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Decisions and the Process of Reasoning

October 13-15, 2011

Helen Steward John Broome Maria Alvarez
Helen Steward
John Broome
Maria Alvarez
(King's College London)


Thursday, 13.10.2011
John Broome: "Rationality and Reasoning: Theoretical and Practical"
Maria Alvarez: "Intentions and Practical Reasoning"
Helen Steward: "Freedom and Decisions"

Friday, 14.10.2011
John Broome: "The Reasoning Process"
Tim Henning (Giessen): Comment on John Broome
Maria Alvarez: "Reasoning about Motives"
Verena Wagner (Regensburg): Comment on Maria Alvarez

Saturday, 15.10.2011
Helen Steward: “Folk Psychology: the Missing Piece"
Jacob Rosenthal (Bonn): Comment on Helen Steward
John Broome: "Correct Reasoning"


Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Philosophie
Hans Rott - Verena Wagner

Finanziert von der Hans Vielberth-Stiftung



Knowledge and Meaning in Literature

June 23-25, 2011

Robert Stecker Kl

Eileen John Kl

Peter Lamarque Kl

Vittorio Hoesle

Robert Stecker
(Mount Pleasant, MI)

Eileen John

Peter Lamarque

Vittorio H?sle
(Notre Dame)

Robert Stecker (Mount Pleasant, MI) Thomas Petraschka (Regensburg) Oliver Scholz (Münster) Vittorio H?sle (Notre Dame) Daniel Hartenstein (Regensburg) Christian Kohlross (Mannheim and Jerusalem) Eileen John (Warwick) Eva-Maria Konrad (Regensburg) Tilmann K?ppe (G?ttingen) Peter Larmarque (York) Maria-Elisabeth Reicher-Marek (Aachen) Wolfgang Huemer (Parma)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

14.00 Robert Stecker (Mount Pleasant, MI): "Fiction, Truth, Knowledge
and Cognitive Value, or Literature as Thought"
15.30 Thomas Petraschka (Regensburg): "Locating Literary Meaning. Literary
Interpretation and the Principle of Charity"
16.45 Oliver Scholz (Münster): "On the Very Idea of Textual Meaning"

Friday, June 24, 2011

9.00 Vittorio H?sle (Notre Dame): "Reductionisms in Hermeneutics"
10.30 Daniel Hartenstein (Regensburg): "The Cognitive Value of Fictional
11.30 Christian Kohlross (Mannheim and Jerusalem): "From a Philological Point of View Or: Towards a General Theory of Meaning"
14.00 Eileen John (Warwick): "Caring about Characters"
15.30 Eva-Maria Konrad (Regensburg): "Why No One's Afraid of Stanley Fish -
On Panfictionalism and Knowledge"
16.45 Tilmann K?ppe (G?ttingen): "Knowing the Impossible? On Inconsistent
Fictional Worlds"

Saturday, June 25, 2011

9.30 Peter Larmarque (York): "Thought Theory and Literary Cognition"
11.00 Maria-Elisabeth Reicher-Marek (Aachen): "Knowledge from Fiction"
12.00 Wolfgang Huemer (Parma): "Aesthetic and Cognitive Dimensions of
Achieving (and Failing) in Literature"

Universit?t Regensburg
Organisatoren: Jürgen Daiber, Hans Rott

Finanziert von der Hans-Vielberth-Stiftung



  1. Fakult?t für Philosophie, Kunst-, Geschichts- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften
  2. Institut für Philosophie

Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Philosophie

Sekretariat: Ulrike Bergmann

Mo.  08:30 Uhr -12:30 Uhr und 14:00 - 15:30 Uhr, sowie Do. 08:30 Uhr - 12:30 Uhr 


Theoretische Philosophie

Universit?t Regensburg
93040 Regensburg
Geb?ude PT, Zi. 4.3.6
Tel.: +49 941 943-3660

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