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Regensburg European American Forum

Welcome to REAF

The Regensburg European American Forum (REAF) is dedicated to transnational American Studies in research and practice. It serves as the central international and interdisciplinary platform for collaborative research, academic exchange and cooperation, political intervention, and public outreach in the field of European American Studies at the University of Regensburg. REAF was founded in 2008 by the Chair of American Studies, Prof. Dr. Udo Hebel. It collaborates with on-site, national, and international partners in American Studies, Critical Area Studies, and related fields.

Drawing on its interest in transnational areas, trajectories, and entanglements, REAF fosters cutting-edge research in European-American relations, interactions, and crossroads and their multifarious historical, cultural, and political dimensions. REAF hosts visiting scholars from all interdisciplinary areas of American Studies and organizes special lectures and conferences with nationally and internationally acclaimed speakers. It supports innovative interdisciplinary BA-, MA-, and PhD-programs in American Studies and European-American Studies with international courses, graduate research roundtables, and an MA / PhD exchange program with the University of Kansas. A highly visible crossroads in transnational American Studies, REAF creates a network of scholarly cooperation for Regensburg faculty and graduate students as well as for its international guests.

We welcome you to REAF and its vibrant academic community.

REAF: People and Contact

Chair of American Studies: N.N.

REAF Managing Director: Dr. Birgit Hebel-Bauridl

REAF Founding Director (2008): Prof. Dr. Udo Hebel

REAF Administrative Manager:?Tamara Heger

REAF Graduate Student Assistant:?Anna Alkofer

REAF Office: Sabine Kirmayer?



Email:??? reaf@uni-regensburg.de

Offices: + 49-(0)941-943 3477

+ 49-(0)941-943 3510

Mail: ??? Regensburg European American Forum

University of Regensburg

93040 Regensburg

On-Site Partnerships and Collaborations

REAF is part of the Leibniz ScienceCampus “Europe and America in the Modern World,” a joint endeavor of the University of Regensburg and the Regensburg Leibniz Institute of East and Southeast European Studies (IOS).

It frequently collaborates with the UR Department for Interdisciplinary and Multiscalar Area Studies (DIMAS) and the UR Center for International and Transnational Area Studies (CITAS); and it contributes to the institutional partnership between the University of Regensburg and the Flossenbürg Concentration Camp Memorial and Museum.

In particular, REAF also cooperates with Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling (Professorship International Politics and Transatlantic Relations, UR) and Prof. Dr. Volker Depkat (Professorship American Studies, UR).

For more insights into REAF’s inter/national network, please visit the section “Visiting Scholars.”

  1. Forschergruppen und Forschungszentren

Regensburg European American Forum