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Dr. Dani Nassif

Research Associate

Raum V820

Telefon:+49 0941 943 68566

E-Mail: Dani.Nassif@geschichte.uni-regensburg.de

From May 2024 to October 2024, Dr. Dani Nassif is a Research Associate at the Professorship for Transregional Cultures of Knowledge, as Dr. Siarhei Bohdan is on a research sabbatical.


Academic Positions

May 2024-October 2024 Research Associate at the Professorship for Transregional Cultures of Knowledge (during research sabbatical of Dr. Siarhei Bohdan)
2019-2023 Project Coordinator, DAAD University Cooperation Project between University of Regensburg, University of Baghdad, and al-Nahrain University (Baghdad, Iraq)
Since 2021 Visiting Lecturer (Lehrbeauftragter), University of G?ttingen

English and Arabic Language Instructor, University of Balamand (Balamand, Lebanon)

2011-2016 Instructor, Notre Dame University? (Zouk Mosbeh, Lebanon)

Academic Training


Doctorate in Arabic Studies (summa cum laude), University of Münster. Title of Dissertation: "New Explorations in Trauma and the Lebanese War Novel: Labyrinthine Ruins, Invisible Disappeared, and Impossible Testimonies in Rabee Jaber’s Fiction"

Member of the Graduiertenkolleg Research Group "Literarische Form. Geschichte und Kultur ?sthetischer Modellbildung"

2017-2022 Member of the SNSF Research Group "Dissonant Narratives: Post-Conflict Literature and Archives," University of Zürich
2010 CELTA (A Cambridge Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults)
2010 M.A. in Comparative Literature, University of Balamand (Balamand, Lebanon)
2003 B.A. and T.D. in English Language and Literature, Lebanese University (Beirut, Lebanon)


Research Interests

  • Lebanese History and Culture: The Lebanese Civil Wars, Beirut’s Reconstruction, and The Lebanese Revolutions
  • The History of the War Disappeared in the Arabic World
  • Trauma Testimony in Arabic-Speaking Contexts (Lebanon and Iraq)
  • History of ISIS in Northern Iraq and Syria?
  • Secular and Religious Discourses During and After the Arab Spring
  • Knowledge Production and Exchange Between the West and the Arab World
  • Trauma Theory and War Memories in Arabic Publications
  • History of the Middle East in the 20th and 21st Centuries
  • European-Arab Relations in Political and Cultural Transitions
  • Religion and the State in Europe and the Arab World


Summer Semester 2024

  • Middle Eastern Revolutions, European Interventions: Politics, Culture and History (1919-2011)


  • UR Fellows Program for Early Career Researchers (Funding for Research Project "Writing a 'History Without Documents': Using Literary and Creative Sources to Write the History of Post-Conflict Societies) (with Prof. Dr. Timothy Nunan)

Prof. Dr. Timothy Nunan

Professor for Transregional Cultures of Knowledge

Email: timothy.nunan@ur.de

Room V819, Bajuwarenstr. 4
Tel. +49 941 943 68511

Secretaries' office:
Mail: dimas@ur.de
Tel. +49 941 943 5966