Subcellular physiological analysis of interneurons in the olfactory bulb
Currently I am trying to dissect the postsynaptic mechanisms at the reciprocal mitral cell/granule cell synapse in the olfactory bulb upon local activation of the granule cell spine. Combining modern monitoring and stimulation techniques with pharmacology, a clearer vision of the spine’s functionality emerges. This special synapse’s unusual coalescence of pre- and postsynapse and its ability for local activation of high voltage activated conductances (one of our recent findings), challenging aspects of traditional textbook knowledge on synaptic function, is a rewarding incentive for my scientific work in this research group. Looking at the nervous system’s small subcellular structures in great detail can uncover important consequences for the big picture.
Single-synapse two-photon uncaging, two-photon laser scanning microscopy, in vitro whole cell patch clamp electrophysiology, pharmacological alterations, histology, confocal microscopy.
Scientific CV
2012 to date: Graduate School of Neuroscience (GSN) member at the LMU München
2011 to date: PhD thesis – Ludwig-Maximilians-Universi?t München / Universit?t Regensburg, AG Egger (Physiology of interneurons in the olfactory bulb)
2010: Diploma thesis – JMU Würzburg, AG F?rster (The circadian cycle of Drosophila melanogaster under varying conditions)
2005-2010: Biology studies (Diploma) at the Julius-Maximilians-Universit?t Würzburg
Selected Poster Presentations
2014: SFN Conference, Washington DC
2013: DZG Conference, München
2013: SPP 1392 Meeting, Jena
2012: DZG Conference, Konstanz
2012: SPP 1392 Meeting, Konstanz
2011: NWG Conference, G?ttingen
2011: SPP 1392 Meeting, Berlin
Selected Scientific Presentations
2014: Neurobiology Seminar, LMU München
2014: SPP Meeting, Delmenhorst
2014: SPP PhD Meeting, LMU München
2013: SPP PhD Meeting, Jena
2013: GSN Workshop Optogenetics, LMU München
2012: SPP PhD Meeting, Konstanz
Selected Workshops
2014: SPP PhD Meeting (Organized by W. Bywalez, D. Biechl, F. Pérez), LMU München
2013: GSN Workshop Optogenetics (Organized by Prof. Dr. Venkatesh Murthy,
W. Bywalez), LMU München
2013: Quality Papers: Academic Writing and Presentation Skills (Organized by
Peter Moore), LMU München 2013: Learning how to teach (GSN workshop people management), LMU München 2012: Visual Impact: The use and abuse of visual information in science and
beyond (Organized by Dr. Barrett Klein), K?ln
Bywalez W.G., Patirniche D., Rupprecht V., Stemmler M., Herz A. V. M., Pálfi D., Rózsa B. & Egger V. (2015) Local postsynaptic voltage-gated sodium channel activation in dendritic spines of olfactory bulb granule cells. Neuron 85, 590-601.
Rammes G., Gravius A., Ruitberg M., Wegener N., Chambon C., Stroka-Saidi K., Jeggo R., Staniaszek L., Spanswick D., O'Hare E., Palmer P., Kim E. M., Bywalez W. G., Egger V. & Parsons C.G. (2015) MRZ-99030 - a novel modulator of β-amyloid (Aβ) aggregation reverses Aβ oligoner-induced deficits in longterm potentiation (LTP) and cognitive performance in rodents. Neuropharmacology 92, 170-182.
Bywalez W., Menegazzi P., Rieger D., Schmid B., Helfrich-F?rster C., Yoshii T. (2012) The dual-oscillator system of Drosophila melanogaster under natural-like temperature cycles. Chronobiol Int. 29(4):395-407. doi: 10.3109/07420528.2012.668505