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Fakult?t für Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin
Institute of Plant Sciences
Cell Biology and Plant Biochemistry
Dr. habil. Karina van der Linde - Publications


Dresselhaus T and van der Linde K (2023) Plant reproduction: Fertilization SALvaged by the central cell. Current Biology 33: R998 - R1018.

Kutzner L and van der Linde K (2023) A Trojan horse approach using Ustilago maydis to study apoplastic maize (Zea mays) peptides in situ. Methods in Molecular Biology: Plant Peptide Hormones and GrowthFactors: Chapter 9.

Dukowic-Schulze S* and van der Linde K* (2021) Oxygen, secreted proteins and small RNAs: mobile elements that govern anther develepoment. Plant Reproduction, (34, 1 - 19). (*shared corresponding authorship and equal contribution).

van der Linde K*and G?hre V* (2021) How do smut fungi use plant signals to spatiotemporally orientate on and in planta? Journal of Fungi 7, 107. (*shared corresponding authorship and equal contribution).

Fiedler I-C, Weiberg A, van der Linde K (2019). Guidelines for using Ustilago maydis as a Trojan horse for in situ delivery of maize proteins. Journal of Visualized Experiments 144: e58746.

Schulze Hüynck J, Kaschani F, van der Linde K, Ziemann S, Müller AN, Colby T, Kaiser M, Misas Villamil JC, Doehlemann G (2019). Proteases underground: Analysis of the maize root apoplast identifies organ specific papain-like cysteine protease activity. Frontiers in Plant Science 10.

Sosso D*, van der Linde K*, Bezrutczyk M, Schuler D, Schneider K, K?mper J, Walbot V (2019). Sugar partitioning between Ustilago maydis and its host Zea mays L during infection. Plant Physiology 179: 1373-1385. (*authors contributed equally).

van der Linde K and Walbot V (2019). Pre-meiotic anther development. In Current Topics in Developmental Biology: Plant Development and Evolution, U. Grossniklaus, ed (San Diego: Academic Press) 131: 239-256.

van der Linde K*, Egger RL, Timofejeva L, Walbot V (2018). Application of the pathogen Trojan horse approach in maize (Zea mays). Plant Signaling and Behavior 13: 12 e1547575. (*corresponding author).

van der Linde K*, Timofejeva L, Egger RL, Ilau B, Hammond R, Teng C, Meyers BC, Doehlemann G, Walbot V (2018). Pathogen Trojan horse delivers bioactive host protein to alter maize anther cell behavior in situ. Plant Cell 30:528-542. (*corresponding author).
Recommended in F1000Prime as being of special significance in its field by F1000 Faculty Member June Nasrallah (10.3410/f.732682874.793551445).

Ziemann S, van der Linde K, Lahrmann U, Acar B, Kaschani F, Colby T, Kaiser M, Ding Y, Schmelz E, Huffaker A, Holton N, Zipfel C, Doehlemann G (2018). An apoplastic peptide activates salicylic acid signalling in maize. Nature Plants 43:172-180.

van der Linde K, Mueller A, Redkar A, Schilling L, Doehlemann G. (2013). Brandpilz mit Pep: Ustilago maydis und das pflanzliche Immunsystem. Biospektrum 19: 140-142.

van der Linde K and Doehlemann G (2013). Utilizing virus induced gene silencing for the functional characterization of maize genes during infection with the fungal pathogen Ustilago maydis. Methods in Molecular Biology, Springer Science + Business Media Methods 975:47-60.

van der Linde K, Mueller A, Hemetsberger C, Kaschani F, van der Hoorn RAL, Doehlemann G (2012). The maize cystatin CC9 interacts with apoplastic cysteine proteases. Plant Signalling and Behavior 7: 1397–1401.

van der Linde K, Hemetsberger C, Kastner C, Kaschani F, van der Hoorn RAL, Kumlehn J, Doehlemann G (2012). A maize cystatin suppresses host immunity by inhibiting apoplastic cysteine proteases. Plant Cell 24: 1285-300.

van der Linde K, Kastner C, Kumlehn J, Kahmann R, Doehlemann G (2011). Systemic virus induced gene silencing allows functional characterization of maize genes during the biotrophic interaction with Ustilago maydis. New Phytologist 189: 471-483.

van der Linde K, Gutsche N, Leffers HM, Lindermayr C, Müller B, Holtgrefe S, Scheibe R (2011). Regulation of plant cytosolic aldolase functions by redox-modifications. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 49: 946-57.

Doehlemann G, van der Linde K, A?mann D, Schwammbach D, Hof A, Mohanty A, Jackson D, Kahmann R (2009). Pep1, a secreted effector protein of Ustilago maydis is required for successful invasion of plant cells. PLoS Pathogens 5: 2 e1000290.

  1. Fakult?t für Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin
  2. Faculty Research

Dr. habil. Karina van der Linde

Cell Biology and Plant Biochemistry
University of Regensburg

Karina van der Linde

Universit?tsstra?e 31
93053 Regensburg

Phone: +49 (0)941 943-3006
Fax: +49 (0)941 943-3352