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Dr. Fernando Perez



I am interested in the role of oscillations for olfactory processing.? Together with Prof. Dutschmann (Florey Institute, Australia) we are currently developing a semi-intact preparation of the olfactory system that will allow us to investigate oscillations in a preserved neuronal network.?



2014 to date

PhD student in Prof. Egger’s lab at the University of Regensburg


?PhD student at Neurobiology, Department of Biology II, Ludwig Maximilians Universit?t München, Prof. Egger’s Lab

2012 - 2013

Research assistant at Neurobiology, Department of Biology II, Ludwig Maximilians Universit?t München, under the supervision of Dr. Veronica Egger

2009-2010 ?

Exchange student at Aarhus University, Denmark

2005 - 2011

Graduate studies “Licenciado” in Biotechnology, University of Vic, Barcelona


Pérez de los Cobos Pallarés F., Bautista T.G., Stanic D., Egger V., Dutschmann M. Brainstem-mediated sniffing and respiratory modulation during odor stimulation. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 233, 17-24 (2016)

Chatterjee M., Pérez de los Cobos Pallarés F., Loebel A., Lukas M., Egger V. Sniff-like patterned input results in long-term plasticity at the rat olfactory bulb and tufted cell to granule cell synapse. Neural Plasticity 16 (2016) doi:10.1155/2016/9124986

Pérez de los Cobos Pallarés F., Staníc D., Farmer D., Dutschmann M., Egger V. An Arterially Perfused Nose-Olfactory Bulb Preparation in Rat. J. Neurophysiol. 114, 2033-2042 (2015)

  1. Fakult?ten
  2. Fakult?t für Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin

Dr. Fernando Perez


Perez Fernando Sw