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Sustainable Corporate Governance

What is (international) corporate governance and how does it relate to sustainability and business ethics? Which bodies and committees are necessary to run a corporation sustainably and responsibly? What role does the board of directors play in sustainability issues? How should (sustainability) performance be measured and (sustainability) risks managed? How should CEOs be selected? How should CEOs be incentivised and compensated? Why is sustainability reporting important for (sustainable) corporate governance? What role do sustainability ratings play?

The course?“Sustainable Corporate Governance”?deals with these questions, allowing you to build a sound knowledge of corporate governance with a focus on sustainability issues.

In particular, the course covers the following topics:

Case studies, guest lectures from leading German companies, hands-on practical examples, and empirical (research) evidence are essential components of the teaching methods.

Do not miss the opportunity to gain verifiable and relevant knowledge in the fields of sustainability and corporate governance, which have become increasingly relevant and sought after on the job market.

The course can be used in the following study programs:

  • MSc BWL (PO2021), SPMG "Unternehmensberichterstattung und Wirtschaftsprüfung"?
  • MSc BWL (PO2021), SPMG "Management und Führung"?
  • MSc BWL (PO2021), FSG "Business and Management"
  • "Wahlmodulgruppe BWL Master (PO 2015 und PO 2021)

The course is taught in English.

Further information regarding the course can be found on GRIPS.

If you have any questions regarding the course, please do not hesitate to reach out to the course coordinator Prof. Steindl (tobias.steindl(at)ur.de).

Corporate Social Responsibility Control, Reporting & Governance

Inhaber der Professur

Prof. Dr. Tobias Steindl

E-Mail: tobias.steindl(at)ur.de

Telefon: +49 941 943 2707

Büro: RW(L) 5.11