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Research at the chair of Strategic Industrial Marketing


Key working areas of the Chair of Strategic Industrial Marketing

  • Development and marketing of complex industrial products - innovation management and preference measurement
  • Influencing the behavior of customers in B2B markets
  • Distribution of industrial products and cultivation of international markets

Publications by Prof. Dr. Roland Helm



Current research Projects

The influence of internal marketing measures on the adoption of innovations by sales employees (Auburger, J.):

Producers from the B2B sector face the challenge of having to survive in saturated, globally highly competitive markets. In response, companies are developing increasingly complex products and product service systems, some of which have little in common with the original core service or product. Due to the high degree of novelty of the offered products and services, sales employees often have difficulties adopting innovations themselves and ultimately selling them successfully. The following central question of the research project arises from this background: How should internal marketing measures be structured so that the individual sales employee adopts innovations and can then successfully sell them?

New competencies in Industry 4.0 networks (Ebneth, B.):

In order to meet the current digital transformation and to use the associated potentials, new business models such as digital platforms are increasingly coming into focus for companies. But how does platform management have to be designed for a digital platform to be successful? Which competencies does platform management need and which leadership styles ensure successful inter-organizational cooperation among the platform players? These questions determine the research project in this area.

Digital marketing and innovation management, B2B sales of innovation, predictive analytics (Endres, H.):

Digital marketing and innovation management is a way to market brands and innovations through digital channels. Most companies have a specific audience they are trying to reach, and digital marketing and innovation management aims to help companies innovate to reach that audience, especially through digital channels. Dr. Herbert Endres examines the success factors of digital marketing and innovation management.

The sale of innovations in the B2B area requires professional sales management, effective lead generation and the management of long-term customer relationships through account management and customer relationship management (CRM). In addition, the product commitment of the sales staff plays a major role. As part of this project, Dr. Herbert Endres examines measures that sales and marketing managers can use to ensure innovation success.

Predictive Analytics uses historical data to predict future events. Typically, historical data is used to create a mathematical model that captures key trends. This predictive model is then used on the basis of up-to-date data to predict what will happen next, or to propose measures for optimal results. Dr. Herbert Endres develops new methods to predict (market) developments more accurately. For his work in this field of research, Dr. Herbert Endres together with Dr. Nadine Schr?der and Dr. Andreas Falke have been honored by the American Marketing Association.

Opportunism in an Industry 4.0 environment (Hofstetter, C.):

Actors in a supply chain network frequently use unmoral methods like cunning, lying and cheating in order to improve their competitive position with regard to increasingly complex requirements from the product, sales and competition site. Within the framework of this research project it is intended to investigate in which way the changes due to the fourth industrial revolution do affect the opportunistic behaviour of the market players.

Sales of complex products (Raabe, K.):

As markets become more and more competitive, companies are increasingly focusing on integrated system solutions in order to stand out from the competition. Products and (digital) services are sold as a combination, as so-called (digital) product-service systems. Accordingly, there is a change in the B2B sector from a pure producer to a producing service provider. The increasing complexity of products that goes along with this creates more and more challenges for sales. This raises the question of which sales functions and competences are needed and how the customer-supplier relationship should be designed in order to successfully sell these complex (digital) product-service systems.

Implementation of business model innovations in the context of digital servitization in the machinery and plant manufacturing (S?llner, S.):

The digital servitisation describes a transformation process from a pure producer to a service provider in which new digital technologies changing the way how product-driven companies compete and provide services. In many cases, companies can not profit from the implementation of new strategies or the reorientation of business models. In particular, the bundling of products and services (so-called product service systems, abbr: PSS) has moved into current research.

The aim of the research project is to analyze the internal organizational determinants and capabilities based on ideal business models. In practice, a framework for action should therefore be given in the future in order to be able to implement service and digitalization-oriented business models efficiently in the company.




All key working areas of the chair have been widely implemented in practice in various companies. Any case is analyzed in a structured manner, occasionally supplemented by empirical market data. This leads to a joint elaboration of an individual solution.

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Chair of Strategic Industrial Marketing

Prof. Dr.

Roland Helm


Building RW(S), Room 229

Phone +49 941 943-5621

Fax +49 941 943-5622

e-mail: sigm@ur.de