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GESC - German and European Studies Courses


The Center for Language and Communication offers German and European Studies courses taught in English. The courses are aimed primarily at exchange students but are also open to regular students. They are designed for students with an interest in German and European culture with a focus on the 20th and 21st centuries.

General Information

summer semester 2024
Registration period: April 10 - April 11, 2024

Deregistration and late registration period:

April 15 - April 28, 2024

The enrollment is possible via SPUR (? Study Accompanying Courses).

Interested parties without a student account at the University of Regensburg (e.g. visiting? scholars, PhD students, UR employees, and OTH students) must first complete a self-registration in SPUR before they can register for courses.

Please note:

  • Registering for a course does not mean you are automatically admitted to this course. Applicants are admitted after the deadline has passed. Please check the Students' portal SPUR a day before the course starts to find out if you are admitted.
  • Admitted students who do not show up for the first course session without an excuse will lose their place on the course.

If you have any questions about the registration process, please reach out to studienbegleitung.daf@ur.de.


  1. Universit?t Regensburg


Center of Language and Communication

German as a Foreign Language

Ess Logo 2011 Web Rechtespalte

E-Mail: info.daf@ur.de


+49 941 943-2425

+49 941 943-2496