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International Marketing


International marketing is offered in summer semester for the Bachelor's degree programme, 2nd phase of study, and the Master's degree in Business Administration as a block event by Dr. Judith Mátyás, our visiting lecturer from the University of Pécs, Hungary.

In summer term 2024 the block seminar takes place from July,?01st - 05th, 2024

The event will be concluded with an oral examination /presentation (40% of the total grade) and a written housework (60% of the total grade). If you pass the module? successfully, you receive 3 ETCS.

The module "Marketing" (Fundamentals of Marketing, PO 2015) is required for participation.

The module "Marketing" (Fundamentals of Marketing, PO 2015) is required for participation.

Access to the Grips-Course will be provided after allocation.


  1. The international marketing environment: economic, political-legal and cultural environmental factors
  2. STP (segmentation, targeting, positioning) market selection, the most important market selection criteria
  3. Multinational marketing, marketing mix decisions
  4. Price and distribution policy in international marketing
  5. Product and brand policy, global brands, product innovation
  6. Product and service quality, the GAP model
  7. Marketing communication, communication mix, elements of the communication mix, advertising, online advertising, online advertising on the websites of companies with global brands
  8. Changes and new tendencies in communication and advertising policy
  9. Cultural dimensions in international marketing, corporate culture, interculturality
  10. Current trends and alternatives in international marketing and marketing communication


Becker, J. (2002). Marketing-Konzeption. München: Franz Vahlen. Bruhn, M. & Meffert. H. (Hrsg.). (2001). Handbuch Dienstleistungsmanagement. Von der strategischen Konzeption zur praktischen Umsetzung. Wiesbaden: Gabler.

Bruhn, M. (2004). Qualit?tsmanagement für Dienstleistungen. Grundlagen, Konzepte, Methoden. Berlin: Heidelberg, New York: Springer.

Dietrich, F. O. - Schmidt-Bleeker, R. (2013). Narrative Brand Planning, Wie Marken zu echten Helden werden. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.

Etzold , V. - Ramge, T. (2014): Equity Storytelling: Think - Tell - Sell: Mit der richtigen Story den Unternehmenswert erh?hen. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

F?rster, A. – Kreuz, P. (2003). Ideen und Konzepte für Ihren Markterfolg. Marketing Trends. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Frenzel, K. - Müller, M. – Sottong, H. (2004). Storytelling. Das Harun-al-Raschid-Prinzip. Die Kraft des Erz?hlen fürs Unternehmen nutzen. München, Wien: Hanser.
Gallo, C. (2011). ?berzeugen wie Steve Jobs. Das Erfolgsgeheimnis seiner Pr?sentationen. München: Ariston.

Ghauri, P. – Cateora, P. (2006). International Marketing. McGraw-Hill, Berkshire.
Hacki, R., Lighton, J. (2001). The future of the networked company. The McKinsey Ouarterly, N. 3.

Hollensen, S. (2011). Global Marketing. Pearson. International Edition. Kotler. P. & Keller, K. L. (2012). Marketing Management. Pearson. International Edition.

Sammer, P. (2014). Story-telling. Die Zukunft von PR und Marekting. K?ln: O’Reily.

Thier, K (2010). Storytelling. Eine Methode für das Change-, Marken-, Qualit?ts- und Wissensmanagement. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.

Vossen, K. – Reinhardt, F. A. (2002). Zukunftsm?rkte. Was das Marketing über den Kunden der Zukunft wissen sollte. Düsseldorf, Berlin: Metropolitan.

Zeithaml,V. A., Berry, Leonard L. & Parasuraman, A. (1996). The Behavioral Consequences of Service Quality. Journal of Marketing, 60, 31-46.
Internet sources:

Budde, L. (2015): Die gr??ten Online-Marketing-Trends, t3n.de/news/online-marketing-trends-2015-582951/

Hoffmann, K. (2015): Was macht Ihre Contentstrategie erfolgreich?

Internet sources







medium.com/mac-life/storytelling-expertin-petra-sammer-steve-jobs-ist-die- klassische-heldenfigur-492bd179bf02




Course registration

Registration via SPUR.

  • Registration: 28.02.2024?until 12.05.2024
  • Allocation: 13.05.2024
  • Allocation (remaining places with waiting list): 14.05.2024?- 03.06.2024

Please deregister if you don't need your place for further allocation. During the allocation of remaining places the registration directly leads to an allocation!

Access to the Gripscourse will be provided via e-mail at allocation.

Requests via sigm@ur.de .

Exam registration

Students of University Regensburg:

Please do not forget to register for exams via FlexNow.

Registration period: 14.05.2024 - 14.06.2024

Cancellation period: 14.05.2024 - 28.06.2024

Erasmus-/Exchange Students

Registration period: 28.02.2024 - 28.06.2024

Please register for the exam by sending an e-mail to the secretariat, sigm@ur.de!


Chair of Strategic Industrial Marketing

Prof. Dr.

Roland Helm


Building RW(S), Room 229

Phone +49 941 943-5621

Fax +49 941 943-5622

e-mail: sigm@ur.de