Prof. Dr. Gunnar Bali
Institut für Theoretische Physik
Fakult?t für Physik
Universit?t Regensburg
93040 Regensburg
Email: gunnar.bali(at)
Telephone: +49 (941) 943 2017
Fax:??????????? +49 (941) 943 3887
Office: ? ? ? ? PHY 4 1.18
Secretary:??? Monika Maschek
?????????????????? +49 (941) 943 2008
Publications: inSPIREhep, Statistics
I joined the Regensburg High Energy Physics group in April 2006. I am also Adjunct Faculty of the Theoretical Physics Department at the Tata Institute for Fundamental Research, Mumbai. Previously I worked at Glasgow University (2000-2006), at Humboldt Universit?t zu Berlin (1997-2000), where I obtained my "Habilitation" (The monograph can be found here), at University of Southampton (1995-1997) and at Universit?t Wuppertal, where I obtained my Dr. rer. nat. (PhD.).
While in Glasgow I was awarded a DFG Heisenberg Fellowship. I also held a Marie Curie Fellowship and a PPARC (now STFC) Advanced (now Ernest Rutherford) Fellowship.
I am the coordinator of the EU Initial Training Network STRONGnet, member of the Managing Board of the DFG SFB/TR55 Hadron Physics from Lattice QCD, member of the Governing Board of the HadronPhysics3 Integrated Activity, a convenor of the Quarkonium Working Group and member of the Panda Theory Advisory Group.
I am responsible for the Departmental Colloquia and member of the Prüfungsausschuss Modulares Lehramtsstudium.
Does it exist? Well, I am interested in cooking and road cycling as well as in history, philosophy and other pretentious matters. I enjoy listening to "music" and entertaining our two children.
Heidi Decock: -2006
Monika Maschek: -2008