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In preparation:

Rome 795–844: Ritual Spaces, Presbytery Mosaics, and Stational Liturgy, Rome. Viella (in preparation).

Co-Authored Volumes

(with I. Foletti, S. Rosenbergová, V. Pichani?ová), Je (st?edověk) doba temna? Umění, migrace a moc [Were the Middle Ages the Dark Ages? Art, Migration, and Power], Brno 2021. B&P Publishing, 168 pp.

Co-Edited Volumes

Dynamics of Medieval Landscape. Cultural Shaping of the Environment (=Convivium, IX/1), I. Foletti, M. F. Le?ák, A. Palladino eds, Brno/Turnhout 2022. Brepols, 188 pp.

Poutní umění ve st?edověku jako tělesn? zá?itek [The Pilgrimage Art in the Middle Ages as a Bodily Experience], I. Foletti, M. F. Le?ák eds, Brno 2022. B&P Publishing, 234 pp.

Step by Step Towards the Sacred. Ritual, Movement, and Visual Culture in the Middle Ages, M. F. Le?ák, S. Rosenbergová, V. Tvrzníková eds, Rome/Brno 2020. Viella/Masaryk University Press, 144 pp.

Movement, Images and Iconic Presence in the Medieval World (=Convivium, VI/1), H. Belting, I. Foletti, M. F. Le?ák, Brno/Turnhout 2019. Brepols, 167 pp.

Zápisky z Cest 3 – Moskva & Novgorod [Travel Notes 3 – Moscow & Novgorod], I. Foletti, K. Foletti, M. F. Le?ák, P. Vronsk?, Brno 2017. Masaryk University Press, 118 pp.

Articles In Journals

“The Glorious Traveler: St Foy?s Triumphal March from Rodez to Conques or the Paraliturgical Afterlife of Two Medieval Reliquaries”, Convivium, X/II (2023; forthcoming).

“Transforming a Desert, Claiming the Domain. The Early Medieval Landscape of Conques”, Convivium, IX/1 (2022), pp. 148–167.

(with I. Foletti) “Reconsidering ‘Romanesque’ Art Through the Pilgrim’s Body: The Migrating Art Historians Project Five Years Later”, Peregrinations: Journal of Medieval Art and Architecture, VIII/2 (2022), pp. 43–67.

“Stational Liturgy and Local History: Leo III’s Apse Mosaic at Santa Susanna”, Convivium. Supplementum (2020; Rome on the Borders: Visual Cultures During the Carolingian Transition, Ch. Bordino, Ch., Croci, S. Vedran eds), pp. 154–175.

(with H. Belting, I. Foletti) “The Movement and the Experience of ‘Iconic Presence’: An Introduction”, Convivium, VI/1 (2019), pp. 11–15.

“Sacred Architecture and the Voice of Bells in the Medieval Landscape. With the Case Study of Mont-Saint-Michel”, Convivium, VI/1 (2019), pp. 48–67.

“Prayers and Protection: The Tower at Torba Reconsidered”, Arte Lombarda, CLXXXII (2018), pp. 5–19.

Articles In Collective Volumes

(with I. Foletti) “Hidden Treasure and Precious Pearl: Sant'Agnese fuori le mura, its Apse Mosaic, and the Experience of Liturgy”, in: From Words to Space: Textual Sources for Reconstructing and Understanding Medieval Sacred Spaces, S. de Blaauw, E. Scirocco eds, Rome 2023. Campisano Editore, 103–124 (forthcoming).

“Santa Maria Maggiore v pozdní antice. Prostor jako stvo?en? pro stacionární liturgii?” [Santa Maria Maggiore in Late Antiquity: An Ideal Space for the Stational Liturgy?], in: Zadání, umělecká úloha a funkce v architektu?e a ve v?tvarném umění [Assignment, Artistic Task and Function in Architecture and Fine Arts], T. Horáková, V. ?ezní?ková eds, Brno 2022. B&P Publishing, pp. 177–193.

“Kavkazská krajina. Lidé a architektura ve st?edověku” [Caucasian Landscape. People and Architecture in the Middle Ages], in: Zápisky z cest 4: Ji?ní Kavkaz. Umění st?edověké Arménie a Gruzie [Travel Notes 4: South Caucasus. The Art of Medieval Armenia and Georgia], K. Dole?alová, I. Foletti, K. Foletti, Brno 2022. Masaryk University Press, pp. 39–49.

(with M. Khakhanova) “Ateni Sioni”, in Zápisky z cest 4: Ji?ní Kavkaz. Umění st?edověké Arménie a Gruzie [Travel Notes 4: South Caucasus. The Art of Medieval Armenia and Georgia], K. Dole?alová, I. Foletti, K. Foletti, Brno 2022. Masaryk University Press, pp. 369–379.

“Sakrální architektura na obzoru a hlas zvon? v krajině st?edověk?ch poutník?” [Sacred Architecture and the Voice of Bells in the Landscape of Medieval Pilgrims], in: Poutní umění ve st?edověku jako tělesn? zá?itek [The Pilgrimage Art in the Middle Ages as a Bodily Experience], I. Foletti, M. F. Le?ák, Brno 2022. B&P Publishing, pp. 74–94.

(with I. Foletti) “Zrození pozdně antické avantgardy ve sv. Ane?ce za hradbami: factor, ko?ovníci, liturgie a Max Dvo?ák” [The Origins of Late Antique Avant-Guarde in Sant'Agnese fuori le mura: Factor, Migrants, Liturgy, and Max Dvo?ák], in: Od dějin umění k uměleckému dílu [From Art History to Work of Art], J. Galeta, O. Jakubec, R. Nokkala Miltová, T. Vale?, Brno 2021. B&P Publishing, pp. 35–46.

“Hrdina, nebo padouch? Dramatická narace V??ivky z Bayeux” [Hero or Villain? Dramatic Narration of the Bayeux Embroidery], in: Emoce v obraze od st?edověku po sou?asnost [Emotions in Images from the Middle Ages up to the Present], I. Foletti, J. Galeta, O. Jakubec, R. Nokkala Miltová, Brno 2021. B&P Publishing, pp. 38–39.

“Temn? hvozd, ?i st?edověká ekologie aneb Jak si (ne)p?edstavovat st?edověkou krajinu” [Dark Forest or Medieval Ecology? Imagining the Medieval Landscape], in: I. Foletti, M. F. Le?ák, S. Rosenbergová, V. Pichani?ová, Je (st?edověk) doba temna? Umění, migrace a moc [Were the Middle Ages the Dark Ages? Art, Migration, and Power], Brno 2021. B&P Publishing, pp. 49–70.

“Holy Monday at the Santa Prassede: Stational Liturgy and Paschal I’s Mosaic Decoration”, in: Step by Step Towards the Sacred. Ritual, Movement, and Visual Culture in the Middle Ages, M. F. Le?ák, S. Rosenbergová, V. Tvrzníková eds, Rome/Brno 2020. Viella/Masaryk University Press, pp. 81–106.

“Sacral Architecture on the Horizon: Sacred Landscape of Medieval Pilgrims”, in: Migrating Art Historians on the Sacred Way, I. Foletti, K. Krav?íková, A. Palladino, S. Rosenbergová, Brno/Rome 2018. Masaryk University Press/Viella, pp. 3–15.

“Migrating Art Historians and Walking as an Art Historical Method”, in: Walking Art / Walking Aesthetics, H. Bashiron Mendolicchio, S. Sylaiou, Y. Ziogas eds, 2018, published online.

“V??ivka z Bayeux: p?edmět posvátn? ?i profánní?” [Bayeux Embroidery: A Sacred or Profane Object?]. in: Paragone II (2015): Soutě? o cenu profesora Milana Tognera [Paragone II: Competition for the Professor Milan Togner Prize], O. Jakubec ed., 2017, published online, pp. 6–16.

“Uspenskij sobor – chrám Zesnutí p?esvaté Bohorodice v Kremlu” [Uspenskij sobor – Cathedral of the Dormition in the Moscow Kremlin], in: Zápisky z Cest 3 – Moskva & Novgorod [Travel Notes 3 – Moscow & Novgorod], I. Foletti, K. Foletti, M. F. Le?ák, P. Vronsk?, Brno 2017. Masaryk University Press, pp. 30–37.


Urban Developments in Late Antique and Medieval Rome: Revising the Narrative of Renewal, G. Kalas, A. van Dijk eds, Amsterdam 2021. Netherlands: Amsterdam University Press, 342 pp. in: Caa.reviews, March 1, 2023, published online

  1. Fakult?t für Katholische Theologie
  2. Praktische Theologie

Lehrstuhl für Liturgiewissenschaft

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Gabriele Kaiser

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