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Forschungskolloquien und Forschungsseminare

Die Fakult?t veranstaltet verschiedene Forschungskolloquien und -seminare zur F?rderung des wissenschaftlichen Austauschs. Bitte w?hlen Sie eine Veranstaltung aus, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten.

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Volkswirtschaftliches Forschungskolloquium

Zeit und Ort (sofern nichts anderes angegeben):?
Montag, 16:30-18:00, H26

Rückfragen bitte an Andreas Roider.

Wir bedanken uns für die finanzielle Unterstützung des Kolloquiums durch die Regensburger Universit?tsstiftung Hans Vielberth.

Wintersemester 2015/16:

12.10.2015: Sarah Auster, Bocconi University: Competing Mechanisms in Markets for Lemons

19.10.2015: Ansgar Wohlschlegel, University of Portsmouth: Reimbursement Schemes for Hospitals: Evidence from Germany

21.10.2015: Benjamin Elsner, IZA Bonn: tba, 12:00-13:30, VG 2.35

02.11.2015: Rainald Borck, Universit?t Potsdam, tba

09.11.2015: Ralph Bayer, University of Adelaide, tba

16.11.2015: Johannes Schmieder, Boston University, tba

30.11.2015: Yves Breitmoser, HU Berlin, tba

02.12.2015: Jasmin Gider, Universit?t Bonn, tba, 12:00-13:30, VG 2.35

07.12.2015: Aderonke Osikominu, Universit?t Hohenheim, tba

14.12.2015: Ulrich Schmidt, Universit?t Kiel, tba

21.12.2015: Winfried K?niger, Universit?t St. Gallen, tba

11.01.2016: Lydia Mechtenberg, Universit?t Hamburg, tba

18.01.2016: Guglielmo-Maria Caporale, Brunel University, tba

25.01.2016: Filip Matejka, Cerge-Ei Prague, tba

01.02.2016: Armin Schmutzler, Universit?t Zürich, tba

Sommersemester 2015:

13.04.2015: Jürgen Eichberger, Universit?t Heidelberg: Ambiguity and Games

15.04.2015: Efraim Benmelech:? Northwestern University: The Real Effects of Liquidity During the Financial Crisis: Evidence from Automobiles, 12:00-13:30, VG 2.35

20.04.2015: Georg Weizs?cker, HU Berlin: Markets for leaked information

27.04.2015: Dirk Sliwka, Universit?t K?ln: Arrogance and Ability - On the Correlation between Talent and Social Preferences

29.04.2015: Tore Ellingsen, Stockholm School of Economics: Rational Bubbles and Economic Crises: A Quantitative Analysis, 12:00-13:30, VG 2.35

11.05.2015: Marko K?thenbürger, ETH Zürich: Taxing Multinationals in the Presence of Internal Capital Markets

01.06.2015: Sven Knoth, Helmut-Schmidt Universit?t Hamburg: A Brief Introduction to Statistical Process Control (SPC)

08.06.2015: Klaus Schmidt, LMU München: Auctions vs. Negotiations: The Effects of Inefficient Renegotiation

15.06.2015: Ulrich Müller, Princeton University: Ultra Low-Frequency Econometrics

22.06.2015: Esteban Rossi-Hansberg, Princeton University: The Geography of Development: Evaluation Migration Restrictions and Coastal Flooding

06.07.2015: Uwe Sunde, LMU München: Choice Bracketing in Strategic Interactions - Evidence from the Framing of Rewards in Elimination Contests ?

13.07.2015: Alexander Haupt, University of Plymouth: The Role of Mobility in Tax and Subsidy Competition

Wintersemester 2014/15:

06.10.2014:?Vladimir Otrachshenko, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei: Accounting for Response Biases in Latent Class Models for Choices and Attitudes

08.10.2014: Rudi Stracke, LMU München:Competing for Market Shares: Why the Order of Moves Matters Even When It Shouldn't, 12:00-13:30, VG 2.35

13.10.2014: Helmut Lütkepohl, DIW Berlin: Structural Vector Autoregressions with Smooth Transition in Variances. The Interaction Between U.S. Monetary Policy and the Stock Market

20.10.2014: Nadine Riedel, Universit?t Hohenheim: Large and Influential: Firm Size and Governments' Corporate Tax Rate Choice

21.10.2014: Simon L?rtscher, University of Melbourne: Dissolving Partnerships Optimally, 12:00-13:30, VG 2.35

22.10.2014: Dmitry Taubinsky, Harvard University: The Lightbulb Paradox: Evidence from Two Randomized Experiments, 12:00-13:30, VG 2.35

27.10.2014: Jens Südekum, Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE): Spatial Frictions

03.11.2014: Peter Funk, Universit?t zu K?ln: Affluence, Apathy and the Pleasure of Activity

10.11.2014: Marko K?thenbürger, ETH Zürich: Taxing Multinationals in the Presence of?Internal Capital Markets

17.11.2014: Christian Schumacher, Deutsche Bundesbank: Relevant and irrelevant variables in sparse factor models

24.11.2014: Joachim Winter, LMU München: Plan switching and inertia in Medicare Part D: Evidence from administrative data

01.12.2014: Veronika Grimm, Universit?t Erlangen-Nürnberg: On the Impact of Quotas and Decision Rules in Ultimatum Collective Bargaining

08.12.2014: Volker Nocke, Universit?t Mannheim: Exclusive Dealing and Vertical? Integration in Interlocking Relationships

15.12.2014: Michele Tertilt, Universit?t Mannheim: Does Female Empowerment Lead to Economic Development

12.01.2015:?Bj?rn Bartling, Universit?t Zürich: Let the Market Decide: An Experimental Study of Competition and Fairness

19.01.2015: Sabine Klinger, IAB Nürnberg: On GDP-Employment Decoupling in Germany: A Contribution to Explaining the Productivity Puzzle

26.01.2015: Nikolaus Hautsch, Universit?t Wien: High-Speed on Financial Markets – Blessing or Curse?

Sommersemester 2014:

07.04.2014: Gesine Stephan, IAB Nürnberg: Private and public placement services for hard-to-place unemployed: An evaluation of a randomized field experiment using register data

14.04.2014: Artjoms Ivlevs, University of the West of England: Global Economic Crisis and Corruption Experience: Household-level Evidence for Transition Economies

16.04.2014: Eric Zitzewitz, Dartmouth College: Do Gas Prices Vote for the Right? Political Contributions via Price Distortions, 12:00-13:30, VG 2.35

28.04.2014: Jan B?hnke, University of York: The use of log-linear structural equation models to aggregate quality of life data: Applications in psychometrics and health economics

05.05.2014: Wolfgang H?rdle, HU Berlin: Portfolio Decisions and Brain Reactions via the
CEAD method

12.05.2014: Achim Wambach, University of Cologne: Auctions vs. Negotiations: The Case of Favoritism

19.05.2014: Alexander Stremitzer, UCLA: Promises and Expectations

26.05.2014: Theresa Kuchler, New York University: Sticking to Your Plan: Hyperbolic Discounting and Credit Card Debt Paydown

02.06.2014: Johannes Str?bel, New York University: Very Long-Run Discount Rates

16.06.2014: Martin Gervais, University of Iowa: Optimal Unemployment Insurance in a Directed Search?Model,?15:30-17:00, H26

23.06.2014: J?rg Oechssler, University of Heidelberg: How (not) to reward managers: An experiment on individual and pooled bonuses

30.06.2014: Lorenz G?tte, University of Lausanne: Salience, not social pressure: resource conservation may be more pleasant than you think

16.07.2014: Jürgen Wolters, FU Berlin: Money Demand and the Role of Monetary Indicators in Forecasting Euro Area Inflation, 17:30-19:00, 1.01 RW(S)

Wintersemester 2013/14:

14.10.2013: Ferdinand von Siemens, Universit?t Frankfurt:?Delegation, Implementation, and Procedural Preferences

21.10.2013: Markus Reisinger, WHU Vallendar: Vertical Integration with Complementary Inputs

28.10.2013: Johannes Abeler, Oxford University: Preferences for truth-telling,?
15:30-17:00, VG 2.35

04.11.2013: Uwe Hassler, Universit?t Frankfurt: Persistance under Temporal Aggregation and Differencing

11.11.2013: Marcus Dittrich, TU Chemnitz: Spillover effects of minimum wages: Theory and experimental evidence

18.11.2013: Anja Sch?ttner, Universit?t Konstanz: Hidden Benefits of Reward: A Field Experiment on Motivation and Monetary Incentives

02.12.2013: Andreas Lange, Universit?t Hamburg: On Transparency and Accountability: Evidence from an Asymmetric Public Good Game

04.12.2013: Anne Schielke, Cologne Graduate School, Universit?t zu K?ln: Public Goods Provision: Money vs. Information, 12:00-13:30, VG 2.35

09.12.2013: Karen Pittel, Ifo München: Energy Input Flexibility and the Green Paradox - The Effects of Variable Elasticity of Substitution between Renewable and Exhaustible Energy Sources on Resource Extraction, Production, Climate, and Climate Policy

16.12.2013: Marc M?ller, Universit?t Bern: Competition in the Presence of Individual Demand Uncertainty

18.12.2013: Mike Powell, Northwestern University: Managing Careers in Organizations, 12:00-13:30, VG 2.35

13.01.2014: Lucas Bretschger, ETH Zürich:?Optimum Growth and Carbon Policies with Lags in the Climate System

15.01.2014: Andreas Brandmaier, MPI Bildungsforschung Berlin: Exploratory Modeling with Structural Equation Model Trees, 12:00-13:30, VG 2.35

20.01.2014: Thomas Eichner, Universit?t Hagen: Self-enforcing International Environmental Agreements and Trade: Taxes versus Caps, 18:00-19:30, VG 2.35

27.01.2014: Michael Ahlheim, Universit?t Hohenheim: The Influence of Ethnicity and Culture on the Valuation of Environmental Improvements and Time Preference: Results from a CVM Study in Southwest China

03.02.2014: Zvika Afik, Ben-Gurion University: A Model of Implied Expected Bond Returns

24.02.2014: Cees Withagen, VU University Amsterdam: International Capital Markets, Oil Producers and the Green Paradox (with Gerard van der Meijden, Frederick van der Ploeg), 16:00-17:30, VG 2.35

Sommersemester 2013:

15.04.2013: Conny Wunsch, University of Amsterdam: Unemployment Insurance and Departures from Employment: Evidence from a German Reform (with Jeffrey Grogger)

22.04.2013: Timo Goeschl, University of Heidelberg: Punishment with and without a cause - An experimental comparison of second and thrid party sanctioning (with Johannes Jarke)

29.4.2013: Andrea Weber, University of Mannheim: Labor Market Effects of the Early Retirement Age (with Day Manoli)

05.05.2013: Gerd Mühlheusser, University of Hamburg: The Impact on Managerial Change on Performance. The Role of Team Heterogeneity (with Sandra Hentschel and Dirk Sliwka)

08.05.2013: Julia Nafziger, University of Aarhus: Packaging of Sin Goods - Commitment or Exploitation?, 12:00-13:30, VG 2.35

08.05.2013: Alexander Koch, University of Aarhus: Does a Buyer Benefit from Bad Reputation? Theory and Experiments on Auctions with Default (with Dirk Engelmann, Jeff Frank and Marieta Valente), 15:00-16:30, VG 2.35

13.05.2013: Paul Heidhues, ESMT Berlin: Inferior Products and Profitable Deception; Exploitative Innovation (with Botond Koszegi and Takeshi Murooka)

27.05.2013: Thomas Hintermaier, University of Bonn:?Collateral constraints and self-fulfilling macroeconomic fluctuations (with Winfried Koeniger)

03.06.2013: J?rg Breitung, University of Bonn: Challenges for the Analysis of Macroeconomic Panel Data

05.06.2013: Karen Bernhardt-Walther, Columbus University: A Tale of (Two) Teams: How Uncertainty and Complexity Drive Team Formation, 12:00-13:30, VG 2.35

10.06.2013: Sascha Becker, University of Warwick: The Impact of Public Employment: Evidence from Bonn (with Stephan Heblich and Daniel M. Sturm)

11.06.2013: Danielle Li, Northwestern University: Evidence from the US?National Institutes of Health, 12:00-13:30, VG 2.35??????????????????

12.06.2013: Stephen Ryan, University of Texas at Austin: The Value of Statistical Life: Evidence from Military Retention Inventives and Occupation-Specific Mortality Hazards (with Michael Greenstone and Michael Yankovich), 12:00-13:30, VG 2.35

17.06.2013: Fabian Waldinger, University of Warwick: Bombs, Brains, and Science. The Role of Human and Physical Capital for the Creation of Scienti?c Knowledge

19.06.2013: Lori Beaman, Northwestern University: Do Job Networks Disadvantage Women? Evidence from a Recruitment Experiment in Malawi (with Niall Keleher and Jeremy Magruder), 12:00-13:30, VG 2.35?

24.06.2013: Roland Hodler, University of Luzern: The Political Economics of the Arab Spring

15.07.2013: Patrick Schmitz, University of Cologne: Do Sellers Offer Menus of Contracts to Separate Buyer Types? An Experimental Test of Adverse Selection Theory (with Eva I. Hoppe)

17.07.2013: Nathan Carroll, University of Alicante: How does status affect behaviour? A natural experiment with golf players, 12:00-13:30, VG 2.35

Wintersemester 2012/13:

29.10.2012:?Frauke von Bieberstein, Universit?t Bern: The Firm as the Locus of Social Comparisons: Internal Labor Markets versus Up-or-out (with E. Auriol and G. Friebel)

05.11.2012: Laszlo Goerke, Universit?t Trier: Keeping up with the Joneses:?Income Comparisons and Labour Supply (with Markus Pannenberg)

12.11.2012: Martin G. Kocher, LMU München:?An Experimental Test of Precautionary Bidding (with Julius Pahlke and Stefan T. Trautmann)

19.11.2012: Gerlinde Fellner, Universit?t Ulm: Judgmental overconfidence and trading activity (with Sebastian Krügel)

26.11.2012: Fabian Herweg, LMU München: A Theory of Ex Post Inefficient Renegotiation (with Klaus M. Schmidt)

03.12.2012: Nora Szech, Universit?t Bamberg: Morals and Markets (with Armin Falk)

17.12.2012: Florian Englmaier, Universit?t Würzburg:?Electoral cycles in savings bank lending (with Till Stowasser)

07.01.2012: Konrad Stahl, Universit?t Mannheim: Strategic Backward Integration (with Matthias Hunold and Lars-Hendrick R?ller)

14.01.2013: Holger Bonin, ZEW Mannheim: Can Role Models Enhance Gender Equality on the Labor Market? Evidence from the Post-Unification Migration Experiment

21.01.2013: Carsten Trenkler, Universit?t Mannheim: Forecasting VARs, Model Selection, and Shrinkage

23.01.2013: Ricardo Alonso, University of Southern California: Recruitment and Selection in Organizations, 12:00-13:30, VG 2.35

28.01.2013: Urs Schweizer, Universit?t Bonn: Acquisition and Disclosure of Information as a Hold-up Problem

Forschungskolloquium Volkswirtschaftslehre

  • ?ltere

  • Vortrag. Prof. Dr. Andreas L?schel, ZEW Mannheim und Universit?t Heidelberg, Unilateral Climate Policy in the EU - An Impact Assessment, 16.7.2012, 18:15 Uhr, RW(S) 101.

  • Vortrag. Prof. Tara Sinclair, George Washington University, How Well Does “Core” CPI Measure Long-Run Inflation?, 18.6.2012, 18:15 Uhr, RWS 001 !!. (URL)

  • Vortrag. Dr. Ralph E. Steuer, University of Georgia, Tutorial on Multiple Criteria Optimization in Graphs, 4.6.2012, 18:15 Uhr, RW(S) 101.

  • Vortrag. Dipl.-Vw. Andrea Leuermann, Universit?t Heidelberg, Intergenerational Transmission of Risk Attitudes - A Revealed Preference Approach, 21.5.2012, 18:15 Uhr, RW(S) 101.

  • Vortrag. Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D., Institut für Finanzwirtschaft, Universit?t Wien, Entrepreneurial Spin-Offs, R&D, and Technology Choice, 16.4.2012, 18:15 Uhr, RW(S) 101.

  • Vortrag. Venerable Hyon Gak Sunim, Zen Center, München, Business Ethics: The Effects of Individual Action on Community, 18.7.2011, 14:15 Uhr, H 13.

  • Vortrag. Hartmut Egger, Why Foreign Ownership May Be Good For You, 12.7.2010, 18:15 Uhr, RW(S) 101.

  • Vortrag. Hans Gersbach, Private Insurance Against Systemic Risk?, 5.7.2010, 18:15 Uhr, RW(S) 101.

  • Vortrag. Stéphane Gregoir, EDHEC Business School, Paris, Individual Housing Rental Returns and Price Returns: How do they relate?, 28.6.2010, 18:15 Uhr, RW(S) 101. (URL)

  • Vortrag. Eric Fisher, Which Sectors of a Modern Economy are Most Central?, 16.6.2010, 18:15 Uhr, RW(S) 101. (Anhang)

  • Vortrag. Alexander Berentsen, Optimal Monetary Policy in a Channel System, 31.5.2010, 18:15 Uhr, RW(S) 101.

  • Event. Stéphane Gregoir, ACHTUNG: der Vortrag wird wegen Zugausf?llen auf einen sp?teren Termin verschoben, Liquidity Risk and Housing Price Dynamics, 11.1.2010, 18:00 Uhr, RW(S) 101.

  • Event. Klaus Schmidt, Screening, Competition, and Job Design, 7.12.2009, 18:00 Uhr, RW(S) 101.

  • Event. Marcel Prokopczuk, Commodity Derivatives Valuation with Autoregression and Moving Average in the Price Dynamics, 30.11.2009, 18:00 Uhr, RW(S) 101.

  • Event. Uta Pigorsch, Statistical Assessment of Models for Very High Frequency Financial Price Dynamics, 23.11.2009, 18:00 Uhr, RW(S) 101.

  • Event. Marco Leonardi, Product Demand Shift and Wage Inequality, 2.11.2009, 18:00 Uhr, RW(S) 101. (Anhang)

  • Event. Reiner Martin, Boom and Bust in the Baltic Countries - Lessons for Euro Area Accession, 26.10.2009, 18:00 Uhr, RW(S) 001.

  1. Fakult?t für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
  2. Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre und ?konometrie