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Prof. Dr. Solveigh Koeberle


Prof. Dr. Solveigh Koeberle

Geb?ude CH, Zi. 24.1.83
Telefon 0941 943-4819
Telefax 0941 943-4809
E-Mail Solveigh.Koeberle@chemie.uni-regensburg.de

Curriculum vitae

Since October 2022
Interim Professor for Medicinal Chemistry I, University of Regensburg (Germany),

Since 2022
Junior Group Leader at the Michael Popp Institute, University of Innsbruck (Austria)

Senior Lecturer at the Unit Pharmacognosy, University of Innsbruck (Austria)

Postdoc at the Department of Molecular Nutritional Science, University of Jena (Germany)

Postdoc at the Leibniz-Institute on Aging, Fritz Lipmann Institute e.V., Jena (Germany)

Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Cellular Neurobiology, The University of Tokyo (Japan)

Ph.D. in “Pharmaceutical Chemistry” at the Department of Medicinal/Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Tübingen (Germany)

Education as pharmacist and diploma pharmacist at the University of Tübingen (Germany)

Awards, fellowships and fundings


ICTEM Travel Award, International Conference of Trace Elements and Minerals 2022 in Aachen (Germany)


Grant of the Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena (Germany)


Fellowship of the Leibniz Institute on Aging Jena (Germany)


Fellowship of the Leibniz Institute on Aging Jena (Germany)


Fellowship of the ?Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft“(DPhG) / Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (PSJ) and of the Takeda Science Foundation for a 2-year research period at The University of Tokyo (Japan)


Participation at the “55th meeting of Nobel laureates in Medicine, Chemistry, and Physics in Lindau” (Germany)

Habilitation Topic

Identification of new potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of cancer, inflammatory reactions and degenerative diseases


My research on the molecular mechanisms of NPs focuses on redox signaling, lipid metabolism and lipid signaling in inflammation and degenerative disease. Specifically, I am interested in compounds that interact with the redox-regulated proteins NRF2, GXP4 and TXNRD at the interface of inflammation and ferroptosis. I am applying (bio)analytical, biochemical and molecular pharmacological approaches to identify biogenic compounds, either as chemical tools or putative lead structures for the treatment of inflammation-driven degenerative diseases.

Discovery of NRF2-targeting and ferroptosis/inflammation-modulating small molecules

  • Identification and characterization of anti-ferroptotic/anti-inflammatory/pro-resolving compounds
  • Bioactivity-guided isolation of respective NPs from Vietnamese medicinal plants
  • Deducing structural requirements for targeting specific cysteine switches in the NRF2 axis (SARs)
  • Unraveling privileged structures of anti-ferroptotic/anti-inflammatory/pro-resolving NRF2 activators

From small molecules to novel insights into the link between NRF2 signaling, ferroptosis and inflammation

  • Impact of NRF2-modulating compounds on ferroptotic cell death and lipid mediator biosynthesis
  • Exploring NRF2 cysteine code-dependent cellular responses in ferroptosis
  • Studying the effect of electrophilic biogenic lead structures that covalently modify NRF2 on cell signaling
  • Shaping the phospholipid composition by anti-ferroptotic NRF2 activators as novel mechanism for the treatment of degenerative diseases


  1. Koeberle SC*, Kipp AP, Stuppner H, Koeberle A Ferroptosis-Modulating Small Molecules for Targeting Drug-Resistant Cancer: Challenges and Opportunities in Manipulating Redox Signaling. SSRN DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.4206570. *?Corresponding Author
  2. Wolfram T, Weidenbach, LM, Adolf J, Schwarz, M, Sch?del P, Gollowitzer A, Werz O, Koeberle A, Kipp A and Koeberle SC* (2021) The trace element selenium is important for redox signaling in phorbol ester differentiated THP-1 macrophages. Int J Mol Sci. DOI:?10.3390/ijms222011060. *?Corresponding Author
  3. Koeberle SC, Gollowitzer A, Laoukili J, Kranenburg O, Werz O, Koeberle A and Kipp AP (2020) Distinct and overlapping functions of glutathione peroxidases 1 and 2 in limiting NF-κB-driven inflammation through redox-active mechanisms. Redox Biol. DOI:?10.1016/j.redox.2019.101388.
  4. Koeberle SC, Kipp AP (2018). Selenium and inflammatory mediators. In: ‘Selenium’, Bernhard Michalke (Ed.) Molecular and Integrative Toxicology. DOI:?10.1007/978-3-319-95390-8_7. INVITED REVIEW/BOOK CHAPTER
  5. Bertz, M, Kühn, K, Koeberle, SC, Müller, MF, Hoelzer, D, Thies, K, Deubel, S, Thierbach, R, Kipp, AP (2018) Selenoprotein H controls cell cycle progression and proliferation of human colorectal cancer cells. Free Radic Biol Med. DOI:?10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2018.01.010.
  6. Koeberle SC, Shinji T, Kuriu, T, Iwasaki H, Koeberle A, Schulz A, Helbing D, Yamagata Y, Morrison H, Okabe S (2017) Developmental stage-dependent regulation of spine formation by calcium calmodulin dependent protein kinase IIα and Rap1. Sci Rep. DOI:?10.1038/s41598-017-13728-y.
  7. Pein H, Koeberle SC*, Voelkel M, Schneider F, Rossi A, Loeser K, Sautebin L, Morrison H, Werz O, Koeberle A (2017) Vitamin A regulates Akt signaling through the phospholipid fatty acid composition. FASEB J (IF: 5.5). *shared first authorship. DOI:?10.1096/fj.201700078R.
  8. Koeberle A, Pergola C, Shindou H, Koeberle SC, Shimizu T, Laufer SA, Werz O (2015) Role of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase in linking stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1 activity with ER homeostasis. FASEB J, 29, 2439-2449. DOI:?10.1096/fj.14-268474.
  9. Koeberle A, Shindou H, Koeberle SC, Laufer SA, Shimizu T, Werz O (2013) Arachidonoyl-phosphatidylcholine oscillates during the cell cycle and counteracts proliferation by suppressing Akt membrane binding. PNAS, 110 (7), 2546-2551 (IF: 10.7)
  10. Fischer S, Wentsch HK, Mayer-Wrangowski SC, Zimmermann M, Bauer SM, Storch K, Niess R, Koeberle SC, Grütter C, Boeckler FM, Rauh D, Laufer SA (2013) Dibenzosuberones as p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitors with low ATP competitiveness and outstanding whole blood activity. J Med Chem, 56 (1), 241-253 (IF: 5.5).
  11. Koeberle SC, Fischer S, Schollmeyer D, Schattel V, Grütter C, Rauh D, Laufer SA (2012) Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of novel disubstituted dibenzosuberones as highly potent and selective inhibitors of p38 mitogen activated protein kinase. J Med Chem, 55 (12), 5868-5877 (IF: 5.4).
  12. Koeberle SC, Romir J, Fischer S, Koeberle A, Schattel V, Albrecht W, Grütter C, Werz O, Rauh D, Stehle T, Laufer SA (2011) Skepinone-L is a selective p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitor. Nat Chem Biol, 8, 141-3 (IF: 16.1).
  13. Fischer S, Koeberle SC, Laufer SA (2011) p38α mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitors, a patent review (2005-2011). Expert Opin Ther Pat, 21, 1843-66 (IF: 2.1).
  14. Karcher SC and Laufer, SA (2009) Successful structure-based design of recent p38 MAP kinase inhibitors. Curr Top Med Chem, 9, 655-676 (IF: 4.3).
  15. Karcher SC and Laufer SA (2009) Aza-analogue dibenzepinone scaffolds as p38 MAP kinase inhibitors: Design, synthesis and biological data of inhibitors with improved physico?chemical properties. J Med Chem, 52, 1778-1782 (IF: 5.2).
  16. Laufer SA, Ahrens GM, Karcher SC, Hering JS, Niess R. (2006) Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of phenylamino-substituted 6,11-dihydro-dibenzo[b,e]oxepin-11-ones and dibenzo[a,d]cycloheptan-5-ones: Novel p38 MAP kinase inhibitors. J Med Chem, 49 (26), 7912-7915 (IF: 5.1)


  • Vorlesung 53700 "Allg. und Analyti. Chemie der anorg. Arznei-, Hilfs-, und Schadstoffe
  • Praktikum 53705 "Allg. und analytische Chemie der anorg. Arznei-, Hilfs- und Schadstoffe

  1. Fakult?t für Chemie und Pharmazie
  2. Institut für Pharmazie