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Cooperation Partners

The Centre for Advanced Studies "Beyond Canon_" acts jointly with its partners on several levels. Cooperations within the university as well as with other international research associations and institutions enable us and the participating researchers to

  • exchange knowledge beyond disciplinary boarders,
  • increase visibility and impact,
  • organise conferences and workshops together,
  • enhance the respective projects on a structural level.

Center for International and Transnational Area Studies (CITAS)


What is CITAS?

The Center for International and Transnational Area Studies (CITAS) at Regensburg University was founded in 2017 as an interfaculty research centre involving the Faculty of Philosophy, Art History, History and Humanities, and the Faculty of Languages, Literature and Culture.

The aim of CITAS is to develop synergies between the existing expertise in the field of Area Studies in Regensburg provided by institutions within the University and by non-university research centres. The key partner in this respect is IOS - the Leibniz-Institute for East and Southeast European Studies. CITAS?contributed to the successful application for a Leibniz ScienceCampus - Europe and America in the Modern World: Transformations and Frictions of Globalisation. The Campus will launch later in 2019.

CITAS promotes the specialist research being conducted across the disciplines in Regensburg on the regions of East and South-Eastern Europe, Western and Southern?Europe, and North America and Latin America. The Center works towards developing comparative, transregional and global approaches to Area Studies with a focus on these regions and relations between them.

The transnational perspective stresses entanglements and connections between actors, structures, objects and organizations operating across borders in relation to cultures and societies, whereas the international approach explores relations involving states and supranational actors and organizations.

CITAS also has the goal of developing interdisciplinary and transregional teaching and research, as well as conducting significant public outreach for local, regional, national and international audiences. The Center works closely with the innovative bi-national and international study programmes at the University of Regensburg.

The statute of CITAS approved by the University of Regensburg can be found here (in German).

CITAS is located on the University of Regensburg Campus in Sammelgeb?ude, Room 214, adjacent to the central bus stop.

Visit the CITAS?website

Graduiertenkolleg "Metropolit?t in der Vormoderne"

Graphik Grk

DFG-GRK 2337 "Metropolit?t in der Vormoderne"


Metropolitan cities are the landmarks of processes of urbanisation all over the world. The constitution and multiple meanings that attach to metropolises, their “metropolitanism”, depend on historical and cultural conditions that have changed particularly dramatically in the last 150 years under the influence of industrialisation and globalisation. These most recent developments up to the present day have been studied intensively within the fields of metropolitan studies, urban sociology, and urban planning. However, we lack compatible theory-driven studies for the pre-modern period. This is in spite of the fact that the formative impact of individual urban centres is already apparent in a fully developed form in the first known urban cultures, in pre-Christian Asia. In Europe, the processes of urbanisation and metropolisation gain momentum and significance in Greco-Roman antiquity. It is notable that it is European cities which show the largest population figures worldwide between the 16th and the 18th centuries, and that almost without exception these metropolises can be traced back to Roman foundations. On the basis of this observation, the projected graduate school investigates the longue durée of the European metropolis. It inquires into the constitution, impact, and transformation of metropolitan status from Greco-Roman antiquity to the threshold of industrialisation. Throughout this long time period, metropolitan cities serve as ‘laboratories’ where new urban social and economic practices, technologies of power, and cultural codes emerge before they take hold in smaller urban centres and towns, which follow the model of metropolitan cities. This exemplary function of the metropolis necessarily corresponds to internal metropolitan self-ascription. The metropolis’ self-image and position as role-model exist in a close interrelationship with the formation and internal differentiation of metropolitan topography, society, and communication. These form the key research perspectives of the projected graduate school. They can only be investigated by a multidisciplinary team through the development of common methodological and thematic guidelines. According to the working hypothesis of the applicants, metropolitanism distinguishes cities which become symbolic and functional reference points for urbanisation processes in a large transregional area. Metropolitanism also offers identificatory possibilities and a framework in which the individualised urban experiences of residents and non-residents acquire coherence and become meaningful.

SNTS, The Eastern European Liaison Committee

Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas (SNTS) is an academic Society founded in 1938 ‘for the furtherance of New Testament studies internationally’. SNTS is an international society of New Testament scholars.

The?Centre for Advanced Studies?"Beyond Canon_"?takes an active part in the International Initiatives Program of the SNTS in the framework of the Eastern European Liaison Committee (EELC) cooperation. The International Initiatives Program exist to broaden the footprint of the Society in regions of the world where it is underrepresented by supporting the scholarly study of the Bible and by increasing the Society's membership in these regions. It does so through developing initiatives in regions through its four Liaison Committees:

  • African Liaison Committee?(online regional conferences in East and Western Africa),?
  • Asia Pacific Liaison Committee?(preconference in Melbourne SNTS 2024;?regional conferences),
  • Eastern European Liaison Committee?(East-west symposia, regional conferences; early career support, joint preconference Vienna 2023),
  • Latin America Caribbean Liaison Committee?(regional conferences).

More detailed information about SNTS here

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? SNTS EELC here

Revelation Reception Network

The Revelation Reception Network is an international scholarly network that focuses on the historical and contemporary reception of John’s Revelation (Apocalypse). The network was founded to create and maintain an open and welcoming international environment in which scholars can collaborate, share ideas, communicate new literature and projects, stay current with conferences, and develop new events, collaborations, projects, and publications. All relevant languages, research topics, methodologies, time periods, and disciplines are welcome.

The group was founded in 2023 by Nathan Betz, Régis Burnet, and Cristian Cardozo.

Seminar. The Network organizes an ongoing seminar featuring established and early-career scholars. To learn about the current seminar season (i.e. topics, dates, times, and Zoom info), please see the calendar.

Connect. To stay connected with the Network’s activities, please join the Revelation Reception Network private Facebook group page?and follow us on Twitter/X.?For general inquiries about the Revelation Reception Network, to subscribe to our email communications, or to propose a seminar paper, please send an email to Nathan Betz.






Heterotopias of Religious Authority in Ancient Christianity

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