analysis of GeMMS

33rd Crypto Day, Online, 2nd Digital Summit, 09/2021



  • Seminar on Code-based Cryptography - summer term 2023
  • Seminar on Lattice-based Cryptography - winter term 2022/23

Academic services

External Reviewer

  • TCHES 2024
  • FFA 2023
  • CARDIS 2023
  • ESORICS 2023
  • C2SI 2023
  • CARDIS 2022
  • TECS 2022
  • ASHES 2021

  1. Faculty of Informatics and Data Science

Thomas Aulbach

Room 612
Bajuwarenstra?e 4

Tel. 0941 / 9 43 68603
Email thomas.aulbach@ur.de