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Service Projects

Service Projects make state-of-the-art technologies available to all research projects of the Collaborative Research Centre.

Service Project Z1

Kidney imaging and ultrastructure

Prof.?Dr. Ralph Witzgall
Molekulare und Zellul?re Anatomie
Universit?t Regensburg

Prof. Dr. Richard Warth
Medizinische Zellbiologie
Universtit?t Regensburg

Prof. Dr. Stefan Uderhardt
Medizinische Klinik 3 - Rheumatologie und Immunologie
Universit?tsklinikum Erlangen

The Z1 service project offers comprehensive, state-of-the-art microscopy techniques and support for kidney imaging . The subprojects are competently supported in the production of high-quality histological images, fluorescence microscopy, confocal microscopy, multiphoton microscopy, lightsheet microscopy, advanced image analysis and 3D reconstructions. Additionally, electron microscopy and correlative confocal/electronic microscopy are offered for ultrastructural analyses.

Service Project Z2


PD Dr.?Katja Dettmer-Wilde
Functional Genomics
Universit?t Regensburg

Prof. Dr.?Wolfram Gronwald
Functional Genomics
Universit?t Regensburg

Prof. Dr.?Peter Oefner
Functional Genomics
Universit?t Regensburg

Project Z2 will provide qualitative and quantitative analyses, both targeted and untargeted, of metabolic alterations by gas/liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, including stable isotope tracer studies for metabolic pathway analysis. It will also facilitate the analysis of multidimensional data, including algorithms for scale-invariant variable selection and regularization of linear regression models, probabilistic graphic models, and estimation of individual treatment effects.

Infrastructure Project INF1

Platforms for bioinformatics methodology and GenePrioritiSation

Prof. Dr. Iris Heid
Genetische Epidemiologie
Universit?t Regensburg

Prof. Dr. Merle Behr
Maschinelles Lernen
Universit?t Regensburg

Dr. Fulvia Ferrazzi
Universitsklinikum Erlangen

This infrastructure project will provide bioinformatics/biostatistics platforms for high-dimensional research data analysis. Our methods platform will provide advice on biostatistical, bioinformatics and machine learning methods, their implementation and interpretation for complex data analyses, e.g. for the integration of epigenetics and other omics data (RNA-Seq, ATAC-Seq, ChIP-Seq). The Gene Prioritization Platform (KidneyGPS) will provide a web-based application that allows easy access to data from genome-wide association data to support the prioritization of genes as potential targets for functional studies or drug development pipelines.

  1. Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
  2. Friedrich-Alexander Universit?t Erlangen-Nürnberg


"Interdisciplinary kidney research to advance understanding of disease mechanisms and develop new therapeutic concepts"


Dr. Markus Bohn
Tel.: ++49 (0)9131 8545857