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Institutes, Professors, Junior research groups

I. Faculty of the Institute of Theoretical Physics

Director: N.N.; deputy: Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Evers

a) High energy physics

Taushif Ahmed Yang-Mills theory, perturbative QCD , Electroweak theory
Gunnar Bali Lattice QCD and Hadron Physics
Vladimir Braun Quantum field theory and quantum chromodynamics
Sara Collins Lattice gauge theory and its application
Christoph Lehner Lattice QCD / High-Energy Physics
Andreas von Manteuffel Perturbative calculations in quantum field theory
Tilo Wettig Lattice quantum chromodynamics, QCD on a Chip
Junior research groups
Norbert Bodendorfer Quantum gravity

b) Condensed matter theory

Annabelle Bohrdt Machine learning for quantum many-body systems
Ferdinand Evers Computational Condensed Matter Theory
Jaroslav Fabian Spintronics
Milena Grifoni Quantum transport and dissipation
Klaus Richter Complex quantum systems
John Schliemann Spin dynamics in semiconductor nanostructures, spintronics
Junior research groups
Jan Wilhelm Computational Electronic Structure Theory

II. Faculty of the Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics

Director: N.N.; deputy: Prof. Dr. Rupert Huber

Dominique Bougeard Low Dimensional Semiconductor Systems
Sergey Ganichev Terahertz Physics
Isabella Gierz Ultrafast Electron Dynamics
Franz J. Gie?ibl Atomic Force Microscopy
Rupert Huber Ultrafast quantum physics and photonics
Ferdinand Kuemmeth Spin qubits and hybrid super-semi quantum structures
John Lupton Organic semiconductors, optical nanostructures
Jascha Repp Scanning tunneling microscopy
Sascha Sch?fer Ultrafast Nanoscale Dynamics
Christian Schüller Optical spectroscopy on semiconductor quantum structures
Christoph Strunk Mesoscopic systems
J?rg Wunderlich Magnetism, spintronics
Adjunc professor
Ulrich H?fer Laser spectroscopy of surfaces and interfaces
Junior research groups
Andreas Hüttel Carbon Nanotube Transport and Nanomechanics
Fabian Mooshammer Subcycle Nano-Optics

III. Didactics of Physics

Assistant Professors

Klaus-Peter Bohnen Ab initio calculations of solids and solid surfaces
Falk Bruckmann Nonperturbative effects in QCD
Andrea Donarini (apl.Prof.) Quantum Transport and Dissipation
Jonathan Eroms Spin transport and superlattices in graphene
Meinulf G?ckeler Lattice field theory in quantum chromo-dynamics
Stefan Kreitmeier (apl.Prof.) Computer simulations of polymers
Magdalena Marganska-Lyzniak Quantum Transport and Dissipation
Dmitry Ryndyk Nanoscale Modeling
Michael Seidl Metal clusters, semiclassical methods
Juan Diego Urbina (apl.Prof.) Complex quantum systems
Jan Vogelsang Time resolved spectroscopy, single molecules
Alfred J. Weymouth Atomic force microscopy

Retired professors

Günther Bayreuther Magnetismus, magnetische Materialien, Spintronik
Matthias Brack Endliche Fermionensysteme
? Richard Bonart Polymerphysik
Martin Creuzburg Matrixisolationsspektroskopie; Solarenergie
? Wolfgang Gebhardt? Festk?rperspektroskopie; Astronomie, Kosmologie
Dietmar G?ritz Polymerphysik
? Horst Hoffmann Magnetismus, magnetische Materialien
Joachim Keller Elektronische Korrelationen und Supraleitung
? Uwe Krey Theorie des Magnetismus, amorphe Materialien, Statistische Physik
Hans Lengfellner Anisotroper Transport, Thermoelektrizit?t, thermoelectrische Sensors
Max Maier Optik, Spektroskopie, Laserphysik
? Ingo Morgenstern Supraleitung, Optimierung industrieller Prozesse
? Gustav Obermair Dynamik von Gitterelektronen; Grundlagenprobleme der Quantenmechanik
Henning von Philipsborn Kristallographie, Materialwissenschaft, Radiometrie
Alfons Penzkofer Femtosekundenspektroskopie an organischen Materialien
? Wilhelm Prettl Ferninfrarotspektroskopie, Chaos in Halbleitern
Karl F. Renk Experimentelle Festk?rperphysik
Ulrich R??ler Halbleiter und Nanostrukturen
Andreas Sch?fer Quantum chromodynamics and hadron physics
Wilfried Schoepe Suprafluidit?t, Physik bei ultratiefen Temperaturen
? Ulrich Schr?der Struktur und Dynamik von komplexen Kristallen und Oberfl?chen
Dieter Strauch Gitterdynamik
Dieter Weiss Semiconducting nanostructures
? Ernst Werner Hochenergiephysik
Josef Zweck Electron microscopy

Faculty of Physics - Research

Universit?tsstrasse 31
D-93051 Regensburg

Phone. +49 941 943 2023