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Prof. Dr. Thomas Saile


Current academic position

Full Professor of Prehistory and Early History (appointed to the chair in October 2010).

Previous employment

  • Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence, University of West Alabama, Livingston (2023).
  • Substitute for the Chair of Prehistory and Early History, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena (2009).
  • Interim Professor of Prehistory and Early Historical Archaeology, Otto Friedrich University, Bamberg (2008/2009).
  • Research assistant in the Institute of Prehistory and Early History, Georg August University, G?ttingen (1999–2005).

Academic qualifications

  • Habilitation, Georg August University, G?ttingen (habilitation thesis: Slawen in Niedersachsen. Zur westlichen Peripherie der slawischen ?kumene vom 6. bis 12. Jahrhundert); bestowal of venia legendi for the subject of Prehistory and Early History on May 2, 2006.
  • PhD (Dr. phil.), Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main (doctoral thesis: Untersuchungen zur ur- und frühgeschichtlichen Besiedlung der n?rdlichen Wetterau); June 28, 1995 (summa cum laude/with highest distinction). – The dissertation was awarded the Sperl Prize of the University of Frankfurt.
  • Master’s degree (Magister Artium, M.A.) in Prehistory and Early History with minors in History and Soil Science, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main (Master’s thesis: Die Keramik der ?ltestbandkeramischen Siedlung Goddelau, Landkreis Gro?-Gerau); November 30, 1990. – Study at Frankfurt am Main, Marburg, Kiel, and Dublin (UCD).

Recent publications (for more, see ACADEMIA)

  • & M. Posselt, Diemarden in Lower Saxony: An Early Neolithic settlement and its environs. In: M. D?biec, J. Górski, J. Müller, M. Nowak, A. Pelisiak, T. Saile, P. W?odarczak (eds.), From Farmers to Heroes? Archaeological Studies in Honor of S?awomir Kadrow. Universit?tsforschungen zur pr?historischen Arch?ologie 376 (Bonn 2022) 43–64.
  • & M. D?biec, D. Buzea, Aspects of a Bandkeramik settlement near Olteni in Transylvania.Praehistorische Zeitschrift 97, 2022, 1–21.
  • & M. D?biec, P. Alagierski, Ein Ungar in Polen. Zu einer frühneolithischen Statuette aus Kosina 62 bei ?ańcut im süd?stlichen Polen. Arch?ologisches Korrespondenzblatt 51, 2021, 23–35.

  • & M. Posselt, M. D?biec, M. Lobanova, A. Peresunchak, Kozachyi Yar 1: An enclosed Trypillian settlement on the Southern Bug River in Kozavchyn (Ukraine). Praehistorische Zeitschrift 96, 2021, 401–412.

  • On the Bandkeramik to the east of the Vistula River: At the limits of the possible. Quaternary International 560–561, 2020, 208–227.

  • & J. Mazanec, S. Hummel, “Raptus Sabinae?” complemented: molecular genetic studies on a female calvarium of the Bandkeramik settlement of Rovantsi in Volhynia (UA). Sprawozdania Archeologiczne 72, 2020, 201–211.

  • The earthworks at Altheim: Built by many for many. In: J. Müller, M. Hinz, M. Wunderlich (Eds.), Megaliths – Societies – Landscapes. Early Monumentality and Social Differentiation in Neolithic Europe. Proceedings of the international conference ?Megaliths – Societies – Landscapes. Early Monumentality and Social Differentiation in Neolithic Europe? (16th–20th June 2015) in Kiel. Vol. 1 (Bonn 2019) 131–151.
  • & M. Posselt, R. Schoon, C. Tinapp, Hollenstedt 2. Eine bandkeramische Siedlung an der mittleren Leine. Praehistorische Zeitschrift 93, 2018, 25–47.
  • & H. Sedlmaier, M. D?biec, ?árka in Wolhynien und in Bayern. Ein Beitrag zu sp?tbandkeramischen Dreiecksintarsien. Arch?ologisches Korrespondenzblatt 48, 2018, 27–38.
  • & M. Posselt, B. Zirngibl, R. Schoon, B. Steinrücken, C. Tinapp, Die jungneolithischen Erdwerke von Altheim. Praehistorische Zeitschrift 92, 2017, 66–91.
  • & M. D?biec, M. Posselt, S. ?erna, D. Kiosak, Zur Bandkeramik zwischen Pruth und Südlichem Bug. Praehistorische Zeitschrift 91, 2016, 1–15.
  • Competing on unequal terms: saltworks at the turn of the Christian era. In: R. Brigand, O. Weller (Eds.), Archaeology of Salt: Approaching an invisible past (Leiden 2015) 199–209.
  • & M. D?biec, Zu den ?stlichsten Siedlungen der frühen Bandkeramik. Praehistorische Zeitschrift 90, 2015, 1–19.
  • Salt in the Neolithic of Central Europe: production and distribution. In: V. Nikolov, K. Bacvarov (Eds.), Salt and Gold: The Role of Salt in Prehistoric Europe. Proceedings of the International Symposium (Humboldt-Kolleg) in Provadia, Bulgaria, 30 September – 4 October 2010 (Provadia, Veliko Tarnovo 2012) 225–238.
  • & C. Lorz, Anthropogenic pedogenesis of Chernozems in Germany? – A critical review. Quaternary International 243, 2011, 273–279.

  1. Fakult?t für Philosophie, Kunst-, Geschichts- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften
  2. Institut für Geschichte


Thomas Saile