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Master's degree Multilingualism and Regionality (MA_MuR)

Apply by June 30, 2023!

The two-year, interdisciplinary Master's programme in Multilingualism and Regionality (MA_MuR) focuses on the topic of multilingualism research and its current methods, projects and international networks. It provides a linguistic profile and enables in-depth knowledge in theory and methodology of empirical multilingualism research.

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MA_MuR is:

  • research-oriented
  • international
  • interdisciplinary

With its focus on regional studies and an integrated one-semester stay abroad at a renowned partner university, it is unique in Germany.

The Master's programme is aimed at graduates with a first university degree from a BA programme in Philology with a linguistic focus (English, German, Romance, Slavic, General and Comparative Linguistics) who enjoy languages and research.


On Tuesday, 25.04.2023, there will be an information session on the Master's program in Multilingualism and Regionalism at 4 p.m. s.t. for those interested, to which we cordially invite you.

Registration deadline for the Zoom conference is 24.04.2023, please send a short email to info.mamur@ur.de for this purpose.

Course of studies

Course of studies:

Important contact persons, addresses & documents

Important contact persons, addresses & documents:

Examination board:

Important documents and pages:

Course Catalogue WS 2020/21 with course offerings for the 1st semester MA_MuR

Examination regulations MA_MuR

Module Catalogue MA_MuR

Academic Admission Requirements & Application

Admission to the program is only possible in the winter semester.

Prerequisites for admission to the Master's programme are:

  • University degree or equivalent degree with at least six semesters standard period of study (180 credit points) or comparable degree in the subject General Comparative Linguistics, English/American Studies, German Studies, Romance Studies, Slavic Studies or a related subject with an average grade of at least 2.5 (For foreign degrees, the conversion is made according to the modified Bavarian formula.)

  • at least 50 credit points in linguistics and related fields

  • Proof of the suitability for the specific course of study: The suitability procedure is carried out once in the summer semester. The legal basis for the determination of aptitude is Annex 1 to the examination regulations for the Master's programme Multilingualism and Regionality, which you can find?here.

The following documents are required:

  • Curriculum vitae

  • Graduation certificate: If the graduation certificate cannot be presented at the time of application, a currently certified proof of the previous study and examination achievements from the course of study amounting to at least 150 LP as well as the average grade of the first degree achieved up to this point in time must be presented. (In this case, the graduation certificate must be presented by the end of the first semester at the latest.)

  • Proof of the study and examination achievements achieved in the undergraduate studies by submitting a "transcript of records" or other certified list of the achieved achievements

  • Independently compiled overview with indication of the modules in the linguistic field and adjacent fields in the scope of at least 50 LP

  • Independently written essay in a language that is professionally represented at the Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies at the University of Regensburg (German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Serbian/Croatian) on a topic of your choice in multilingualism, with a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 800 words.

The application for?admission to the aptitude procedure for the next winter semester has to be sent with all the above-mentioned documents in digital form (only one PDF file) by June 30 to:?info.mamur@ur.de.

Career prospects

The course prepares students for professional activities in which multilingualism with a regional focus plays a role, especially in the fields of science and education. Students are alreadyy involved in current research projects during their studies. This provides them with the necessary basis for subsequent doctoral studies.

Some current fields of research are:

  • Structures of the languages of origin,
  • Language stereotypes, language hierarchies,
  • Language biographies, multilingual literature, multilingual films, mutual language influence, language dominance and language variation,
  • Multilingualism in different communication domains,
  • Research into the activities of language mediators and language mediators,
  • Research on multilingualism in companies,
  • Historical multilingualism as a basis for Area Studies.

International partner universities

Responsible management



·?????? Which Bachelor's degree do I have to have completed before applying for the Master's degree MA_MuR?
General Comparative Linguistics, English/American Studies, German Studies, Romance Studies, Slavic Studies or a related subject with linguistic modules (at least 50 credit points).

How do I finance my semester abroad?
ERASMUS-plus conventions exist with the MA_MuR partner universities. Information is available from the International Office.

Which languages can I choose within the module "MR-MA-M06 – Language Skills"?
Basically, all language courses offered by the Centre for Language and Communication at the University of Regensburg. It would be advisable to choose one of the partner universities before beginning your studies and to deepen your knowledge of the foreign language prevailing there if necessary. However, another, new foreign language can also be chosen. Students whose native language is not German have the opportunity to improve their German language skills in German as a Foreign Language (DaF) courses.

How do I register for the Master thesis?
The? The application form for admission to the Master's thesis and for topic notification can be found on the website of the responsible examination office under "Multilingualism and Regionality".



Master's degree Multilingualism and Regionality (MA_MuR)

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Martina Rybova
Room VG 3.27
Phone +49-(0)941-943-3423
