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Dr. Sebastian Ertl

phone: +49 941 943 69560

email: sebastian.ertl@ur.de

Office hours: upon consultation


My main research interest is the further development of practical psychotherapy research in the field of child and adolescent psychotherapy. I am particularly interested in how psychotherapeutic interventions can be successfully adapted to individual treatment processes of patients. The investigation of this question is closely linked to the topics of quality assurance and evaluation of psychotherapy. Therefore, one aim is to find out how information relevant to the therapy process can be collected from children and adolescents as well as caregivers and made usable for treatment (therapy feedback). Further linked to this is the question of the effectiveness of psychotherapy under routine conditions as well as the development and testing of suitable survey modalities and instruments.

Another research interest is the development and testing of "single-session intervention" approaches based on idiosyncratic psychopathological network models. Mental disorders are seen as complex networks of symptoms influencing each other. For this reason, interventions should address symptoms particularly relevant to maintaining an individual "symptom network". Therefore, identifying relevant symptoms is important in order to support children and adolescents in influencing their symptoms through a psychotherapeutic session. These interventions are not intended to replace "ordinary" psychotherapy but are rather intended to help overcoming waiting times for psychotherapy and providing initial relief in the event of supply shortfalls.?

In addition to these topics, I am interested in investigating how services in the field of child and adolescent psychotherapy can be improved. Especially in child and adolescent psychotherapy there are several active professions from different care systems – youth welfare. Concludingly, it should be investigated how existing resources of existing services can be used most efficiently through successful cooperation.


Academic Career

  • since 01/2023 Post-Doc, Chair for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology and Psychotherapy, University of Regensburg, Germany
  • 03/2022 Doctorate (Dr. sc. hum.), Faculty of Medicine, University of Regensburg, Germany
  • 03/2014 Master of Arts (M.A.), Clinical Social Work, Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin/Coburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
  • 03/2010 Diploma, Social Work, Faculty of Social and Health Sciences, OTH Regensburg, Germany

Clinical Education and Career

  • since 01/2023 Deputy Lead of the University Outpatient Centre for Children and Adolescents, University of Regensburg, Germany
  • 07/2014-12/2022 Psychological Service, Centre II of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy, University of Regensburg at the Regensburg District Hospital, Weiden/OPf., Germany
  • 07/2019 Licensed Psychotherapist for Children and Adolescents (specialised in behavioural therapy)
  • 04/2014-10/2015 Social Worker, Educational, Youth and Family Counselling Centre, Weiden-Neustadt/WN., Germany
  • 03/2010-12/2013 Youth Social Worker, primary and secondary school, Society for the Promotion of Vocational and Social Integration (gfi), Germany



Kolar, D. R., Monteleone, A. M., Cascino, G., Ertl, S., Meule, A., Naab, S., et al. (2024). Pathways between child maltreatment, psychological symptoms and life satisfaction: a network analysis in adolescent inpatients. Research on child and adolescent psychopathology, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10802-024-01172-2

Publications in peer-reviewed journals


Ertl, S., Vogt, M., Loew, T. & Hinterberger, T. (2022). Measurement of the Health-Related Quality of Life of 8- to 11-year-old Mentally Ill Children as Part of Quality Assurance Measures. Investigation of the factorial structure of the Kid-KINDL. Diagnostica. https://doi.org/10.1026/0012-1924/a000283


Ertl, S., Vogt, M., Loew, T. & Hinterberger, T. (2021). Proposal of a Basic Documentation for Child, Adolescent and Family Psychosomatics Based on a Synopsis of Basic Documentations for Children, Adolescents and Adults. PPmP - Psychotherapie · Psychosomatik · Medizinische Psychologie https://doi.org/10.1055/a-1635-6630

University publications

Ertl, S. (2022). Development of a Proposal for a Uniform, Cross-Sectoral and Cross-Occupational Basic Documentation for Child, Adolescent and Family Psychosomatics - Development and Evaluation of a Set of Instruments for Quality Assurance from a Multidisciplinary Perspective with Special Consideration of the Assessment of the Social Dimension of Mental Illness. Doctoral dissertation. University of Regensburg. https://doi.org/10.5283/epub.51930

Other publications

Ertl, S. (2016). The Case Management Approach as a Form of Intervention in Clinical Social Work. Consideration of the Fit of Case Management in the Context of Psycho-Social Treatment (writings on psychosocial health). Coburg: ZKS-Verlag. Available at: zks-verlag.de/der-case-management-handlungsansatz-als-interventionsform-klinischer-sozialarbeit/

Congress contributions


Ertl, S., Vogt, M., Loew, T. & Hinterberger, T. (2022, June 10). Potentials and challenges of routine data analyses for effectiveness of research in clinical social work using the example of basic documentation for child, adolescent and family psychosomatics (Psy-BaDo-PTM-KiJu). 11th Symposium on Clinical Social Work, Olten, Switzerland.

Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology and Psychotherapy

Sedanstra?e 1
93055 Regensburg

Phone: 0941 943-7551

E-Mail: sekretariat.kolar@uni-regensburg.de