Decisions and the Process of Reasoning
October 13-15, 2011
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Helen Steward (Leeds) | John Broome (Oxford) | Maria Alvarez (King's College London) |
Thursday, 13.10.2011
John Broome: "Rationality and Reasoning: Theoretical and Practical"
Maria Alvarez: "Intentions and Practical Reasoning"
Helen Steward: "Freedom and Decisions"
Friday, 14.10.2011
John Broome: "The Reasoning Process"
Tim Henning (Giessen): Comment on John Broome
Maria Alvarez: "Reasoning about Motives"
Verena Wagner (Regensburg): Comment on Maria Alvarez
Saturday, 15.10.2011
Helen Steward: “Folk Psychology: the Missing Piece"
Jacob Rosenthal (Bonn): Comment on Helen Steward
John Broome: "Correct Reasoning"
Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Philosophie
Hans Rott - Verena Wagner
Finanziert von der Hans Vielberth-Stiftung
Knowledge and Meaning in Literature
June 23-25, 2011
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Robert Stecker | Eileen John | Peter Lamarque | Vittorio H?sle |
Robert Stecker (Mount Pleasant, MI) Thomas Petraschka (Regensburg) Oliver Scholz (Münster) Vittorio H?sle (Notre Dame) Daniel Hartenstein (Regensburg) Christian Kohlross (Mannheim and Jerusalem) Eileen John (Warwick) Eva-Maria Konrad (Regensburg) Tilmann K?ppe (G?ttingen) Peter Larmarque (York) Maria-Elisabeth Reicher-Marek (Aachen) Wolfgang Huemer (Parma)
Thursday, June 23, 2011
14.00 Robert Stecker (Mount Pleasant, MI): "Fiction, Truth, Knowledge
and Cognitive Value, or Literature as Thought"
15.30 Thomas Petraschka (Regensburg): "Locating Literary Meaning. Literary
Interpretation and the Principle of Charity"
16.45 Oliver Scholz (Münster): "On the Very Idea of Textual Meaning"
Friday, June 24, 2011
9.00 Vittorio H?sle (Notre Dame): "Reductionisms in Hermeneutics"
10.30 Daniel Hartenstein (Regensburg): "The Cognitive Value of Fictional
11.30 Christian Kohlross (Mannheim and Jerusalem): "From a Philological Point of View Or: Towards a General Theory of Meaning"
14.00 Eileen John (Warwick): "Caring about Characters"
15.30 Eva-Maria Konrad (Regensburg): "Why No One's Afraid of Stanley Fish -
On Panfictionalism and Knowledge"
16.45 Tilmann K?ppe (G?ttingen): "Knowing the Impossible? On Inconsistent
Fictional Worlds"
Saturday, June 25, 2011
9.30 Peter Larmarque (York): "Thought Theory and Literary Cognition"
11.00 Maria-Elisabeth Reicher-Marek (Aachen): "Knowledge from Fiction"
12.00 Wolfgang Huemer (Parma): "Aesthetic and Cognitive Dimensions of
Achieving (and Failing) in Literature"
Universit?t Regensburg
Organisatoren: Jürgen Daiber, Hans Rott
Finanziert von der Hans-Vielberth-Stiftung