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Dr. Siarhei Bohdan

Research Associate

Raum: V820, Bajuwarenstra?e 4

E-Mail: siarhei.bohdan@ur.de

Telefon:+49 0941 943 68566

Note: From June 1, 2024 to October 31, 2024, Dr. Siarhei Bohdan is on a research sabbatical.


Academic Positions

since 2/2024 Research Associate at the Professorship for Transregional Cultures of Knowledge, Department for Interdisciplinary and Multiscalar Area Studies (DIMAS), University of Regensburg

5/2019- 10/2021

Research Associate with the Freigeist Junion Research Group ?The Cold War's Clash of Civilizations?, Center for Global History, Friedrich Meinecke Institute, Free University of Berlin

Academic Training

2013-2016 PhD Studies in PoliticalScience, Free University of Berlin, Otto-Suhr-Institute for Political Science ?Limits of Defiance? The Role of Post-Soviet Nations in Modernisation of Iranian Armed Forces and Defence Industries in 1989-2015)?
2005-2007 MA in Political Science, European Humanities University, Vilinius, Lithuania
1994-2004 Diploma of Specialist in International Relations, Persian Language, and Japanese Language, Faculty for International Relations, Belarus State University, Minsk, Belarus?(Topic of Diploma Thesis ?The PKK Factor in International Relations in the Middle East in the 1980s and 1990s?)
2002 Diploma in Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran


Research Interests

  • Geschichte der Sowjetunion im globalen Kontext: sozialistischer Internationalismus, sowjetische Entwicklungshilfe im Global Süden, Kommunistische Parteien im Globalen Süden (Afghanistan, Südjemen)
  • History of the USSR in a Global Context: Socialist Internationalism; Soviet Development Aid to the Global South, Communist Parties in the Global South (Afghanistan, South Yemen)
  • Russian-Chinese Relations, in particular in Central Asia (Xinjiang, Afghanistan)
  • History of Iran
  • History of Afghanistan
  • History of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC)
  • Transregional History of Religion
  • Interactions Between Radical Regimes and Actors in the Middle East (Syria, Libya, Iraq, PLO) and the Socialst World (USSR, Eastern Europe and Yugoslavia, PRC)
  • History of Human Rights and Criticism of Human Rights by Illiberal Regimes (Iran, Russia, China)


Summer Semester 2024

  • Unfinished History: Post-Soviet Conflicts from Karabakh to Ukraine


International Programs

  • Specially Appointed Associate Professor,?Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido, Japan (Summer 2024)

Prof. Dr. Timothy Nunan

Professor for Transregional Cultures of Knowledge

Email: timothy.nunan@ur.de

Room V819, Bajuwarenstr. 4
Tel. +49 941 943 68511

Secretaries' office:
Mail: dimas@ur.de
Tel. +49 941 943 5966