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Academic Awards

Dr. med. Victoria Forschbach will be awarded the doctoral prize of the Forschungsgemeinschaft Medizin 2024 for her dissertation "Anoctamin 6 is localized in the primary cilium of renal tubular cells and is involved in apoptosis-dependent cyst lumen formation" in the category "Basic Research". Congratulations!
The Forschungsgemeinschaft Medizin awards this prize annually to two graduates of the Faculty of Medicine at Friedrich-Alexander-Universit?t Erlangen-N¨¹rnberg for the best work in clinical or basic biomedical research. The prizes are endowed with 1,000 euros each.


Congratulations! Professor Kerstin Amann, vice spokesperson of the TRR 374, has received the ERA 2024 Award for Research Excellence in Nephrology.
The ERA is the European Renal Association - one of the largest nephrology associations in the world. The ¡°ERA Award for Research Excellence in Nephrology¡± honors outstanding research achievements in nephrology. The laudation states: ¡°Kerstin Amann is a well-known and highly esteemed nephropathologist and scientist. She enjoys an excellent reputation in Germany, Europe and the USA and is a role model for younger scientists. She has succeeded in establishing the largest center for nephropathology in Germany and one of the largest in the world." (FAU press release)


The picture shows, from left to right, Prof Christof Schmid, Prof Lars Maier, Ms Mustroph representing PD Dr Julian Mustroph, Dr Sigrid Wiesener, Dr Fredrick Sinha, Ms Lautenschlager, Ms Elfriede Sticht-Foit and Dr Mihael Foit (founder of the Dr Mihael Foit and Elfriede Sticht-Foit Foundation). Fredrick Sinha received the Dr Mihael Foit and Elfriede Sticht-Foit Foundation's doctoral prize at the Regensburg Cardiovascular Days.

Fredrick Sinha (fifth from left) was awarded the Dr. Mihael Foit and Elfriede Sticht-Foit Foundation's doctoral award (prize money: €1000) at the Regensburger Herz-Kreislauf-Tage (cardio-vascular days) 2023.His outstanding doctoral thesis is part of his research work in the A6 project of the SFB 1350 / TRR 374.

From left to right: Prof. Christof Schmid, Prof. Lars Maier, Ms. Mustroph representing PD Dr. Julian Mustroph, Dr. Sigrid Wiesener, Dr. Fredrick Sinha, Ms. Lautenschlager, Ms. Elfriede Sticht-Foit and Dr. Mihael Foit (founder of the Dr. Mihael Foit and Elfriede Sticht-Foit Foundation).



Poster award for Ren¨¦ Kr¨¹ger from the working group of Johannes Sch?del - Project C5, at the Congress for Nephrology of the DGfN 2022


Prize for the best poster at the EUKISS Summer School 2022 in Berlin for Sabrina Habel from the working group A6 of Frank Schweda.
We are also very happy about the place for the fourth best poster by Eva Vonbrunn from the working group C2 of Kerstin Amann.


Congratulations! Prof. Kerstin Amann, vice spokesperson of the SFB1350, has received the Franz Volhard Medal at the Congress of the German Society of Nephrology 2021 in Rostock. The Franz Volhard Medal is the highest award of the German Society of Nephrology.


Poster award for Claudia Lehrmann from the working group of Frank Schweda - Project C3, at the 100th Annual Meeting of the German Physiological Society in Frankfurt 2021.



Poster award for Dr. Florian Wopperer from the working group of Michael Wiesener - Project C4, at the Congress for Nephrology of the DGfN 2021



Preisverleihung Dgfn2019

Award of the Rainer Greger Promotionspreis for Dr. Andre Kraus (at the right) and prize for one of the best 11 abstracts for Julia Scholz (at the left), both from the working group of Bj?rn Buchholz (in the middle) - Project B3, at the Congress for Nephrology of the DGfN 2019.

  1. Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
  2. Friedrich-Alexander Universit?t Erlangen-N¨¹rnberg


"Interdisciplinary kidney research to advance understanding of disease mechanisms and develop new therapeutic concepts"


Dr. Michaela Kritzenberger
Tel.: ++49 (0)941/943-2885

Molecular Medicine