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Event Series

DIMAS regularly offers various types of events:

Lecture Series

DIMAS organizes and hosts lecture series at the UR. Here you can find information on current and past DIMAS lecture series.


Here you will find information on conferences in which DIMAS participates.

PostDoc Seminar

The DIMAS PostDoc Seminar is organized by the DIMAS PostDocs and is aimed at early career researchers at the University of Regensburg. In the seminar, postdocs can present their current projects, talk about new topics and develop ideas and plans together. Presentations and posters from the sessions can be viewed here. The current PostDoc Seminar dates will be announced on the DIMAS website and via posters on campus.


DIMAS offers “BrownBags” at irregular intervals. You are invited to bring your own lunch to the face-to-face event to take part in discussions in an informal atmosphere. To the BrownBags events.

DIMAS Forschungskreis (Research Circle)

The DIMAS Research Circle is an open format in which all members can talk about their current research, event planning or funding opportunities. The circle meets at regular intervals and has customized topics for each meeting, which can be co-determined by the members. It is intended to serve the exchange and joint development of projects, but can also be used for further training, for example in writing funding applications or proposals. Information on current meetings is sent out via the internal DIMAS mailing list.


Vorstand | BoardProf. Dr. Anna Steigemann and Prof. Dr. Rike Kr?mer-Hoppe

Gesch?ftsführung | Manager: Dr. Laura Niebling

Sekretariat | Secretary dimas@ur.de
Tel. +49 941 943 5966 und

Tel. +49 941 943 68537