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Nouri Alnahawi

I am an external PhD candidate advised by Juliane Kr?mer and Alexander Wiesmaier (Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences / Hochschule Darmstadt).

My research interest is post-quantum cryptography integration and migration in security protocols and infrastructures with focus on the design of quantum-resistant key exchange protocols and lattice-based cryptography. I'm also interested in general cryptographic migration management and crypto-agility.


  • Nouri Alnahawi, Nicolai Schmitt, Alexander Wiesmaier, and Chiara-Marie? Zok. 2023. Towards Next Generation Quantum-Safe eIDs and eMRTDs – A? Survey. ACM Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst. Just Accepted (March 2023). doi.org/10.1145/3585517
  • Kern, Dustin, Christoph Krau?, Timm? Lauser, Nouri Alnahawi, Alexander Wiesmaier, and Ruben Niederhagen.? "QuantumCharge: Post-Quantum Cryptography for Electric Vehicle? Charging." In International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security, pp. 85-111. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
  • Alnahawi, N. ; Schmitt, N. ; Wiesmaier, A. ; Gra?meyer, A. Heinemann T.: On the State of Crypto Agility. In: Tagungsband zum 18. Deutschen IT-Sicherheitskongress. Bd. 18?: SecuMedia Verlags-GmbH, 2022. —?Backup Publisher: BSI —?ISBN?978-3-922746-84-3, S.?103–126. ePrint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2023/487
  • N. Alnahawi and A. Wiesmaier and T. Gra?meyer and J. Gei?ler and A.? Zeier and P. Bauspie? and A. Heinemann. On the State of Post-Quantum? Cryptography Migration. In INFORMATIK'21 — PQKP-Workshop, Volume 308 of? GI-Edition: Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), 2021
  • Braun, M., Wiesmaier, A. & Alnahawi, N. Efficient practical Byzantine consensus using random linear network coding. Ann. Telecommun. (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12243-022-00930-x
  • Braun, M., Wiesmaier, A., Alnahawi, N. and Gei?ler, J., 2021, October. On Message-based Consensus and Network Coding. In 2021 12th International Conference on Network of the Future (NoF) (pp. 1-9). IEEE


  • Towards Crypto-Agility and PQC Migration
    • OpenRheinMain 2023 Darmstadt
  • Towards Crypto-Agility Assessment and Cryptographic Migration
    • CAMM Workshop 2023 Darmstadt
  • Anticipating Cryptographic Risks in the Dawning Age of Quantum Computing
    • Cyber-Security Strategy Day 2023 Zurich
  • Towards a Maturity Model for Crypto-Agility Assessment and Cryptographic Migration
    • PQC-Update 2023 Fraunhofer AISEC Garching
  • On the State of Crypto-Agility
    • 18. Deutsches IT-Sicherheitskongress 2022 (Online)
  • PQC Integration for eID and eMRTD Security Protocols
    • Doctoral Forum GI Sicherheit 2002 Karlsruhe KIT
  • On the State of Post-Quantum Cryptography Integration
    • Post-Quantum-Cryptography in Practice (PQKP) GI Informatik 2021 (Online)

Academic Service

External Reviewer
  • ESORICS 2023
  • CSAE 2023

  1. Faculty of Informatics and Data Science

Nouri Alnahawi