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Reichelt-Wurm S., Pregler M., Wirtz T., Kretz M., Holler K., Banas B., Banas M.C. (2022). The interplay of NEAT1 and miR-339-5p influences mesangial gene expression and function in various diabetic-associated injury models. Non-Coding RNA, [in press].


Graf, J., Kretz, M. (2020) From structure to function: route to understanding lncRNA mechanism. Bioessays, [Epub].


Reichelt-Wurm S., Wirtz T., Chittka D., Lindenmeyer M., Reichelt R.M., Beck S., Politis P., Charonis A., Kretz M., Huber T.B., Liau S., Banas B., Banas M.C. (2019). Glomerular expression pattern of long non-coding RNAs in the type 2 diabetes mellitus BTBR mouse model. Sci Rep, 9, 9765.


Ziegler,C.*, Graf,J.*, Faderl,S., Schedlbauer,J., Strieder,N., F?rstl,B., Spang,R., Bruckmann,A., Merkl,R., Hombach,S., Kretz M. (2019). The long non-coding RNA LINC00941 and SPRR5 are novel regulators of human epidermal homeostasis. EMBO Rep, 20(2):e46612.


Tanis,S.E.J., Jansen,P.W.T.C., Zhou,H., van Heeringen,S.J., Vermeulen,M., Kretz,M., Mulder,K.W. (2018). Splicing and chromatin factors jointly regulate epidermal differentiation. Cell Rep, 25, 1292–1303.e5.


Lee C.S., Mah A., Aros C.J., Lopez-Pajares V., Bhaduri A., Webster D.E., Kretz M., Khavari P.A. (2018). Cancer-associated long noncoding RNA SMRT-2 controls epidermal differentiation. J Invest Dermatol. [Epub].

Ziegler C., Kretz M. (2017). The more the merrier - complexity in long non-coding RNA loci. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 8(90) [Epub].

Throrenoor N., Faltejskova-Vychytilova P., Hombach S., Micochova J., Kretz M., Svoboda M., Slaby O. (2016). Long non-coding RNA ZFAS1 interacts with CDK1 and is involved in p53-dependent cell cycle control and apoptosis in colorectal cancer. Oncotarget. 7(1):622-37.


Lopez-Pajares V., Qu K., Zhang J., Webster D.E., Barajas B.C., Siprashvili Z., Zarnegar B.J., Boxer L.D., Rios E.J., Tao S., Kretz M., Khavari P.A. (2015). A lncRNA-MAF:MAFB transcription factor network regulates epidermal differentiation. Dev Cell. 32(6): 693-706.

Kretz M., Meister G. (2014). RNA binding of PRC2: promiscuous or well ordered? Mol Cell. 55(2). 157-8.


Kretz M. (2013). TINCR, staufen1, and cellular differentiation. RNA Biol. 10(10). 1597-601.


Hombach S., Kretz M. (2013). The non-coding skin: Exploring the roles of long non-coding RNAs in epidermal homeostasis and disease. Bioessays. 35(12):1093-100.


Kretz M., Siprashvili Z.*, Chu C.*, Webster D.E.*, Zehnder A., Lee C.S., Flockhart R.J., Chow J., Johnston D., Groff A.F., Kim G.E., Raj A., Rinn J.L., Chang H.Y., Khavari P.A. (2013). Control of somatic tissue differentiation by the long non-coding RNA TINCR. Nature. 493(7431):231-5. (*: equal author contribution).


Siprashvili Z., Webster D.E., Kretz M., Johnston D., Rinn J.L., Chang H.Y., Khavari P.A. (2012). Identification of proteins binding coding and non-coding human RNAs using protein microarrays. BMC Genomics. 13(1):633.


Flockhart R.J., Webster D.E., Qu K., Mascarenhas N., Kovalski J., Kretz M., Khavari P.A. (2012). BRAFV600E remodels the melanocyte transcriptome and induces BANCR to regulate melanoma cell migration. Genome Res. 22(6):1006-14.


Kretz M.*, Webster D.E.*, Flockhart R.J., Lee C.S., Zehnder A., Lopez-Pajares V., Qu K., Zheng G. X. Y., Chow J., Kim G. E., ?Rinn J.L., Chang H.Y., Siprashvili Z., Khavari P.A. (2012). Suppression of progenitor differentiation requires the long non-coding RNA ANCR. Genes Dev. 26(4):338-43. (*: equal author contribution).

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Lee C.S., Ungewickell A., Bhaduri A., Qu K., Webster D.E., Armstrong R., Weng W.K., Aros C.J., Mah A., Chen R., Lin M., Sundram U., Chang H., Kretz M., Kim Y.H., and Khavari P.A. (2012). Transcriptome Sequencing in Sézary Syndrome Identifies Sézary Cell and Mycosis Fungoides-Associated LncRNAs and Novel Transcripts. Blood. 120(16):3288-97.

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Reuter J.A., Ortiz-Urda s., Kretz M., Garcia J., Scholl F.A., Pasmooij A.M.G., Chang D.C.H.Y., Khavari P.A. (2009). Inducible human tissue tumorigenesis identifies an extracellular matrix interaction network involved in cancer progression. Cancer Cell. 15(6):477-88.


Zheng-Fischh?fer Q., Kibschull M., Schnichels M., Kretz M., Petrasch-Parwez E., Strotmann J., Reucher H., Lynn B.D., Nagy J.I., Lye S.J., Winterhager E., Willecke K. (2007). Characterization of connexin31.1-deficient mice reveals impaired placental development. Dev Biol. 312(1):258-71.


Zheng-Fischh?fer Q., Schnichels M., Dere E., Strotmann J., Loscher N., McCulloch F., Kretz M., Degen J., Reucher H., Nagy J.I., Peti-Peterdi J., Huston J.P., Breer H., Willecke K. (2007). Characterization of connexin30.3-deficient mice suggests a possible role of connexin30.3 in olfaction. Eur J Cell Biol. 86(11-12):683-700.


Schnichels M., W?rsd?rfer P., Dobrowolski R., Markopoulos C., Kretz M., Schwarz G., Winterhager E., Willecke K. (2007). The connexin31 F137L mutant mouse as a model for the human skin disease erythrokeratodermia variabilis (EKV). Hum Mol Genet. 16(10):1216-24.


Truong A.B., Kretz M., Ridky T.W., Kimmel R., Khavari P.A. (2006). p63 regulates proliferation and differentiation of developmentally mature keratinocytes. Genes Dev. 20(22):3185-97


Bedner P., Niessen H., Odermatt B., Kretz M., Willecke K., Harz H. Selective permeability of different connexin channels to the second messenger cyclic AMP (2006). J Biol Chem. 281(10):6673-81.


Kretz M., Eckardt D, Krüger O, Kim JS, Maurer J, Theis M, van Rijen HV, Schorle H, Willecke K. (2006). Normal embryonic development and cardiac morphogenesis in mice with Wnt1-Cre-mediated deletion of connexin43. Genesis. 44(6): 269-76.


Kretz M., Maass K., Willecke K. (2004). Expression and function of connexins in the epidermis, analyzed with transgenic mouse mutants. Eur J Cell Biol. 83: 647-54.


Maass K., Ghanem A., Kim J.S., Saathoff M., Urschel S., Kirfel G., Grummer R., Kretz M., Lewalter T., Tiemann K., Winterhager E., Herzog V., Willecke K. (2004). Defective epidermalbarrier in neonatal mice lacking the C-terminal region of connexin43. Mol Biol Cell. 15: 4597-608. Epub.


Kretz M., Euwens C., Hombach S., Eckardt D., Teubner B., Traub O., Willecke K. and Ott T. (2003). Altered connexin expression and wound healing in the epidermis of connexin-deficientmice. J Cell Science. 116: 3443-3452.

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