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Prof. Dr. Anne Brüske

Prof. Dr. Anne Brüske joined the University of Regensburg as acting professor (Vertretungsprofessur) for Spatial Dimensions of Cultural Processes in winter semester 2020/21. She was appointed to the professorship permanently in October 2022.

Her research and teaching focuses primarily on the borderlands and boundary areas of academic disciplines and cultural spaces. Her work spans cultural studies and sociology, addressing interdisciplinary questions relating to space as an aspect of cultural exchange and global dynamics. It also explores the media of these processes, with a focus on texts as symbolic stores of social transformations.

E-Mail: anne.brueske@ur.de


Academic Posts

Since 10 / 2022 Professor for Spatial Dimensions of Cultural Processes at the University of Regensburg
10/2020 - 09/2022 Acting Professor for Spatial Dimensions of Cultural Processes at the University of Regensburg
03/2015 – 09/2017 Olympia Morata Fellow, Heidelberg University

2011 – 2012,

2014 – 2015

Spokesperson of the subproject Transcultural Studies (Zukunftskonzept)
10/2010 – 09/2017 Junior Research Group Leader in the Excellence Research Group From the Caribbean to North America and Back: Processes of Transculturation in Literature, Popular Culture and the New Media with four doctoral researchers, Heidelberg Center for Transcultural Studies (Excellence Initiative)

since 10/2008

Assistant Professor, Institute for Translation and Interpreting (I?D), French Section (Cultural studies and literary studies), Heidelberg University
04/2008 – 08/2008 Teaching Assistant, Institute for Political Science, Heidelberg University
09/2004 – 08/2006 Lectrice German Studies, ?cole Normale Supérieure (LSH) Lyon

Educational Background


Habilitation awarded, Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures, Heidelberg University
Field of venia legendi: Romance Cultural Studies and Literary Studies
Habilitation thesis: "Zwischen De- und Reterritorialisierung. Raumproduktion zeitgen?ssischer US-karibischer Diasporaliteraturen" (Between De- and Re-Territorialization: The production of space in contemporary US-Caribbean diasporice literatures)

08/2004 – 06/2008

Dr. phil. in Romance Studies, Heidelberg University,
?Das weibliche Subjekt in der Krise. Laclos’ Liaisons dangereuses?

09/2007 – 09/2008 Associated Doctoral Researcher, Graduate School "Gender in Motion. Wandlung und Persistenz in den Geschlechterverh?ltnissen", University of Basel
10/1998 – 02/2004 Magister Artium in Romance Studies (French and Hispanic Literature and Culture) and Sociology, Heidelberg University
09/1997 – 06/1998 Studies in French Literature, Université Montpellier III


Research Profile

As a researcher in cultural studies, I focus on the cultures and media of Europe and the Americas. I have developed an interdisciplinary approach that explores the disciplinary borderlands and boundaries of cultural studies, sociology and area studies. My focus lies in particular in spatial theories, transculturality and regional/global developments. I have particular regional expertise relating to the cultures and media (primarily texts) emerging from the Caribbean region and its North American Diasporas today, and to Enlightenment-era and contemporary France.

I am particularly interested in questions relating to social spaces, cultural exchanges and global entanglements in the context of postcolonial, economic and social power relations. My work also examines forms of cultural expression taking place as part of migration and processes of social change. In my research I explore (post)colonial and diasporic texts and cultures of the Americas both from a transcultural perspective and in terms of their regional and glocal relations.

Research Focus


  • (Trans)Area Studies
  • Spatial Studies, primarily media-based constructions of space in the context of diaspora and migration
  • Transculturality and Transculturation
  • Gender Studies

Cultural Spaces

  • Translingual Caribbean and Caribbean diasporas
  • Rewritings and adaptations of the works of Classical Antiquity in (post)colonial Romance-speaking areas
  • Negotiations of anthropology and social change in and by texts since the French Enlightenment



Das weibliche Subjekt in der Krise. Anthropologische Semantik in Laclos’ Liaisons dangereuses, Heidelberg: Universit?tsverlag Winter 2010. [Dissertation, 300 p.]

Zwischen De- und Reterritorialisierung. Raumproduktion zeitgen?ssischer US-karibischer Diasporaliteratur 2020. [Habilitation text, 561 p.]

Edited Works

Szenen von Widerspenstigkeit. Geschlecht zwischen Affirmation, Subversion und Verweigerung., Frankfurt / Main: Campus 2011. [mit Miko Iso, Aglaia Wespe, Kathrin Zehnder, Andrea Zimmermann]

Dialogues transculturels dans les Amériques / Diálogos transculturales en las Américas, Tübingen: Narr 2013. [with Herle-Christin Jessen]

Caribbean Food Cultures: Culinary Practices and Consumption in the Caribbean and Its Diasporas, Bielefeld: Transcript 2014. [with Wiebke Beushausen, Ana-Sofia Commichau, Patrick Helber, Sinah Klo?]

One continent / to another. Cultural Flows and Poetic Form in the South Asian and Caribbean Diaspora. Focus Issue of the Journal Atlantic Studies / Global Currents. London: Routledge 13/2016. [with Caroline Lusin]

Reshaping (G)local Dynamics of the Caribbean. Relations et Déceonnexions – Relaciones y Desconexiones – Relations and Disconnections, Heidelberg: heiUP 2018. [with Anja Bandau and Natascha Ueckmann]

Antígonas del Sur. Culturas de protesta en América Latina, Berlin: tranvía 2021. [mit Ingrid Simson und Marisa Belausteguigoitia Rius]

Articles and Book Chapters

?Weibliche Subjektivit?t in den Liaisons Dangereuses. Das Zusammenspiel von Anthropologie und Gesellschaftsstruktur beim Scheitern der weiblichen Figuren?, Judith Klinger / Susanne Thiemann (Hgg.): Geschlechtervariationen. Gender-Konzepte im ?bergang zur Neuzeit. , Potsdam: Universit?tsverlag 2006, 275-298.

?Fiktionale Selbstentwürfe, Fremdentwürfe und Normativit?t der Frau in den Liaisons dangereuses?, Dagmar Schmelzer / Marina O. Hertrampf (Hgg.): Handeln und Verhandeln. Forum Junge Romanistik, Bonn: Romanistischer Verlag 2007, 313-333.

?Gender, Sex & Co. in der jungen Romanistik – Vorhang auf für neue, ?ex-zentrische’ Forschungsperspektiven?, Lidia Becker / Alex Demeulenaere / Christine Felbeck (eds): Grenzg?nger und Exzentriker, München: Meidenbauer 2010, 185-189.

?Gender, genre, Geschlecht dans les approches fran?aises et allemandes du roman des Lumières?, HeLix 2 (2010), 22-48.

?Widerspenstige Utopien in Houellebecqs Particules élémentaires?, Anne Brüske / Isabel Miko Iso, Aglaia Wespe, Kathrin Zehnder, Andrea Zimmermann (Hgg.): Szenen von Widerspenstigkeit. Geschlecht zwischen Affirmation, Subversion und Verweigerung. Politik der Geschlechterverh?ltnisse Frankfurt / Main Campus 2011, 99-118.

?Rezension von Diasporische Bewegungen im transatlantischen Raum – Diasporic Movements – Movimientos Diaspóricos (ed. Stefanie Kron/Birgit zur Nieden/Stephanie Schütze/Martha Zapata Galindo 2010)?, Iberoamericana 11.43 (2011), 232-235.

?Ecriture et ?uvre d’art dans la littérature de la diaspora caribéenne nord-américaine. Formes et fonctions de l’autoréférentialité transmédiale chez Edwige Danticat et Junot Díaz?, Ottmar Ette / Anne Kraume / Werner Mackenbach / Gesine Müller (Hgg.): Caribe como paradigme. Convivencias y coincidencias históricas, culturales y estéticas, Berlin: Edition tranvía 2012, 203-219.

?Transkulturelle R?ume im US-karibischen Bildungsroman? Kulturkontakt und sozialer Raum bei Judith Ortiz Cofer, Virgil Suárez und Loida Maritza Pérez?, Daniel Graziadei / Louisa S?llner (Hgg.): ?ber Grenzen sprechen. Mehrsprachigkeit in Europa und der Welt, Würzburg: K?nighausen & Neumann 2012, 193-211.

?Saving a (not so) brown woman from brown men – Das verhinderte Witwenopfer Aoudas?, J?rg Dünne / Kirsten Kramer (Hgg.): Weltnetzwerke – Weltspiele. Jules Vernes Le tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours, Konstanz: KUP 2013, 81-89.

?Rezension von Journeys of Formation. The Spanish American Bildungsroman (Yolanda A. Doub, 2010)?, Iberoamericana 12.45 (2012), 226-228.

?Littératures transculturelles à Montréal et à New York?, Anne Brüske / Herle-Christin Jessen (Hgg.): Dialogues transculturels dans la nouvelle Romania / Diálogos transculturales en la nueva Romania, Tübingen: Narr 2013, 7-25.

?Entre Nueva York y la isla. La memoria del espacio insular en la literatura de la diáspora dominicana?, Anne Brüske / Herle-Christin Jessen (Hgg.): Diálogos transculturales en la nueva Romania, Tübingen: Narr 2013, 89-104.

?L’amour au temps de l’évolution sociale. Sociabilité, anthropologie et genre dans Lettres de Mistriss Fanni Butlerd et Les Liaisons dangereuses?, Maximilian Gr?ne / Rotraud v. Kulessa (Hgg.): L’urbanité dans les textes de sociabilité du XVIe siècle jusqu’à la Révolution fran?aise, Frankfurt / Main: Peter Lang 2013, 101-123.

?Der geschriebene Mann. Konstruktionen des ?unmoralischen’ Geschlechtes im Werk Isabelle de Charrières?, Renate M?hrmann (Hg.): Frauenphantasien. Zum ?imaginierten Mann’ von Film- und Buchautorinnen, Stuttgart: Kr?ner 2014, 110-144.

?The Caribbean (on the) Dining Table: Contextualizing Culinary Cultures?. Wiebke Beushausen / Anne Brüske / Ana-Sofia Commichau / Patrick Helber / Sinah Klo? (Hgg.): Caribbean Food Cultures. Culinary Practices and Consumption in the Caribbean and its Diasporas, Bielefeld: Transcript 2014, 11-24.

?Writing from lòt bò dlo: Vodou Aesthetics and Poetics in Edwidge Danticat and Myriam Chancy?, Celucien L. Joseph / Asselin Charles / Schallum Pierre / Nixon S. Cleophat (Hgg.): Vodou in Haitian Memory. The Idea and Representation of Voudou in Haitian Imagination, New York: Lexington, 2016, 143-171. [mit Wiebke Beushausen]

?One Continent/To Another”: Cultural flows and poetic form in the South Asian and Caribbean diasporas – and beyond?, Atlantic Studies – Global Currents, 13/4 2016, 33-44. [with Caroline Lusin]

Kurzrezension von Narrations genrées, hrgs. v. Lieselotte Steinbrügge und Suzan Van Dijk. Romanische Forschungen 128/2016, 296-298.

?Cuerpos diaspóricos, cuerpos recalcitrantes?, Claudia Gronemann / Adriana López-Labourdette / Cornelia Sieber (Hgg.): Cuerpos extra / ordinarios, Barcelona: Linkgua 2017, 37-54.

?Koloniale Erblast: Raum, Geschlecht, Ethnizit?t in Karibik und Diaspora?, Ruperto Carola 10 / 2017, 140-148.

?Re/escrituras de una Historia negra femenina desde Puerto Rico. las Negras de Yolanda Arroyo Pizarro y Fe en disfraz de Mayra Santos Febres en la tradición del neo-slave narrative?, Gisela Febel / Natascha Ueckmann (eds): Pluraler Humanismus? Négritude und Negrismo weiter gedacht, Wiesbaden: Springer 2017, 207-232.

?Rese?a: Schmutz. ?sthetik und Epistemologie eines Motivs in Literaturen und Kulturtheorien der Karibik (Isabel Exner, 2017)?, Mitologías hoy 17, junio (2018).

?Reshaping Glocal Dynamics of the Caribbean. Introduction?, Reshaping (G)local Dynamics of the Caribbean. Relations et Déceonnexions – Relaciones y Desconexiones – Relations and Disconnections, Heidelberg: heiUP 2018, 1-27. [mit Anja Bandau und Natascha Ueckmann]

?Reading postcolonial fiction of spaces with Henri Lefebvre: Ernesto Quinonez’ Bodega Dreams?, Jenny Bauer / Robert Fischer (eds): Perspectives on Henri Lefebvre. Theory, Practices, and (Re-)Readings, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018, 178-206.

?Anthropologie und Affekt im Feenm?rchen. Madame d’Aulnoys ?La Princesse Carpillon??: Giulia Agostini / Herle-Christin Jesse (eds): Pathos. Affektformationen in Philosophie, Kunst und Literatur, München: Fink 2020, 181-207.

In print:
?Death and Diaspora in Edwidge Danticat’s The Dew Breaker?, Jana Braziel/ Nadège Clitandre (eds): The Bloomsbury Companion to Edwidge Danticat, 2020, New York, London: Bloomsbury.

?Entre dé- et reterritorialisation et post-mémoire. Les Antigones franco-algériennes?, Ingrid Simson, Marisa Belausteguigoitia Rius, Anne Brüske, Antígona del Sur; Berlin: tranvía 2020, N.N.

?Adaptaciones de Antígona en el Caribe: Antígona-Humor (1968) entre tragedia y comedia?, Ingrid Simson, Marisa Belausteguigoitia Rius, Anne Brüske, Antígona del Sur; Berlin: tranvía 2020, N.N.

?Espaces claustrophobes. La production d’espaces intérieurs dans l’?uvre de Le?la Slimani?, Kirsten Van Hagen / Martina O. Hertrampf / Hannah Nohe (Hgg.): An der Schnittstelle der Welten: Franz?sischsprachige Erz?hlungen von migrierenden Frauen im 21. Jahrhundert, München: AVM. N.N.


Summer Semester 2023

Winter Semester 2022/23

Summer Semester 2022

Winter Semester 2021/22

Summer Semester 2021

  • Rethinking Area Studies and Space from the ?Global South“ (Lecture Series in collaboration with?Joanna Moszczynska)
  • Digitale R?ume und imaginierte Gemeinschaften aus kulturwissenschaftlicher Sicht (Blockkurs)

Winter Semester 2020/21

  • Raumtheorie und Kulturwissenschaften (Spatial Theory and Cultural Studies - Lecture)
  • Raumtheorie und neue Paradigmen der Area Studies: Texte und ausgew?hlte Debatten (?bung zur Vorlesung ?Raumtheorie und Kulturwissenschaften) (Spatial Theory and New Paradigms of Area Studies - Practical course accompanying the above lecture)
  • Diaspora Cultures in North America / Diasporakulturen in Nordamerika. Caribbean, Latin American and Latinx Cultural Expression in the United States? (Seminar)
  • Antígona global. Reconfiguraciones de una heroína antigua en Colombia, Chile y Guinea Ecuatorial (Seminar)

Prof. Dr. Anne Brüske

Professorin für R?umliche Dimensionen kultureller Prozesse

Mail: anne.brueske@ur.de

Office: Room BA.830, Bajuwarenstra?e 4