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Current information about the exams in the summer semester 2024

The exam registration takes place via FlexNow.

Currently no information available.


Information on actual courses in Psychology B.Sc. (undergraduate) and M.Sc. Biological Psychology, Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy (postgraduate) can be found on? SPUR.

Podcast "Psychotherapie H?rbar"

Since 2019 Prof. Dr. David Kolar has been part of a team of five behind the podcast "Psychotherapie h?rbar - Der Audioguide für Psychotherapeut*innen und die es noch werden wollen" (Psychotherapy Audible - An Audioguide for Psychotherapists and Those Who Want to Become One).

In the podcast psychotherapists, who are already licensed or in advanced training around the team of Prof. Dr. David Kolar, Jasmina Eskic, Karin Perthes, Vanessa Wolter and Florian Hammerle present typical cognitive-behavioural therapy interventions and techniques in role plays or anonymised therapy conversations, explain potential difficulties in practising them and give suggestions for implementing the techniques in individual psychotherapy. By "making the individual techniques audible" through experienced colleagues, it is possible for psychology students who want to become psychotherapists to acquire knowledge about how common interventions and conversation techniques can be used in practice. This can ease the start of their own work as a psychotherapist.

The audio guide follows the 12 sessions of short-term therapy (e.g., from initial contact over changes to relapse prevention and a final discharge). Techniques presented include exposure therapy, disputation techniques and behavioural analysis. Episodes as well as? working materials used in the role plays are permanently available for free on popular podcast platforms and on the website of the University Medical Centre Mainz.

Podcast-Webseite: Podcast and work materials

Psychotherapie H?rbar on Spotify

Psychotherapie H?rbar on Apple Podcasts


If you have an idea for a thesis that falls into one of the research fields of the professorship (eating disorders, psychopathology in childhood and adolescence), you are welcome to contact us any time via email.

Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology and Psychotherapy

Universit?tsstr. 31
93053 Regensburg

Phone: +49 941 943 7601

E-Mail: sekretariat.kolar@uni-regensburg.de