Fakult?t für Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin |
Institute of Plant Sciences |
Cell Biology and Plant Biochemistry |
Dr. habil. Karina van der Linde - Publications |
Dresselhaus T and van der Linde K (2023) Plant reproduction: Fertilization SALvaged by the central cell. Current Biology 33: R998 - R1018.
Kutzner L and van der Linde K (2023) A Trojan horse approach using Ustilago maydis to study apoplastic maize (Zea mays) peptides in situ. Methods in Molecular Biology: Plant Peptide Hormones and GrowthFactors: Chapter 9.
Dukowic-Schulze S* and van der Linde K* (2021) Oxygen, secreted proteins and small RNAs: mobile elements that govern anther develepoment. Plant Reproduction, (34, 1 - 19). (*shared corresponding authorship and equal contribution).
van der Linde K*and G?hre V* (2021) How do smut fungi use plant signals to spatiotemporally orientate on and in planta? Journal of Fungi 7, 107. (*shared corresponding authorship and equal contribution).
Fiedler I-C, Weiberg A, van der Linde K (2019). Guidelines for using Ustilago maydis as a Trojan horse for in situ delivery of maize proteins. Journal of Visualized Experiments 144: e58746.
Schulze Hüynck J, Kaschani F, van der Linde K, Ziemann S, Müller AN, Colby T, Kaiser M, Misas Villamil JC, Doehlemann G (2019). Proteases underground: Analysis of the maize root apoplast identifies organ specific papain-like cysteine protease activity. Frontiers in Plant Science 10.
Sosso D*, van der Linde K*, Bezrutczyk M, Schuler D, Schneider K, K?mper J, Walbot V (2019). Sugar partitioning between Ustilago maydis and its host Zea mays L during infection. Plant Physiology 179: 1373-1385. (*authors contributed equally).
van der Linde K and Walbot V (2019). Pre-meiotic anther development. In Current Topics in Developmental Biology: Plant Development and Evolution, U. Grossniklaus, ed (San Diego: Academic Press) 131: 239-256.
van der Linde K*, Egger RL, Timofejeva L, Walbot V (2018). Application of the pathogen Trojan horse approach in maize (Zea mays). Plant Signaling and Behavior 13: 12 e1547575. (*corresponding author).
van der Linde K*, Timofejeva L, Egger RL, Ilau B, Hammond R, Teng C, Meyers BC, Doehlemann G, Walbot V (2018). Pathogen Trojan horse delivers bioactive host protein to alter maize anther cell behavior in situ. Plant Cell 30:528-542. (*corresponding author).
Recommended in F1000Prime as being of special significance in its field by F1000 Faculty Member June Nasrallah (10.3410/f.732682874.793551445).
Ziemann S, van der Linde K, Lahrmann U, Acar B, Kaschani F, Colby T, Kaiser M, Ding Y, Schmelz E, Huffaker A, Holton N, Zipfel C, Doehlemann G (2018). An apoplastic peptide activates salicylic acid signalling in maize. Nature Plants 43:172-180.
van der Linde K, Mueller A, Redkar A, Schilling L, Doehlemann G. (2013). Brandpilz mit Pep: Ustilago maydis und das pflanzliche Immunsystem. Biospektrum 19: 140-142.
van der Linde K and Doehlemann G (2013). Utilizing virus induced gene silencing for the functional characterization of maize genes during infection with the fungal pathogen Ustilago maydis. Methods in Molecular Biology, Springer Science + Business Media Methods 975:47-60.
van der Linde K, Mueller A, Hemetsberger C, Kaschani F, van der Hoorn RAL, Doehlemann G (2012). The maize cystatin CC9 interacts with apoplastic cysteine proteases. Plant Signalling and Behavior 7: 1397–1401.
van der Linde K, Hemetsberger C, Kastner C, Kaschani F, van der Hoorn RAL, Kumlehn J, Doehlemann G (2012). A maize cystatin suppresses host immunity by inhibiting apoplastic cysteine proteases. Plant Cell 24: 1285-300.
van der Linde K, Kastner C, Kumlehn J, Kahmann R, Doehlemann G (2011). Systemic virus induced gene silencing allows functional characterization of maize genes during the biotrophic interaction with Ustilago maydis. New Phytologist 189: 471-483.
van der Linde K, Gutsche N, Leffers HM, Lindermayr C, Müller B, Holtgrefe S, Scheibe R (2011). Regulation of plant cytosolic aldolase functions by redox-modifications. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 49: 946-57.
Doehlemann G, van der Linde K, A?mann D, Schwammbach D, Hof A, Mohanty A, Jackson D, Kahmann R (2009). Pep1, a secreted effector protein of Ustilago maydis is required for successful invasion of plant cells. PLoS Pathogens 5: 2 e1000290.
Cell Biology and Plant Biochemistry
University of Regensburg
Universit?tsstra?e 31
93053 Regensburg
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