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Bachelor Thesis

Bachelor thesis

The following required courses for our bachelor students will take place:

  • General introduction to academic writing
  • Chair specific introductory meeting

information for writing a bachelor thesis at the chair of strategic business marketing?

A bachelor thesis at the chair of Strategic Industrial Marketing is a scientific work in the subject area of industrial and international marketing as well as sales and innovation management.

The topics for the bachelor thesis are generally dictated by the chair.

Please sign regulary in for the bachelor thesis at the examination office to participate in the distribution system of the Institute of Business Administration. After allocation to our chair, you will be invited by email to a chair specific introductory meeting at the beginning of the semester. This date will be used to distribute the thesis subjects, to explain the next steps and the organisation at the chair and to answer any questions from you. After the presentation of the topics you will draw your own topic in lottery.

Furthermore a introductory meeting about scientific work will be offered at the beginning of the semester. This event is mandatory for you.

For the elaboration of the thesis you have a timeframe of 60 days. This period starts the day after the topic assignment. The thesis concludes with a presentation of the results after the delivery of your work.

You can find more information about the process of the bachelor course as well as about the guidelines for the creation of the thesis at our chair that you have to meet on the e-learning plattform of the University of Regensburg (G.R.I.P.S.) under "Exercise for bachelor thesis, chair of strategic industrial marketing". Please sign in for this course in G.R.I.P.S.

Please keep in mind to submit the "application for admission to the bachelor thesis" at the examination office on time.


Chair of Strategic Industrial Marketing

Prof. Dr.

Roland Helm


Building RW(S), Room 229

Phone +49 941 943-5621

Fax +49 941 943-5622

e-mail: sigm@ur.de